Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2577: Half Emperor!

A generation of great emperors will naturally not give up their only son. It has only been seven thousand years and no one has any news. √How many people who enter Death Valley come out? It is conceivable that for thousands of years, Sword Emperor Qilian must have sent countless people into Death Valley, but no one has ever survived.

Now, Emperor Duobao appeared alive from Death Valley and brought back so many treasures!

If Li Ye is changed to Qilian Sword Emperor, he will definitely send someone to come!

Fubo was able to recognize the middle-aged man, and naturally many people also recognized it.

Just because they recognized it, many people had seen the broken gun and were moved. But he was unwilling to offend Sword Emperor Qilian for this!

After all, that was a generation of Sword Emperor! Not to mention ordinary people, even if it is Yu Ran Dao Zun, Bai Mei Dan Zun, who is backed by the emperor-level sect, he needs to weigh it.

For a broken **** soldier, but offending a great emperor, who is unwise.

"Sword Emperor Qilian, the news is pretty good."

"After all, he is his only son. It seems that even after seven thousand years, he still has not given up."

The Qilian Sword Emperor was not a great emperor on the side of Xizhou, but a generation of heroes in Dongzhou. Many people present did not expect that with Dongzhou so far apart, there would actually be people crossing Dongzhou and Zhongzhou Sanctuary coming to Xizhou.

"The soul-locking gun is rumored to be an emperor soldier. It was the Qilian Sword Emperor who went to Wushen Mountain for Qi Shaohuang to ask for it, but he didn't expect it to fall into Death Valley."

"I heard that after Qi Shaohuang got the soul-locking gun, almost no one can beat him. It's a pity that the hero was saddened by the beauty gate, and eventually fell in Death Valley. Even the soul-locking gun became what it is now. Look like."

Some people sigh, but what they want to know more is whether after Emperor Qi Shaohuang entered Death Valley, did he find the first beauty in Xizhou, Evian Lan, and what she gave birth to? His whereabouts are still unknown. It ended up like this.

Perhaps because of the awe-inspiring Qilian Sword Emperor, everyone dare not speak.

The middle-aged man also had a heart, and it fell slightly, with a smile on his face that was determined to win!

His master is still the Qilian Sword Emperor, and once he brings back this half of the soul-locking gun, it will be a great achievement!

"Emperor Duobao, this gun is from the Qilian Mountains, but my Qilian Mountain will naturally not bully others. I am willing to take back this thing with millions of sacred crystals! I hope Emperor Duobao can cut love!"

If it’s changed, the people who come out of Qilian Mountain will be so polite there?

Relying on the prestige of Emperor Qilian Sword Emperor, even the emperor-level sect would give a bit of face.

Furthermore, this soul-locking gun itself was the property of Shaohuang Qi back then, and it is only natural for the people of Qilian Mountain to take it back!

The million sacred crystals are just to give the Emperor Duobao or give a face to the Jubao Pavilion!

In his opinion, Emperor Duobao and Jubao Pavilion, as long as they understand the stakes in them, they will naturally be happy. Not only did he get a million Saint Crystals, he could even make friends with Qilian Mountain, killing two birds with one stone!

It's a pity that he has been in Dongzhou all year round and rarely appeared in Xizhou, so he obviously doesn't know much about Duobaohuang and Jubaoge.

Emperor Duobao just glanced at him coldly, without lifting his eyelids, his voice said coldly, "In exchange for Shoudan, the grade cannot be lower than the imperial grade."

Shoudan no less than the royal product!

Many people couldn't help but took a deep breath!

"The Emperor's Shoudan?"

Even Danzun Baimei couldn't help but his eyelids twitched a few times.

The rest of them looked at each other even more.

"This Duobaohuang, is it really the end of the day?"

"It's very possible that the emperor grade longevity pill is not an ordinary alchemist who has the ability to refine it, even if it is a pill, few have that kind of confidence!"

"The price is too high! If it is a complete soul-locking gun, it goes without saying. Not to mention the imperial life pill, even a higher-level life pill may be exchanged. But a broken lock The soul gun, God knows if there is still a possibility of repairing it, it’s a bit overwhelming to exchange it for a royal-grade life pill!"

Some people who were brave and wanted to take a fight suddenly gave up their thoughts.

The longevity pill itself is the most difficult to refining of all the pill medicines, and the elixir, immortal grass, is the most top-notch in terms of difficulty and need.

The key is that there are very few people who can refine Shou Dan!

Emperor Dubao closed his eyes no matter what other people thought. For him, what about Qilian Mountain? He took out the soul-locking gun, and he didn't expect that Qilian Mountain would not be disturbed.

However, he still took it out because he needed a life pill! And it's a pretty high-grade Shoudan!

For this reason, even if he offends the one on Qilian Mountain, he doesn't care!

"Shou Dan, although the old man does have some Shou Dan, it's a pity..."

A certain strong man shook his head slightly. Although Qilian Mountain is powerful, it is far away in Dongzhou. It can deter some people, but it is impossible to deter everyone. On the contrary, there are some terrifying powerhouses who are quite interested in the once terrifying soul lock gun.

Want to get a hand to see, but Duobaohuang's offer made many people sigh.

"It's a pity. Although it is a broken soul-locking gun, this gun is refined by Wushen Mountain, and is known as a close to the real emperor soldier. Back then, the Qilian Sword Emperor wanted to make Emperor Qi after that step. , Directly merged with the Soul Locking Spear Spirit, and established the emperor’s army from the beginning, but it was a pity."

A terrifying voice revealed a trace of pity, and he obviously wanted to take down this seemingly useless half-cut gun.

It's just this life pill, and it's also the emperor's life pill, there are really few people present.

"Emperor Duobao! I respect you from Qilian Mountain as a senior, so I give you a bit of face. Don't lose your sense!"

Seeing Emperor Duobao being so tough, the middle-aged man's face suddenly sank.

However, he has forgotten that this is not Dongzhou, nor is it Qilian Mountain!


A terrifying aura directly suppressed the middle-aged man, even if the strength of this man was at least as strong as that of the Peacock Emperor, but facing that aura, there was no resistance at all.

"Emperor Chu?!"

Everyone present was suddenly shocked, and there was an incredible flash of light!

What kind of realm would it be to directly suppress such a strong man?

"No! It's not the emperor, there is no aura of the emperor! It should be a half emperor!"

Half Emperor!

The expressions of Daozun Yuran and others changed again and again. Although they were only half-emperor, just a single word for emperor was enough to change everyone's perspective on the foundation of Jubao Pavilion!

"Qilian Mountains, when did the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou have the confidence to come to show their majesty? The Qilian Sword Emperor meant it?"

An old voice sounded abruptly, obviously it was the person who had just shot down.

And hearing that voice, Li Ye was shocked!

He is familiar with this voice!

Emperor Tian Yan!

It was Tianyan Emperor who shot down the Qilian Mountain powerhouse!

Do not!

It should be said that it is the half emperor of Tian Yan!

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