Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2578: Just ask for a pill

Half Emperor Tian Yan's voice was not loud, but it made the Qilian Mountain powerhouse's fart afraid to jump out.

Just kidding, Half Emperor!

Even if it's just a half emperor! That is also a little bit with the emperor, he didn't dare to resist, and he couldn't resist!

Unless it is his Qilian Mountain half-emperor who is here, he can only sit back to his original position obediently now, without saying a word.

As for the others, some were horrified, some were sharp in their eyes, and some were thoughtful.

The mystery of Jubao Pavilion, in fact, was the sudden rise of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou at the beginning. No one knows the origin. Even the hundreds of thousands of years of history of the Baili Mo School seems to have consciously given away a lot of territory to this mysterious force. .

Aside from other things, a half-emperor powerhouse suddenly appeared, enough for a group of people to weigh in their hearts.

"At Qiting in the Lower Qilian Mountains, I don't know which senior is here!"

Although he was suppressed, it was obvious that for the sake of the soul-locking gun, this person could not really be silent. After all, he bit his scalp and said loudly. At the same time, he accented the three words Qilianshan!

In other words, Qilian Mountain has a generation of sword emperors. Although it is far away in Dongzhou, it is also famous.

Now that he wants to get back their personal magic weapon that Shaohuang Qi had back then, it's not that it is a strong dragon that has crushed the ground snake because it is reasonable.

"You are not qualified to ask the old man's name! The rules of Tiandi Baozhai have not been broken for tens of thousands of years. Even if the Qilian Sword Emperor came in person today, he can only take treasures according to the rules of Tiandi Baozhai!"

There was a cold snort, and then the voice disappeared.

But Qi Ting's face was pale!

Although he is not a big deal in Qilian Mountain, but in the outside world, once it is learned that he came from Qilian Mountain, he will give a bit of face. It is the first time that he has suffered such a big loss. The key is that your Qilian Mountain is truly famous.

It can only be said that this is the first time Qi Ting has set foot in Xizhou. This is not Dongzhou. Even if the Qilian Mountains are such a terrifying force, few sects are afraid.

The key, Jubao Pavilion, is also an emperor-level force!

He was so angry that he could only swallow his stomach. The reason why he was so arrogant was because of the name of Qilian Mountain. Now that this greatest guarantee is gone, he has somewhat understood reality.

This is Xizhou! Not Dongzhou where Qilian Mountain is located!

Seeing that Qi Ting was suppressed, some people who had not dared to compete head-on with Qilian Mountain had thoughts at this time.

"Emperor Duobao, I have a bottle of life pill here. Although it is not an emperor, it is also a very precious life pill, which can increase the life of a king-level powerhouse!"

An old man said loudly, and then threw a bottle of pill.

Although Shoudan is hard to come by, but at their level, it is naturally a little bit.

"Holy life pill, life span of ten years at the Detestable King Realm! Even taking the second one can increase life expectancy by about five years!"

The old man was slightly proud of his game. Although that Shou Pill was useless to him, the reason why Baishou Palace was held in the sky by many sects in Xizhou was because Baishou Palace was best at refining the Shou Pills.

Sure enough, Bai Mei Danzun also nodded slightly, "This Dan is indeed a rare product in terms of color and luster!"

As the Danzun of Baishou Palace, Baimei Danzun's words are more credible than anything.

"Can the realm of the king increase life span by ten years?"

Someone showed envious eyes, and many people at the scene did not need this kind of life pill, but it didn't mean they didn't need it.

After all, everyone has relatives and friends, even descendants. No one can guarantee that the people around him will one day die because they cannot set foot on the emperor realm.

Even if it is ten years or a few years of improvement, that will also increase the life span!

"If this pill is a person of ordinary venerable cultivation, it can directly increase the life span of 50 years!"

The old man smiled slightly, and Bai Mei Danzun did not speak this time, but his expression made everyone understand that the old man did not lie.

"It's indeed a good product, for this level of Shoudan, Baishou Palace is a sky-high price!"

"Yes, Baishou Palace is famous for refining longevity pills. Although the longevity pills that can increase the life of the Emperor Wu are rarely born, other longevity pills are famous throughout Xizhou."

The old man looked smug, because he believed that unless Bai Mei Danzun of the Baishou Palace shot and competed with him, there were really few people present who had the ability to compare with him!

It was just beyond everyone's expectation that Emperor Duobao didn't even take a look and threw it back, "This pill is too bad!"

Too bad!

The two words fixed the old man's originally proud expression on his face.

"Emperor Duobao, the emperor's life pill can be met but not sought. I hope you will consider one or two."

In his opinion, the value of the Emperor Shoudan is immeasurable!

After all, that is the life pill that can increase the life of Emperor Wu!

Emperor Wu can live a long time by itself, but in the same way, the ordinary life pill has no effect at all for Emperor Wu! No matter how good the life pill, Emperor Wu would eat a fruit.

Unfortunately, Emperor Duobao closed his eyes.

The old man harvested a bottle of Shou Pill with a gloomy expression and chose to give up.

"Even that kind of Shoudan can't touch Duobaohuang's psychological bottom line?"

Someone showed a slight incomprehension.

"It can also be understood that Emperor Duobao has lived for tens of thousands of years, and he should have won the limit, but this kind of life pill has no effect on him."

"But even so, the life pill that can be useful to Emperor Wu is not easy to find. It is even comparable to some ordinary emperor soldiers!"

This is what everyone can't understand. Although the emperor grade longevity pill sounds like an emperor grade pill, you must know that the emperor Wu himself has escaped from the ordinary and became holy, and also produced great resistance to some immortal herbs.

Because of this, in the realm of Emperor Wu, some of the usual pills have almost lost their effect, especially the life pills.

"Let’s see if Qilian Mountain can emerge. With Qilian Mountain’s means, one or two emperor life pills can be found, but the distant water cannot save the nearby fire."

Sure enough, the face of the strong man from Qilian Mountain changed several times, and he still said, "Duo Baohuang, I Qilian Mountain is willing to exchange this half of the soul-locking gun with an emperor grade life pill!"

After he finished speaking, he was slightly embarrassed, "But for the time being, this Shoudan is not on my body, and I am willing to let people add the whip and send it over!"

send over?

Someone showed a weird expression. Will it be delivered when it arrives? Who knows?

After all, an imperial life pill is not a weed on the roadside.

Sure enough, Emperor Duobao ignored it.

Someone looked at Baimei Danzun. After all, there are so many people present now. Who can really get the imperial life Danzun is the only one who came from Baishou Palace!

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