Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2576: The relic of Shaohuang Qi?

The person who exclaimed just now was a middle-aged person.

Many people present are quite unfamiliar with it.

However, this person was obviously excited after seeing the broken magic weapon that Emperor Duobao pulled out.

He didn't wait for Emperor Duobao to speak, he just spoke!

"A million Saint Crystals!"


Everyone was in an uproar!

Millions of holy crystals? Are you crazy?

"Emperor Duobao, I am willing to buy this thing with a million holy crystals!"

However, this person's expression was calming down at this moment, and his expression of anger and prestige showed that he had been in a high position for a long time.

Moreover, there was a terrible aura on his body, even the many powerful people present, as strong as Dao Zun Yu Ran, the Peacock Emperor and others, were slightly shocked!

"This person is terrifying! At least he is also the pinnacle figure among the upper emperors, and even the pinnacle powerhouse close to the emperor's reserve."

In Shenshengzhou, the upper emperor is an absolute powerhouse, but above the upper emperor, there are naturally differences.

Just like the Qingyue emperor at the time, but the most common high emperor. However, Emperor Yinyue and Mo Wu are among the best!

However, even for them, there is still some distance from the true peak!

The true peak is naturally the emperor such as the Peacock Emperor and the Emperor Tianyan, which are either extremely ancient or closest to the peak of the Emperor Chu and the Emperor Dao!

Obviously, this middle-aged person is a master at this level. Moreover, it was closer to that realm than the Peacock Emperor and others.

The sudden change caught the rest of us by surprise.

Although they also saw that the thing in the hands of Emperor Duobao was indeed the wreckage of a terrifying divine weapon. After all, they are all damaged to this level, and they can still exude such an astonishing breath. One can imagine what level it will be when it is complete.

But even so, there are a million holy crystals in the mouth, which is too exaggerated.

"Where does this person come from?"

"Millions of Saint Crystals? Even some fifth-grade sects are not necessarily good enough, right?"

The fifth grade sect of Shenshengzhou is not comparable to the lower nine domains!

The five-rank sects that can establish sects in Shenshengzhou are at least of the level of Tiandaomen! Of course, there are some more ancient inheritances, even if there is no great emperor in charge, they can be called the fourth grade sect.

"It should be someone who came from outside Xizhou. Judging from its aura, it should have come from Zhongzhou Sanctuary."

There are old strong guesses slightly.

"Duo Baohuang! This thing, a million holy crystals are enough!"

This person speaks with a kind of domineering that can't be rejected, and it is the kind of self-confidence that is common to hear it!

Millions of sacred crystals, no one refuted!

Although they reached a certain level, the holy crystal was nothing more than a kind of spiritual stone for cultivating their disciples, but the million holy crystals were indeed amazing!

"An ordinary top-grade spirit stone vein may not be able to dig out one hundred thousand sacred crystals. Is it an ancient emperor inheritance behind this person?"

Some people couldn't help but show their doubts.

After all, unless it is of that kind of sect, ordinary people, and even the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, may have this kind of heritage in the Baili Mohist school.

In addition, although the strength of Jubao Pavilion and Killing Temple are not bad, the reserves of holy crystals are naturally far from enough!

Emperor Duobao didn't say a word, and he didn't show any changes in his expression because of the Million Saint Crystal.

At this moment, suddenly an old man frowned slightly.

"Soul lock gun?"

Just now because everyone's attention was attracted by the million holy crystals, this overlooked the most important point.

At this moment someone finally reflects!

"Soul lock gun? Is it that lock gun?"

Dao Zun Yu Ran couldn't help but exclaimed with some gaffe!

You know, in his capacity, there are very few things and things that can make him so gaffe. It is conceivable that hearing the three words of the soul lock gun has caused him so much!

And he exclaimed so suddenly, many of the older generation's strong faces changed! As for the middle-aged man, his face sank!

What he was most afraid of was that other people would react, and because of this, he would act decisively and stun everyone with a million sacred crystals in advance, wanting to win the damaged half sharp gun in one fell swoop.

It's just that his wishful thinking is obviously going to fail.

Yu Ran Daozun and others naturally thought of something!

A pair of eyes fell on the half-cut gun, and the more I looked at the face, the more moved!

"Soul lock gun! It really is a lock gun!"

"That terrible aura, like the soul of a monk, pierced the opponent's three souls and seven souls before the gun was released, and was known as the spear of the demon soldier! Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I saw it again in my lifetime. !"

As everyone reacted, the middle-aged man's face changed several times, as if hesitated.

Emperor Duobao also spoke at this time, "This thing is exchanged for a longevity pill."

Exchange with Shoudan?

Everyone was stunned, but those who are familiar with the rules of Duobaohuang and Tiandibaozhai also know that the holy crystals are not actually what Tiandibaozhai needs, and they exchange treasures for treasures!

"It's actually a Shoudan! Could it be that Emperor Duobao's end is coming?"

No one knows how long Emperor Dubao has lived, but he has been there for tens of thousands of years in memory. Emperor Wu was not truly immortal, so everyone speculated whether Duobao Emperor's life limit was still coming.

The middle-aged man's expression is ashen! He has no shortage of other treasures, but this life pill is something he cannot ask for.

His gaze bloomed with terrifying sharpness, many people wanted to speak, but after feeling his gaze, they couldn't help feeling cold.

"Damn, if this is really a soul-locking gun, not to mention..."

Someone's expression becomes weird.

And Li Ye actually felt a horror when he saw the half-cut gun in the hands of Emperor Duobao. You know, a magic weapon, even damaged to the point where it can hardly be repaired, can give off such a terrifying aura and killing intent!

"Uncle Fu, what is the origin of this soul-locking gun?"

Seeing everyone's reaction, Li Ye couldn't help but ask curiously.

Fu Bo's face changed, and he explained in a low voice, "Master, this soul-locking gun, if it is really the soul-locking gun, then this gun should be Shaohuang Qi's personal thing back then!"

Qi Shaohuang!

Li Ye finally understood why everyone's reaction was so weird.

Qi Shaohuang, the emperor of the generation seven thousand years ago! The only son of Emperor Qilian Sword! In the end, life and death are unknown because of the pursuit of Evian Blue to Death Valley.

Now, his personal magic weapon was taken out of Death Valley, and at first glance it was broken by terrible force. Smart people can imagine that the Qi Shaohuang of that year should have been horrible.

But this is not the point!

"That person?"

"Master, if the old slave is right, this person should be the person next to Sword Emperor Qilian. It seems that Sword Emperor Qilian also knows something, so he sent someone to come."

The people around Qilian Sword Emperor!

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