Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2575: Broken Guns

Duobaohuang has been famous for treasure hunting for many years, and the things he shot in his hands are obviously not ordinary products.

For the next few auction items, although Duobaohuang didn't explain in advance what they were, many people in the room competed to buy them at a huge price.

And they all smiled afterwards, because those treasures that didn't know the origin would at least not make them feel at a loss.

"This Duobaohuang is really well-deserved."

"Yes, I heard that the things he shot this time were all brought out by Emperor Duobao from Death Valley some time ago, and I don't know the true or false."

Death Valley!

Someone took a breath and said, "Death Valley? Impossible, isn't it? Isn't that a place known to be a terrible place where the emperor entered? Even though this emperor is powerful, it can't be compared with the emperor, right? ?"

"I don't know, but the golden sign of Emperor Duobao for tens of thousands of years should not be wrong. Since it is called Duobao, it is naturally associated with treasures. Perhaps this person has a unique set of skills."

There are divergent opinions about the origin of Emperor Duobao, and even why he can find so many treasures.

But no one has ever been able to explain, even if some of the strong people in Jubao Pavilion have a good relationship with Duobaohuang, this matter is very curious.

"Death Valley, tsk tsk, although that place is known as the most terrible place, there are no exits, countless years do not know how many heroes and heroes, the evil spirits want to go in and find out the truth, but the people who can really come out of it, Few!"

"No, the emperor Shinten at that time can be described as a generation of outstanding ghosts, known as the supreme genius who is expected to compete for the emperor's reserve and attack the emperor's way. In the end, he could not resist the temptation and went to Death Valley. Unfortunately, there is no more news. No one has seen him come out, and a generation of enchanting evildoers have fallen. It's a pity."

"What about the Emperor Xintian, he is only expected to attack the emperor reserve. Seven thousand years ago, as one of the emperor reserve, Evian Lan, known as the first beauty in Xizhou, how many powerful geniuses fell for it? There are countless pursuers, even Several great emperors were moved by it, saying that she was one of the people who had the most chance to become a female emperor in 10,000 years. Unfortunately, she also went to Death Valley, and since then, many people sighed secretly."

"Evian Blue!"

Many people can't help but sigh.

Once the first beauty in Xizhou, the position of the emperor! He is definitely an unparalleled figure of that era, even if he is a strong man in the world, he must avoid his edge!

However, it eventually fell into Death Valley.

"Speaking of which, Shaohuang Qi, who was originally known as the emperor and son, was so talented that he was even hailed by outsiders as a peerless evildoer who is expected to exceed his father Qilian Jiandi. He stepped into the position of God before he was a hundred years old. He was the closest to that era. One of the people of the Emperor Dao entered Death Valley in order to follow Evian's footsteps, and finally even alarmed Emperor Qilian to go personally! What a pity!"

"I heard that Sword Emperor Qilian stepped into Death Valley for half a year, and in the end someone saw him fleeing with severe injuries. They were silent about what they met in Death Valley, and even those who had a deep relationship with him could not inquire."

"No, the sword emperor Qilian is also the pain of losing a child. After all, Shaohuang Qi is more talented than the sword emperor Qilian, and he has half of the blood of the monster race. In the future, he will surely be able to reach the summit or even exceed the sword emperor Qilian, but he can't let go because of his children's affair. , And ended up in an unclear end."

Son of the Great Emperor! One of the Emperor Chu!

One of the few people closest to the imperial way seven thousand years ago!

With so much brilliance in his body, he is one of the most outstanding geniuses in the world. In front of such a person, even Mo Zihan, the number one person in Xizhou today, has a dim light that cannot be compared.

"The hero is sad for the Beauty Pass, that Evian Lanneng is known as the first beauty in Xizhou. He is naturally a stunner of the world. Qi Shaohuang is also one of its suitors. It was a pity that it was a pity that the Qilian Sword Emperor went to the Ice Wind Valley to ask for a kiss. It didn't take long for Evian Lan to go to Death Valley and then disappeared."

"Yes, Shaohuang Qi also heard the news that he went to Death Valley overnight to look for Evian Blue, but from then on, the two masterful geniuses who were most likely to step on the way of God at that time were so unclear."

Among the crowd, some of the older generation of powerhouses who had experienced the two superb coquettish enchanting evildoers of the year were all sighing.

It has never been experienced before, such as the younger generation, but it seems disapproving.

Ling Zixu's eyes are more shining, "Master, is Evian really beautiful and unparalleled?"

Speaking of which, Yu Ran Dao Zun is also a figure of the same era as Evian Lan, Qi Shaohuang. It's just that he didn't even have the qualifications to raise his head in front of those two people back then. Compared with Haoyue's light, he praised him.

It's a pity that things are impermanent. The once masterful evildoer doesn't know the life and death, but Yu Ran Dao Zun, who was only a small and famous at the time, is still a behemoth, whose name is Megatron Xizhou.

Hearing his disciple's question, Yuran Daozun also slightly reminisces, with a sigh on his face, "Even Lan is indeed a fairy in the world. He was also one of his admirers when he was a teacher. It is a pity that he was naturally unable to follow Qi. Compared to the young emperor, he can only look at it from a distance."

In the eyes of Ling Zixu, Yuran Dao Zun is the pinnacle figure, the upper emperor!

Actually, they could only take a look from a distance!

Let him involuntarily fantasize that Evian Lan, who was the first beauty in Xizhou back then, must be so earth-shattering that he can make a character like Yuran Daozun gradually become filthy.

The products produced by Death Valley are naturally treasures.

"I heard that this time the three innate treasures were also found in Death Valley!"

"Death Valley, for countless years, I don’t know how many lives of the strong have been swallowed. Not to mention the fairy grass elixir that has never been born, but the treasures of the magical soldiers left by the strong who have fallen for countless years are enough to make Any emperor-level sect is crazy about it!"

"The innate treasure, if it weren't in a place like Death Valley, it would have been found by those ancient families with terrible heritage. It seems that the rumors should be true."

By now, ordinary treasures are actually not what they care about.

They are more concerned, innate treasure!

But at this moment, Emperor Duobao took out something from the linen bag.

"Soul Locker!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed!

Sure enough, everyone took a closer look and found that Emperor Duobao had a strangely shaped weapon, but it was clear that his master should have encountered a terrible encounter before his life, and even the magic weapon had been broken! Only a small section remains.

However, such a small fragment of the magical soldier also exudes a terrifying edge! Even from the moment it appears, it makes people feel like death!

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