Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2555: Emperor Tian Yan!

As soon as he saw the old man, Li Ye's nerves tightened.

The old man didn't look back, but a terrifying coercion was coming!


Li Ye stepped out in one step, and instantly faced the difficulties a thousand times over!

The momentum of the two sides collided fiercely, but Li Ye couldn't hold on for almost a second. The whole person was hit and flew on the door behind him, and his mouth was sweet on the spot, and a trace of bright red flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, the old man didn't move on, which made Li Ye somewhat relieved.

Just the imposing collision caused him injury. How can this be achieved?

At least, the old man in front of Li Ye's eyes, with his back facing him, is definitely stronger than Emperor Yinyue and Mo Wu! Perhaps the only thing he has seen before is that the old man who killed the temple can compare with the old man in front of him!

What is the cultivation base of the domain always?

That is the pinnacle of Wu Huang! More terrifying than the ordinary upper emperor!

"Thank you seniors for being merciful."

Li Ye is not stupid. As soon as the other party came up, he tempted him directly without a word, and naturally did not have a murderous intent on him. Otherwise, he was really going to make a move just now, he definitely didn't have much chance.

Not to mention that he will die, but at least something must be exposed.

"Yes, yes, the old lady that the girl said at the beginning didn't believe it, but it was really interesting. No wonder you can win the King of Yum from the stage of life and death. You are the second one for thousands of years."

The old man's voice carried a hint of majesty, and also revealed a hint of appreciation.

Hearing what the other party said, Li Ye suddenly understood that this old man must have an intricate relationship with Yu Shan. But without losing the Peacock Emperor, this made him a little puzzled.

The old man turned directly, but there was an overwhelming invincible aura, and the pressed Li Ye almost couldn't stand steady.

However, Li Ye was born with that kind of stubborn temper, even if such a terrible strong man was in front of him, he would not give in and kneel!


Boom! Boom!

Stepping out three steps in succession, it was like entering the surrounding world, and even Li Ye himself did not expect that at this moment, he had a little more understanding of the heavenly step! As the inheritance technique of Heavenly Sage Sect back then, there is no saying that there is no real peak in the Heavenly Sect. Even the senior of the Heavenly Sage Sect who created the Heavenly Sect has never really practiced to the limit.

Today's Li Ye has almost integrated the Heavenly Step into himself, and he is completely natural. Even if he takes a step at will, he can borrow the great power of the world for himself! Even at the back, he is the great power of the world, and the great power of the world is him!

His step represents a step of heaven and earth!

Naturally, he is far from reaching that point now, but he is already moving in that direction.

After taking three steps, he finally managed to withstand the opponent's momentum, Li Ye's forehead was slightly sweaty, and in front of a pinnacle martial emperor, even a trace of luck was an arrogance.

"Oh? Can resist the old man's gaze, that girl's vision is pretty good."

At this moment, the old man had already turned around, He Tongyan was looking at Li Ye with an interesting look, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"I don't know that the seniors specially let people bring the younger seniors, what is the so-called?"

Against the terrifying gaze of the other party, Li Ye did not dare to take it lightly.

Although the terrible old man in front of him didn't seem hostile to him, he might not change his face. Many powerhouses are moody, and Li Ye can't take it lightly.

"Neither arrogant nor impetuous, yes, yes. That girl always has eyes higher than the top, and it is really good to see her. Although a little worse than Mo Zihan, but a little more spiritual than that kid."

The identity of the old man was already ready to be revealed, but Li Ye had been suppressed at this time, and it was hard to speak, his face paled slightly.


Even more terrifying coercion came instantly!

And Li Ye also suddenly bloomed in his eyes!

A low growl! Like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, like a real dragon going out to sea! Roar and roam for nine days!

At that moment, even the entire hall shook for a while, and it seemed that the sound of dragon roar could be heard in the entire Peacock King's Mansion.

Li Ye was shaken back more than a dozen steps, and his entire body was at the gate of the hall.

"Interesting boy, can do this in front of the old man, yes, yes, the old man feels that the girl has a good vision more and more."

Suddenly, the terrifying aura just disappeared instantly.

The old man looked like a grandfather in the secular world, kind and kind. But the ghost knew what Li Ye experienced just now! With just a few efforts, a genius from the outside world was sluggish on the ground at the moment, unable to get up for at least half a year.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Li Ye was not angry. He knew that this old man was testing himself, or rather, testing himself.

"The seniors are unpredictable and the juniors are not opponents."

A high hat was sent up, and the old man suddenly burst into laughter.

"Good boy, good boy, obviously flattering me, this old man, but holding himself in secret. Interesting, interesting!"

As the old man laughed, the original tense atmosphere disappeared.

"Little guy, do you know who the old man is?"

"The juniors don't know, please enlighten me from seniors."

Although there was some speculation in his mind, Li Ye didn't say anything.

But how can he keep the old man from being so careful? Suddenly I saw the old man laugh and curse, "Cunning boy, old man Tian Yan, I must have heard of it."

Emperor Tian Yan!

Sure enough, it was the Emperor of Heaven!

In fact, Yu Shan tricked him into here, and then saw the old man try to test him, he guessed something.

As a closed disciple of the Peacock King, Yu Shang brought him to meet another terrifying predecessor. The key is the Peacock King's Mansion. Besides the Emperor Tianyan, who is Yu Shang's grandfather and the best friend of the Peacock Emperor, who else is there?

"Junior Li Ye, I have met Senior Emperor Tianyan."

Li Ye naturally heard about the name of Emperor Tianyan.

As a well-known strong man in the sixteen countries of Xizhou, and a high-level member of the Jubao Pavilion, the name of Emperor Tianyan has been famous for thousands of years.

More importantly, Emperor Tianyan is an extremely strong man who has cultivated innate fire spirit! There are even rumors that Emperor Tian Yan once got a strange fire from heaven and earth in his childhood, thus starting his legendary life! From a nameless man, he was born in less than a hundred years, and there are few rivals.

It's just that no matter how the outside world guesses, the Emperor Tian Yan never talked about what opportunity he got back then. Even his descendants, no one knows.

Even his unique knowledge was not taught by his own son, and even his most beloved granddaughter was entrusted to his close friend, the Peacock King, for teaching. At one time, many people speculated whether the reason was related to the opportunity he had received.

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