Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2554: Special treatment

The stunning woman who came out was Yu Shang, the closed disciple of the Peacock Emperor.

When she came out and saw so many people, she was somewhat surprised, but when she saw Li Ye, there was obviously a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Sister Yu Shang! I haven't seen it for a long time."

Suddenly, a young man in the room was handsome, and when he saw Yu Shan, he hurriedly approached, his smile on his face was not deliberately flattering, he looked like a disciple of the Dazong Sect.

"you are?"

Seeing the other party, Yu Shan was also a little confused, with a trace of confusion on her pretty face.

"Senior Brother Yu Shang, I used to follow my family teacher to visit Senior Peacock Emperor 20 years ago."

The young man didn't feel dissatisfied because Yu Shang hadn't remembered him. Although there was a slight disappointment, he quickly covered it up.

"Oh, I have an impression. Do you want to see my master?"

"This time the Tiandibaozhai is opened, I naturally want to come to see it, but my master just retreats a few years ago, and asked me to come and pay a visit to Senior Peacock Emperor."

Is this a relationship?

It can be seen that this young man is not from a low background, and he is naturally a genius from a powerful sect, especially his handsome appearance, and he is naturally a man of the wind wherever he goes.

"Are you a disciple of Huang Tiandaozong?"

Many of the people present, most of whom have never seen Yu Shan, or that they have heard of the Peacock Emperor's favorite disciple, but they don't know who it is.

When I heard it now, their eyes lit up.

It's just that Yu Shan's apparent purpose is not for them.

After a few words, he quickly waved at Li Ye.


Speaking of it, Li Ye and Yu Shang were just one side fate before, and they were still rivals on the stage of life and death. Now seeing this little Nizi beckoning to herself, and seeing her dazed face, she gave a slight anger, suddenly she was a little baffling.

"It's you! Could this lady speak to the air."

"I don't know what Miss Yu Shang has to teach?"

As the closed disciple of the Peacock Emperor, Yu Shang's identity is naturally not comparable to ordinary people. Li Ye didn't want to offend her, but he wouldn't be able to please him. His tone was naturally lukewarm.

Compared with the enthusiasm of those people, Li Ye's reaction is naturally somewhat unique.

If it was normal, Yu Shan would naturally raise her eyebrows, but facing Li Ye, she couldn't get angry, but she was still slightly dissatisfied, and cried out for a fool.

"Didn't you come to see my master?"

"Yes indeed."

"That's all right, my master is waiting for you inside, come with me."


When a group of people around listened to it, it was worth it? Just now, the old butler of the Peacock Palace was so enthusiastic about this kid and they were a little jealous. Now even the closed disciples of the Peacock King came out to greet him personally. How sacred is this kid?

"Sister Yu Shang, who is this?"

The young man who took the initiative to engage in the relationship just stopped the two of them calmly, but with a smile on his face, he asked curiously.

Seeing Li Ye's gaze, he couldn't help showing a hint of arrogance, "In Xia Ling Zixu, the disciple of Huang Tian Dao Sect, the master is Yu Ran Dao Zun!"

Many people present were slightly moved when he heard him report his family.

"Huang Tian Daozong, that is an emperor-level sect!"

"Yu Ran Dao Sect? This Huang Tian Dao Sect has twelve Dao Sects. I heard that all of them are the superiors of the upper emperor. This person is actually one of the disciples. Interested."

Ling Zixu was slightly proud of listening to the whispers of people around him and the surprised look.

"Ling Zixu? Could it be that one of the three great masters of Huangtian Dao Zong? I didn't expect that he would come too!"

"Three Dadaozi, the three most powerful geniuses of Huang Tiandaozong! It seems that this time, many peerless evildoers in the Xizhou realm have been dispatched, and it should be for those three innate treasures!"

Being able to become one of the descendants of the emperor-level sect is naturally not something ordinary people can do.

This Lingzixu has his proud capital, and even when facing the closed disciple of the Peacock Emperor, he can even call his junior sister directly. After all, the two teachers are old friends.

However, Yu Shangke didn't appreciate it, "Li Ye, my master is waiting."

She didn't pay attention to Ling Zixu's intention at all, and pulled Li Ye directly past the crowd and left.

Ling Zixu was left alone, his face was blue and red!

Thinking of his status as one of the three great sons of Huangtian Dao Zong, Master is one of the twelve Dao Zun, the upper emperor, when was he so ignored when he went out?

It's just that he didn't dare to put the resentment on Yu Shang, instead, all the spearheads turned to Li Ye!

"Humph! Don't let me meet alone! Otherwise!"

As for the others, they became curious about Li Ye's origins.

"The young man could actually meet the Peacock Emperor directly, I don't know where it came from."

"Look at the attitude of the Peacock Emperor's closed disciples towards him, maybe it is a nephew of the Peacock Emperor."

Today, most of the people who came to the Peacock Emperor's side were some powerful geniuses outside of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, and only a few people were native monks of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou.

Seeing those outsiders curiously guessing, they all sneered in their hearts.

Lee Ye? Peacock Emperor's nephew? Naturally, they would not explain to them. After all, so many people came from the outside world this time. As the native monks of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, they were more or less resistant.

On the other side, Li Ye followed Yu Shang all the way into the Peacock Prince's Mansion, but gradually, he felt something wrong.

No matter how big the Peacock Palace is, it is impossible for it to have no end.

"Wait, Senior Peacock Emperor is really in front?"

In front of him, there was a large hall, which looked extremely magnificent, but Li Ye always felt that there was some incompatibility that could not be said.

"Of course, my master is waiting for you inside, why? You won't go in?"

Yu Shan's eyes flickered slightly, but he was not noticed by Li Ye. He could only say that as the closed disciple of the Peacock Emperor, he would instinctively not actively doubt her.

With doubts, Li Ye opened the door and entered.

However, as soon as I stepped in, the door behind suddenly closed with a bang!

At this moment, no matter how stupid Li Ye was, he knew he was cheated!

It's just that since he got here, he didn't panic.

At least he could see that Yu Shan was not hostile to him too much. As for why he tricked him here, he believed he would know soon.

Sure enough, the lights in the entire hall were lit up.

The whole hall was empty, but there was an old man with his back facing him.

Just a figure from the back is like a vast mountain and river rushing towards your face, the invincible aura that is obviously not terrible but makes people feel a little breathless, and people can't help but be shocked.

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