Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2556: Attractive conditions

Emperor Tianyan, one of the few people who stood at the top of the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. ★

At this moment, there is no pretension, except for the first two trials of Li Ye entering the door. At this moment, he is like a kind old grandfather next door, kind and purposeful.

The ghost knew that Li Ye had just prepared desperately for the terrifying peak powerhouse in front of him.

"Little guy relax, don't be so nervous, the old man came to you today without any malice."

At this point, Li Ye believed that the Emperor Tian Yan was really going to be disadvantageous to him. It was not such a simple temptation just now. Perhaps the entire hall or even the entire Peacock Palace would be broken into ruins.

"I don't know why seniors are looking for juniors, why?"

Ren Li Ye approached the demon witty, but still couldn't guess why the Emperor Tianyan came to him.

Speaking of it, it was the first time the two met. Li Ye had heard of Emperor Tianyan's name before, but obviously, there was no intersection between them.

and many more!

If you really want to say yes, then the only thing is...

"Haha, you little guy, it looks like you guessed a few points, right?"

Seeing Li Ye's expression change, Tian Yan Huang laughed, full of breath. When he reaches his state, he will not reach the end of life and decline if he lives for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

Although the Emperor Tianyan has been famous for a long time, at least there has not been any limit to his lifespan. From the full of breath in his voice and the exuberant vitality from his body, it can be seen that for at least two to three thousand years, there will not be too much. The problem.

Not to mention that Emperor Wu can really be eternal, but when he reaches the realm of Emperor Wu, living for more than 10,000 years is a trivial matter.

"What the seniors said, the juniors don't understand."

Li Ye pretended to be silly.

"Haha, sly little guy. In that case, the old man will be straightforward. To be honest, the old man came to you today because of your life and death a few days ago!"

"Life and death stage?"

Li Ye frowned, and speaking of it, his victory over the King of Yum on the stage of life and death really caused a sensation in the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. After all, it is the second person who is truly successful in the past thousand years, and it is normal to receive attention from the outside world.

The Life and Death Terrace was established at the time when the Jubao Pavilion was established. As one of the big brothers in the Jubao Pavilion, the Emperor Tianyan will pay attention to this matter, and that is also a matter of his own.

"Although I heard the whole story from the Peacock, the old man came today. In fact, one of the things came for the original Peacock’s suggestion. I think you should not be a descendant of any disciple of any school. The old man is right. ?"

Sure enough, those who can get off the stage of life and death are the top evildoers in the world, and no school will be foolishly ignored. Not even Jubaoge! Even Jubao Pavilion is not those ancient families, with ancient background and heritage, they need to absorb all kinds of fresh blood.

And Li Ye's current evildoer is what they most appreciate and urgently need.

"Don't hide from the seniors, the juniors have learned from them."

"You already have a teacher?" The Emperor Tian Yan was not surprised, he laughed, "You don't need to worry about this. Come to my Jubao Pavilion. We don't ask any of you to leave your original teacher. Of course, if you are willing to change We are also very welcome to join any strong man in Jubao Pavilion."

These words are very confident. After all, Jubao Pavilion in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou is an emperor-level force, one of the Big Three! He has also mastered almost 70% of the commercial monopoly position of the sixteen countries in Xizhou. In terms of strength, it is not low, and it is one of the three giants in terms of wealth!

The only drawback is that it is not as cohesive as the Killing Temple and the Baili Mo Family.

But this is also an advantage that Jubao Pavilion attracts those strong and geniuses to join, without too strong binding force!

After listening to Emperor Tian Yan's explanation, Li Ye was naturally slightly moved.

He joined the Jubao Pavilion, just as an additional disciple of the Jubao Pavilion, and will not affect any of his previous teacher-student relationship. Even after changing anyone, there will be no hesitation!

How about having a teacher? Unless you can overcome such an emperor-level force like Jubao Pavilion, it is not a particularly angry thing for people to go to higher places and the water to flow to lower places.

No one will make irresponsible remarks unless it is to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor.

"How? Jubao Pavilion doesn't have much binding force. On the contrary, if you join, the advantages for you outweigh the disadvantages!"

I have to say that Tian Yan Huang is a good lobbyist, and it has grasped the key point.

Some words made Li Ye really shaken.

"This, seniors, juniors still need to think about it."

"No hurry, this matter is indeed not a trivial matter, but the old man can wait for your good news. Moreover, Peacock also appreciates you. There is no difficulty in having him and the old man recommend you."

Of course, Li Ye definitely knew that Jubao Pavilion could not offer such attractive conditions to any genius.

It can even be said that there is no binding force. The only explanation is that he is the second person to win the King of Yum in a thousand years! With this in mind, Jubaoge paid such a price to recruit him, and it made sense.

"Senior said just now, there are two things about looking for juniors today?"

The first one was to recruit him into the Jubao Pavilion. To be honest, Li Ye was already half-hearted.

But what is the second thing?

What can make a peak power such as Tianyan Emperor come to him in secret?

From the face of Emperor Tian Yan, Li Ye saw a weird smile that made his heart go up and down.

"Senior, you?"

"Haha, your kid seems to be impatient too, but it suits the old man's appetite! Much better than the chronic one of Peacock! In fact, this matter is also a good thing for you!"

The Emperor Tian Yan just wanted to speak when he was suddenly interrupted by a voice.


I don't know when, Yu Shan came out, with a hint of shyness on Qiao's face, as if she did not dare to look at Li Ye, and gave the Emperor Tian Yan a fierce and charming look.

"You girl, why? Are you too shy?"

"Grandpa! Believe it or not, go on talking nonsense, I'll remove your beard?!"

This threat took effect immediately, Tian Yanhuang's old face turned pale, and he subconsciously reached out and covered his white beard. It looked like he knew that his granddaughter had committed crimes.

"Girl, grandpa is helping you!"

"Who wants you to help! I can decide my own affairs!"

"Yes, you are the master, you are the master."

Li Ye was thoughtful on one side, and his gaze happened to meet Yu Shang's eyes when she was looking over. She immediately made her pretty face red again, but she quickly hummed, "Li Ye! You won last time on the stage of life and death. I am! But I was not ready that time, next time, I will definitely beat you!"

For this?

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