Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2553: First come first

In the Peacock Palace, an old man suddenly appeared after hearing the news. ★

From the terrifying divine light, it can be seen that this old man is a martial emperor, even if he has reduced his aura, it is still impossible to hide the incomparably powerful force of the emperor.

As a mansion of the King Peacock in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, everyone who can come here is not only the famous powerhouses of the sixteen countries of Xizhou, some heirs of ancient inheritance and even the princes and the like of the kingdom of Dajiang.

normal person? Even if the Peacock King is rumored to be approachable, it is not something ordinary people can see at any time.

At this time, a young man suddenly came to the Peacock King's Mansion, and even named him by name to see the Peacock King, which instantly attracted the attention of many people.

You know, even if some proud geniuses came here, they were all cautiously and tremblingly in advance. It was not easy to see the Peacock King.

"Who is this kid? How dare it is?"

Some people can't help but have questions, Peacock King! That's the Peacock King! The entire sixteen countries in Xizhou are all top players on the list!

A superior emperor can definitely dominate one party! Not to mention that the Peacock Emperor has a reputation of being approachable and cherishing talents, and it has attracted countless people as the object of admiration.

"Yeah, this kid simply doesn't know that the sky is so high and the earth is thick. He came to the Peacock Palace with such a high profile and asked to see the Peacock Emperor? Who does he think he is?"

"Anyone who can sword the Peacock Emperor is at least a powerful person in the world, or he is a disciple of some ancient inheritance. No matter how bad he is, he must be the kind of super monster who has made a great reputation. Ordinary people are qualified to meet the Peacock Emperor? I see this. Boy, it's unlucky!"

"Yes, although the Peacock King has always been approachable, it is not something that a junior can see if he breaks into the door so rudely. It is estimated that someone in the Peacock King's mansion must throw him out.

Recently, because of the opening of Tiandibaozhai, not only the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, but also many powerful geniuses from afar have gathered here.

As a well-known high-ranking emperor in the sixteen countries of Xizhou, the Peacock Emperor is naturally the object of many people's worship.

The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the earth-headed snake, unless it is the kind of sect that is truly against the sky, or even some messengers of the emperor-level forces, come here, at least come here to visit, and it can be regarded as giving a friendly message.

At this time, in the Peacock King's Mansion, there are many people who want to see the Peacock King.

Among them, the breath is terrifying, and a look can make people feel heartbroken. Some people were surrounded by divine light, and they were clearly an extremely terrifying Martial Emperor.

There are also some young people, both male and female, with arrogance on their faces. At first glance, they are the super geniuses from all over the world. Someone showed their sharp edge and was extremely public. There are also people who are calm and low-key, but from time to time there is a terrifying edge in their eyes.

These people all came to see the Emperor Peacock, but they were all waiting outside now.

The arrival of Li Ye naturally caused the eyes of this group of people to bloom with terrible light, and several of the young people showed a touch of contempt and coldness in their eyes.

"Who is this person?"

"Li Ye? I haven't heard of this name. Maybe it's just an arrogant casual cultivator. I think he came from afar after hearing the reputation of the Peacock Emperor's love. It's not the first time I have met in these years."

A strong man who had come to worship the Peacock Emperor before gave a cold smile.

What only surprised them was that the old man in the Peacock King's Mansion left them directly after hearing the news, and greeted the young man directly.

This scene caused many of them to shrink their pupils slightly!

They don't know who the old man is!

But before, there was an arrogant and unruly genius who wanted to cross the old man and enter the Peacock Palace, but he was caught by the old man and threw it out!

one move!

It was unfortunate that day, but it also made the rest of the people secretly surprised!

The cultivation base of the old man is not far from the upper emperor! Such a powerful person is actually just an old butler in the Peacock King's Mansion?

"It turned out to be Li Gongzi."

Different from facing other people, the old man in the Peacock Palace saw Li Ye, but changed his cold expression, showed a smile, and his attitude was much more cordial.

Let the other people present look at each other.

"What's the background of this kid? The Peacock Palace actually gives such a high treatment?"

"Is it a certain nephew of the Peacock Emperor?"

In their view, the Peacock Emperor, a powerful person in a high position, is very difficult to meet even if he is approachable. Among them, there are some strong geniuses who have become famous in Xizhou. They have to wait. Now a young boy suddenly appeared, who actually seems to have such a close relationship with the people of the Peacock Emperor?

Not to mention that they are strange, Li Ye himself was a little surprised.

I came to the Peacock King's Mansion today, but I just wanted to try if I could enter the Tiandi Baozhai in advance through the Peacock King. After all, the strong man in Jubao Pavilion he knew was the Peacock Emperor alone.

Coupled with the demeanor of the Peacock Emperor at the time, Li Ye felt that this senior was worthy of friendship.

"Senior, if you want to see Senior Peacock King, please tell Senior."

Li Ye naturally saw many people in the Peacock Palace. And many of them were strange faces, but he didn't care, not to mention the entire Xizhou, even in these sixteen countries, he didn't know many people.

But he doesn't care, the people present are different.

"Young Master Li, wait a minute, the old slave will go to inform his master."

The old man didn't say how indifferent to the people who came to the Peacock Palace, but he was definitely not so enthusiastic. Now that he said this, some people were suddenly dissatisfied.

"Does the Peacock King's Mansion treat guests like this? There is always one who comes first and then arrives? This kid will come at the latest, so why can he be the first to meet the Peacock King?"

The one who spoke was a burly man with a voice like Hong Zhong, with a terrible breath exuding all over his body!

The middle emperor!

When he said that, although the others did not speak, their eyes all revealed the same meaning.

It's a pity that the old man didn't pay attention to them either, turned around and left.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, they did not dare to make trouble in the Peacock King's Mansion, but the dissatisfaction in the heart of this dare not make trouble would naturally be vented!

"Boy! Are you from that school? Do you know any rules? With so many seniors in front of you, I don't even know how to greet you! It seems that your parents didn't teach you very well!"

The big man's face was fierce, and when he spoke, several people sneered.

At this moment, a woman walked out of the mansion. She was beautiful and charming. When she appeared, the eyes of several young people in the room brightened, revealing a hint of admiration.


I recommend the author of "Dragon's Blood Boiling", if the new book "Eternal Crazy God" by the Great God of Peace is serialized, the blood is still hot!

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