Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2550: Thousand emperor border

What's your chance of winning?

Mo Zihan did not answer, but Emperor Duanmu smiled instantly when he saw his disciple's expression. No one knows his own disciple better than him, and his previous worries are gradually eliminated.

However, although he was very relieved of his disciple, Emperor Duanmu still exhorted, "The Thousand Emperors Realm is about to open. This is your opportunity, and also an opportunity to be a teacher for so many years. Don't miss this huge event because of some small things. Chance."

Thousand Emperors Realm!

Hearing this, Mo Zihan's closed eyes suddenly bloomed! The terrifying edge almost penetrated the entire sea of ​​clouds, even Duanmu Emperor, an invincible generation who stood at the top, felt a slight suffocation.

But the better his disciple is, he is also happy!

After all, he regretted that he hadn't finished that year and wanted to make his disciple complete.

"Master, rest assured, the disciples understand which is more important."

The sharpness of that moment just now disappeared quickly, and Mo Zihan closed his eyes again.

Although the world admires him as the first person in the young generation of the Sixteen Nations in Xizhou, they still think that someone can challenge his position.

The Tianshan Snow in Piaoxue Mountain Villa, Tiandaomen's Tyrant Sword, and the disciple Huolongzi of the Earth Martian Emperor are all terrifying enchanting geniuses.

Even the closed disciples of the Peacock Emperor are now emerging.

On the contrary, Mo Zihan has been extremely low-key these years, rarely making moves, and gradually, some people are already questioning his identity as the first person. However, he never took it to heart, because he was Mo Zihan!

"You have always had your own opinions, and you are not worried about you as a teacher. If it is not because the teacher is too old and unable to enter, you also want to give the teacher a final fight. But you are different, you should not focus on this little one now. The sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou, but to look out, this time in the Thousand Emperors Realm, not only the descendants of the powerful people from the surrounding big frontiers, but also people from far away."

You can see from Duanmuhuang's face that his look is more solemn.

In the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou, he almost stood at the pinnacle, even if he really faced the three great emperors, he actually had a bit of confidence.

But this time the Thousand Emperors Realm opened, and they couldn't completely monopolize the Sixteen Kingdoms of the West Continent. By then, there would be many terrifying powerhouses and peerless evildoers from all over the world.

"Master, the disciple understands."

After all, Mo Zihan is Mo Zihan. His low-key performance in these years has only been in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. In fact, few people know that in these ten years, he has already traveled outside the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. Naturally, he understands how vast the world outside is, and there are also many powerful enemies he faces.

But now, he is looking forward to it. Three months later, Wu Daoya, I don't know why, he is quite looking forward to this battle.

"Thousand Emperor Realm?"

Killing the rudder of the temple is still that small village.

Here, even if it is killing some of the top powerhouses in the temple, they are not necessarily qualified to enter and exit. But Li Ye is different, he can go in and out here anytime. Of course, no one would have thought that the entrance to the main rudder of the Temple of Killing would actually be in the most common brothel in the secular world.

"Yes, the Thousand Emperors Realm. Actually, this is not a secret. The slightly older inheritance knows this, but every time this Thousand Emperors is opened, it is erratic. This time it should be within the past two years. "

To say who had the deepest influence on Li Ye's cultivation at the beginning, Mo Wu was definitely not the most prominent instructor, but he seemed to be a teacher and friend, and he had never put an air in front of Li Ye.

"According to ancient times, the Thousand Emperors Realm was the Primordial Primordial Era. It used to be an ancient battlefield. Of course, no one can trace back to what was born in that era, but it is said that for countless thousands of years, it is said that some great emperors The person will go to the Thousand Emperors Realm before the end is approaching and wait quietly for sitting."

That is a tomb! Li Ye moved slightly.

The so-called Thousand Emperors Realm is actually a world of peerless powerhouses, at least the world after the death of the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm.

From the Primordial Primordial Era to the present, no one can say clearly how long it has passed. At least no one can live for that long. Even if one is completely sealed in dust, it can't offset the cycle of life and death.

"There, really is the tomb of the emperor?"

"According to ancient times, it is true. Even in the history of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, there were at least four great emperors. According to legend, they all went to the Thousand Emperors Realm before they finally died."

Mo Wu nodded. There are actually many versions of legends about the Thousand Emperors Realm, but the only one of them is the same. There is a huge opportunity that outsiders can't imagine!

In fact, it is understandable that for countless thousands of years, no matter how many emperors have died in it, the wealth left behind is also amazing!

All kinds of imperial weapons, all kinds of martial arts emperor scriptures, even the elixir elixir that is hard to see outside, and even the immortal herbs and grasses are enough to make people thrill.

And the origin of the Thousand Emperors Realm is what later generations call that piece of the world. Thousand Emperors, Thousand Emperors, one can imagine how many invincible generations like the Great Emperor have fallen in it.

"I think, this Thousand Emperors Realm, shouldn't everyone be able to enter?"

In fact, Li Ye has experienced a lot of similar secrets and historic sites, and he naturally understands that whenever such a place with great opportunity is opened, it will inevitably attract a **** wind, when the strong will naturally enter, the weak can only stare.

Mo Wu nodded slightly, showing a hint of admiration, and said: "It is true, the Thousand Emperors Realm, the closest time it was opened since the record, was a thousand years ago. At that time, it was not only the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, but also the surrounding areas. There are also people coming from Dajiang, as well as southern Xinjiang, and even strong people from the East Continent."

Just how big Shen Shengzhou is, let alone Li Ye didn't know, even Mo Wu, who was a high-ranking emperor, couldn't make it clear to Emperor Yinyue and others.

But one thing is certain. For hundreds of thousands of years, human monks have existed, and they can be roughly divided into five areas.

Xizhou, Dongzhou, Southern Xinjiang, Zhongzhou Sanctuary, Northern Wilderness Polar Region!

Now he is in Xizhou, and the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou is not the most powerful place in Xizhou, but a small part of it.

Only by understanding these can you feel how small you are!

Compared with the Lower Nine Territories, the Shenshengzhou in the Upper Three Realms is so vast that ordinary mortals, even if they spend a lifetime, can't reach the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou from Xizhou, let alone travel to Dongzhou but other places.

Even if it is a monk, in this Shen Shengzhou, unless it is the Emperor Wu, he can walk tens of thousands of miles a day in the air. Ordinary monks, who want to go to distant places, need to pass through the teleportation array, and the teleportation array is often only ancient and powerful forces. Have.

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