Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2549: Pinnacle war

Very few people know about the events of the year.

Lao Yu is one of them. Looking at the Duanmu Emperor, who has undergone a lot of vicissitudes now, he can still remember the vigorous look of the first time he saw Emperor Duanmu.

After a thousand years, the once peerless Tianjiao has now lost its ambitions.

"I leave Mo Zihan to you, just hope that you can pass on your unique knowledge without burying it. It's not about letting your shadow from the past affect the next generation."

These words made Duanmuhuang fall into silence for a long time.

He was even more dazzling than Mo Zihan today!

In his time, even though some people would have a kind of sorrow that was born of Yu He Shengliang, under his light, any genius would tremble for it, and he would never be able to cross his mountain.

Back then, he was hailed as a man who might rewrite the history of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou, and he would become the fourth person to achieve the emperor's way, the invincible pinnacle of the past!

But in the end, he didn't do it!

Because he met someone!

Precisely because of that person, even after a thousand years, he still has no breakthrough in his realm. He has always stopped beyond that threshold.

A thousand years in a flash! I don’t know if it’s the reincarnation of fate, or a joke made by God!

Emperor Duanmu, some can't sit still!

"Duanmu ah Duanmu, some things cannot be changed by you or me. Since God decided to do so, no human power can restore it. Moreover, this child, Zihan, compared to you, although there are still shortcomings, is more than you. A calmness and generosity. What you couldn't do back then may not be impossible."

Hearing Yu Lao's evaluation, Duanmuhuang fell into silence.

No one knows whether he finally got what he wanted from Yu Lao, but his departure was just like his appearance, no one could notice.

But after a long time, Yu Lao let out a long sigh.

"Follow the world. You met that person a thousand years ago, and now your disciples have met someone from that place."

Shaking his head slightly, although Mr. Yu has nothing to do with the world, he has more mysterious channels than the Big Three for many things, including the specific origins of the mysterious young man Li Ye. No one can inquire about it, but he knows!

It was because of knowing that he sighed that helplessly.

It's just that no one would have thought that what Lao Yu said at the beginning would have caused such a huge impact on the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou!

"Except for Mo Zihan! Actually, there are people who have the hope of becoming the emperor?"

If these words were heard from any strong man, it would be impossible to cause such a sensation!

Because this is a surprise from Yu! This old population, known as the emperor, instantly moved the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou.

Become an emperor! It means that there is hope to hit the imperial realm in the future! Prove the emperor's way!

Why do the Big Three control the entire sixteen countries in Xizhou? Just because each has the invincible peak of the Great Emperor!

"No wonder Mo Zihan wants to take the initiative to invite that person. If both of them really hope to become the emperor, even if they don't fight now, there will be a fierce confrontation in the future!"

"The road to the emperor's way is full of dry bones! Even if you become an emperor, it is extremely difficult to truly attain the emperor's way!"

"Mo Zihan, this is the battle for the imperial reserve ahead of time. Once he wins this battle, he will have a huge psychological advantage! On the contrary, the loser will easily have a demon. Suppression, let alone fighting again in the future, and even decline since then is a common occurrence."

Outside, everyone looked at it after three months, Wu Daoya!

Speaking of this Cliff of Enlightenment, it is also famous in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou.

The rumor is that the great emperor Hengtian, who is known to be the one who chased the gods, has realized the place where he became emperor. Although this legend is now impossible to verify, many people still believe that the once Emperor Hengtian comprehended the emperor's way at Wudao Cliff and finally embarked on the road of invincibility.

Over the years, countless enchanting geniuses have traveled to the Cliff of Enlightenment, wanting to follow the footsteps of the Great Emperor Hengtian, even if they only comprehend the little will left in it, it is enough to make people benefit a lot.

And indeed, for countless years, some people have gained some epiphany from it, and after returning, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and even more people have found the peerless sacred soldier left behind by Emperor Hengtian!

"It's actually at Enlightenment Cliff!"

"Mo Zihan chose to be there because he wanted to imitate the great Emperor Hengtian and completely establish his throne as the first person with this battle! As long as he wins this battle, there will be no one in this sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou. You can compete with him! The future emperor will be him!"

Some people couldn't help but feel moved when they heard that it was Wudaoya.

"It's just that this battle really went so smoothly? Mo Zihan is indeed terrifying. Since his debut, he has not been defeated. But I heard that his opponent has retired from the ecological point of the second in a thousand years, and finally won the Yum The mysterious genius of the title of King! Among them, he defeated the tyrants such as Tyrant Blade, Fairy Yu Shang, and Fire Dragon."

"This battle is definitely the peak battle in a thousand years!"

Everyone is looking forward to this battle.

As the party concerned, Li Ye would naturally not refuse to fight.

Soon, someone revealed that the young man who won the title of King of Yum will appear on the Cliff of Wudao on time! In a peak decisive battle with Mo Zihan.

In a palace in the clouds, a young man turned into a fossil. He sat cross-legged on a cliff facing the sea of ​​clouds for a long time. There was no movement for days and nights.

Suddenly, a sigh came from behind.

"Your Hidden Dragon Cloud Realm has the last stage left. Why don't you wait for the breakthrough before choosing to shoot?"

A stalwart body walked out of the sea of ​​clouds. It was the former imperial prince, Duanmu Emperor, the most apex of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou!

It can be seen from his face that he is quite satisfied with his disciple, but now he is somewhat hesitant.

"Master, if I do not take action in this battle, there will be a demon in my heart, and it will not be of any benefit to my future cultivation. On the contrary, if I can defeat him in this battle, it may be more helpful for me to break through this final layer."

Mo Zihan! After leaving the Baili Mo family, he has been apprentice to the emperor Duanmu.

Unlike those ancient inheritances, Emperor Duanmu had only one disciple, and that was Mo Zihan! Almost all his attention was devoted to his disciple.

The only thing he wants to see is that his disciple can become more capable of doing what he could not do back then.

"What is your chance of winning this battle?"

Emperor Duanmu knew the temperament of his disciple best, and knew that persuasion was useless, so he could only ask.

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