Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2551: Directly impact the upper emperor? !

Knowing all this, Li Ye realized that even if he came to Shenshengzhou in the Upper Three Realms, it was still a long way from finding his parents.

At least, now he is only within the scope of Xizhou, and the Ye Family, according to Emperor Tianjian, is located in the area of ​​Dongzhou!

He must at least pass through Xizhou and pass through the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou before he can reach Dongzhou and find the Ye family!

"Uncle Wu, how long will it take if I want to go to Dongzhou?"

"Dongzhou? What are you going to do in Dongzhou?"

Mo Wu was a little surprised. He didn't know Li Ye's life experience. It was only because of the order to kill the temple master that he took care of Li Ye. But the doubts turned to doubts, he still said, "If you don't use the teleportation circle, even with your fifth uncle and my cultivation base, it will not be possible to reach Dongzhou within a century."


And Mo Wu is the upper emperor! It can almost tear the void shuttle of the Upper Three Realms, it can be thousands of miles in a day!

Li Ye couldn't help being speechless, obviously, it was unrealistic to go directly.

"What about the teleportation circle?"

"The teleportation circle can be faster, but without any sect, at least in the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou, no one can build a heaven-defying teleportation circle that can be directly teleported to Dongzhou. We kill the temple but there is an ancient teleportation. Daotai can go to Zhongzhou Sanctuary, but it will cost a lot to open it once. Unless it is a special situation, it will not open normally."

Killing the temple is an emperor-level force! Even in Shenshengzhou, it definitely belongs to a powerful sect. Can't even kill the temple, obviously how difficult is it?

"Actually, according to legend, the Baili Mo family had an ancient downfall left by the ancient kingdom of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It can be teleported to any other place in Shenshengzhou. However, it is impossible for the Baili Mo family to open it once. Today's family will be greatly injured."

After writing down these things silently, Li Ye knew that to find his parents, it was not just his cultivation level that had to be promoted. At that time, it was obvious that he would need to pass through the Zhongzhou Sanctuary before he could go to Dongzhou Ye's house again.

Suddenly he sounded, isn't the letter his cheap father left him for him to go to Zhongzhou Sanctuary to find him? It's just that he understood that the Ye family was obviously not in Zhongzhou Sanctuary, but in Dongzhou.

What happened to it? This is not all he can know.

"Zhongzhou Sanctuary, after all, I have to go there, no matter what, when things are over here, I will go there."

Seeing Li Ye's thoughts, Mo Wu couldn't help but persuade, "My nephew, the most important thing for you now is to break through the emperor realm as soon as possible. With your qualifications, the emperor may be a little more dangerous than ordinary people, but once you save it However, you can directly cross the lower emperor and directly become the middle emperor. With the resources to kill the temple, within fifty years, you will be able to overtake your fifth uncle and Yinyue, attack the emperor’s reserve in the future, and become the emperor’s way. Not impossible."

In Mo Wu's view, although it is not clear why the master of the Killing Temple valued Li Ye, their lives were almost bestowed by the master of the Killing Temple. They were naturally loyal, so they treated Li Ye as an elder uncle. It is the words of the heart and soul.

"Uncle Wu, I understand, but my goal is not just to hit the middle emperor."

However, Li Ye also shook his head and smiled, making Mo Wu suddenly startled.

More than just hitting the central emperor? Not to mention!

Go straight to the sky in one step! Impact the upper emperor! Go straight through the emperor's robbery and reach the peak of Wuhuang!

Although it sounds crazy, there are people who have succeeded in history! Even if there are very few, but any successful person is the kind of horrible and invincible generation who dominates an era!

Although he had long seen that Li Ye was a young man with a low-key and humble appearance, he was quite arrogant and ambitious in his bones. But he didn't expect Li Ye's ambition to be far beyond his expectations.

Originally, he was subconsciously prepared to persuade young people not to be too far-sighted and eager for success. In history, how many geniuses who were originally born out of the sky and were hailed as the most enchanting evildoer, because they were too eager to achieve success, ended up in a dead end?

It is not that he has never seen some so-called geniuses for so many years, because he is too blind and arrogant, and ultimately ruined himself.

But Li Ye was different. He hesitated, but still did not export.

Emperor Yinyue had already told them that Li Ye had escaped from the hands of the great emperor, a young man who could escape from the hands of the great emperor and other terrible enemies, could no longer be measured by common sense.

In his impression, who appeared in history, those invincible evildoers who finally reached the pinnacle of martial arts, didn't they have walked out of a path that others couldn't do?

Breaking directly from the emperor to the emperor, it sounds crazy, but someone has succeeded!

"Well, if you can get to this point, naturally you also know how to measure. Wushu also warned, don't take risks! If there is anything Wushu we can help, just mention it."

Mo Wu appreciates Li Ye from the bottom of his heart. He has no children in his life, but he regards Li Ye as his nephew.

"Uncle Wu take this seriously?"

Li Ye's eyes lit up, and Mo Wu suddenly felt that he had dug a hole for himself and jumped in. But when the words were spoken, he could only give a wry smile, "Let's talk, is your kid making some horrible idea? Uncle Wu can explain in advance that Uncle Wu doesn't have many possessions, so you can relax."

"Don't worry, Uncle Wu, I understand."

You know what a fart!

"Uncle Wu, Tiandi Baozhai is about to open, and my hand is a little tight, don't you think?"

Rubbing his fingers, Li Ye smiled.

It wasn't that Li Ye took advantage of the fire to rob, but the day when Tiandi Baozhai was opened is right in front of his eyes. This is why Mo Zihan had to put his battle with him three months later, just for this.

In the rest of the time, he didn't have time to open the furnace to make alchemy to sell money. In order to see if he could get the innate Five Elements treasure, he could only hold his thigh temporarily and asked Mo Wu and others to borrow some.

In the end, Li Ye successfully ‘borrowed’ a lot of spirit stones from Mo Wu, Emperor Yinyue and others. Naturally, he himself was not idle. He opened the furnace for alchemy while there was still time! After all, in places like Tiandibaozhai, many treasures can't be auctioned for pure spirit stones! The real treasure even needs to be exchanged for something!

And alchemy, it is his masterpiece! The only thing that made him regret was that Wang Jinqi was not by his side, otherwise the runestones he refined would definitely shock everyone!

A few days later!

Tiandi Baozhai opens its doors!

Almost the entire Xizhou realm, not only the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, but also some powerful sects around them also came.

The reputation of Tiandi Baozhai, but a golden sign for tens of thousands of years, naturally many people will not miss it.

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