Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2545: reverse!

Amid the roar, a figure rose up into the sky, like a fire dragon, and the terrifying flame seemed to cover the sky and the sun, burning the world!

"It's Fire Dragon!"

Seeing that figure, someone exclaimed. After a closer look, layers of purple flame emblems appeared all over the body of the fire dragon, like a powerful flame armor!

Those pieces of flame emblems are like smart flame elves, any one is enough to instantly destroy a peak half-emperor! Even if the next emperor saw it, he couldn't help but be moved!

"He has actually been integrated into this stage! How is it possible? How long has he been to Southern Xinjiang? Even if he has subdued Zixin Flames, he cannot be so fast!"

Seeing Huolongzi, everyone looked in unbelievable eyes. ★

The terrifying coldness in Tianshan Xue's body skyrocketed wildly, you know, what she cultivates is the ice and snow wonderland of Piaoxue Mountain Villa! The strong men who are born with the flames are born and restrain each other. It can be said that before this, because of the suppression of her own cultivation base and realm, she and Huolongzi definitely have the upper hand!

But today's Huolongzi is enough to threaten her status! Even such a terrible scene before her inevitably made her shake a little!

There are not a few people who see this scene. The characteristics of Piaoxue Mountain Villa are well known to the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou! Over the years, it was not that powerful monks who did not practice the flames went to challenge, but most of them returned without success. But right now, the appearance of the fire dragon child undoubtedly made the descendants of this generation of Piaoxue Mountain Villa suddenly become a little dangerous.

"Huolongzi went to Southern Xinjiang not only to avenge his defeat to the Tyrant Blade in the first battle, but also to go to Piaoxue Mountain Villa again to fulfill his unfulfilled master's last wish!"

There are not many people who know the origins of Huolongzi. It can be said that Huolongzi's identity is quite special. He is not a descendant of any ancient sect, nor is he a disciple of a terrifying family, but a master of the Martian Emperor. The Martian Emperor in this place is a member of a certain ancient and mysterious organization, but I don’t know when it will start, and it gradually fades out of everyone’s sight. However, in the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou, there is not a single power and strong person who dares to Look down upon the descendants of the Emperor Martian!

"According to legend, 30,000 years ago, the Earth Martian Emperor personally went to Piaoxue Mountain Villa, and had an agreement with Piaoxue Mountain Villa. From his beginning, each generation of the two factions of the two factions will fight for three games after being appointed. The descendants of Piaoxue Villa can win two games, and the contemporary descendants of Piaoxue Villa will marry the descendants of the Earth Martian Emperor!"

"Yes, I have heard about this. It is said that when the Emperor Martian was young, he had a relationship with the descendant of the Piaoxue Villa generation, the later Emperor Xuelan, but unfortunately they did not come together in the end. It is because of their unwillingness to admit defeat that they will eventually become old and dead. The Emperor Martian may also want to make up for the regret of the year."

Regarding the grievances between the Earth Martian Emperor and Piaoxue Mountain Villa, it is not a big secret, anyone who knows it knows it, and it has a long history.

Even when Huolongzi made his debut, he personally went to Piaoxue Mountain Villa, only that time, he was defeated by Tianshanxue.

"He has already failed once. If the second challenge continues to fail, his generation will not be able to fulfill the wish of the Martian Emperor that year, and can only be pinned on the next generation."

"However, Huolongzi is the one who has the most hope of success among the descendants of the Earth Martian Emperor. After all, as a rare emperor like the Divine Fire Body, he even surpassed the original Earth Martian Emperor, if he could not complete it. , The gambling agreement with Piaoxue Mountain Villa may be really difficult to complete."

Tianshan Snow, now feels great pressure!

As the descendant of Piaoxue Mountain Villa, she naturally has a higher eye than the top, and the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou will not be counted in her eyes.

As for the gambling agreement between Piaoxue Mountain Villa and the Earth Martian Emperor, she naturally knew that from the day when she became the descendant of Piaoxue Mountain Villa, she knew her destiny.

"You actually have magical fire on you!"


The fire dragon child turned into a fire dragon, and the terrifying roar almost resounded across the sky!


After hearing this, everyone was shocked!

Surefire! The sacred fire in the mouth of the fire dragon naturally refers to the different fires of heaven and earth! After all, this is a terrifying flame that is naturally formed by nature. There are not many in the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions. Any kind of birth is enough to attract the peep of countless powerful people!

Once you get it, it will be even more powerful! No one can resist that temptation unless the attributes of the cultivation method are mutually restrained.

Sure enough, from the world of flames, an invincible big hand suddenly appeared, and it directly grabbed the terrifying fire dragon, as if it were catching a prey.

"Want to devour my sacred fire? Arrogant!"

With a roar, the fire dragon uttered words, and changed again, this time it turned into a giant lava beast, the purple body turned into a thousand feet high, raised his hand and patted it, enough to destroy the world!

It's just that the invincible giant hand that appeared in the flame world directly crushed the arm of the purple lava behemoth. Accompanied by an angry roar and scream, it hit Huanglong and instantly smashed the lava behemoth's chest!

At the same time, without waiting for the giant lava beast to struggle, suddenly a giant hand split up again, directly smashing the huge body.

Huolongzi's body appeared from it, spouting a big mouthful of blood, and there was the confidence that looked down upon everything on his face, and his eyes were full of panic.

I only saw that he didn't dare to stay anymore, after spouting a mouthful of blood, there was an instant scream, turning into a cluster of purple brilliance and he was about to flee.

Fire Dragon, run away!

Seeing this scene, everyone was unable to accept this result for a while!

In the eyes of everyone just now, the fire dragon who returned from southern Xinjiang is enough to threaten the throne of Mo Zihan, the first person, and the throne of the future emperor. Who knows that he was so embarrassed?

It's just that Huolongzi wanted to escape, but was somewhat late!

Playing with fire in front of Li Ye?

From the beginning, it was the biggest mistake!

It can even be said that even if the fire dragon child's cultivation base is high, unless he is a peak powerhouse like the upper emperor, playing with fire in front of Li Ye will be a dead end!

The black flame turned into a huge net, instantly surrounding the fire dragon child, and at the same time, you can see that those black flames are like countless greedy hungry beasts, madly devouring all the flames on the fire dragon child. !

After a short breath, everyone saw the fire dragon child's face paled, and at the same time, the terrifying purple flame that was enough to kill any lower emperor in seconds was like a languor, if it was looming, it would be extinguished!

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