Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2544: Than playing with fire?

Such a terrifying flame universe, even the few powerhouses who have practiced the fire spirit present, are all amazed.

"Huolongzi seems to have completely integrated with that Zixin flame!"

"Such a talent is worthy of being a sacred fire body, known as the physique that fits the world's fire!"

There are different fires in the world, how many powerful and extremely powerful alchemists want to get it, but how many people can succeed in the ancient times?

Even Emperor Wu, who is fully prepared, dare not say that he is completely sure!

Even for those Danzun, how many people have died in the hands of the different fires of heaven and earth for countless thousands of years? Just to get the magical flame that can change fate?

"This level of flame universe, even if the lower emperor enters, it will instantly vaporize! Fire Dragon Child, it seems that he already has some capital to impact the emperor's reserve."

A middle-ranked emperor could not help sighing, and then looked towards Yu Lao. After all, the entire Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, except for the three great emperors who had never appeared in the eyes of everyone, that is, Yu Lao had such a trace. Qualifications, to judge who is qualified to become the next crown prince!

In addition to him, even if the Peacock Emperor is the strongest, the Wisteria Emperor is a terrifying power, but they are still not so good.

After all, even they can't become the imperial prince. How can they be qualified to judge who can succeed?

"The boy is still in bad luck. If it were so early, this king of yum will be a success. Once he gets the title of king of yum, he will have his seat in the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou! He will definitely become the arrogant son of heaven! In the future, it will be the object of competition for various martial sects, and even directly entering the emperor-level sect such as Jubao Pavilion is not a problem, it is a pity."

"Yeah, it's the last person! I was shocked just now when Mo Zihan wanted to make a move, but Mo Zihan didn't take it easily, and he didn't bother to take advantage of the wheel fight."

Among the crowd, many people felt sorry and worthless for Li Ye, after all, they were just one step away! Once successful, he will definitely become the top evildoer of the sixteen countries in Xizhou, and countless powerful guests in the future!

No one would underestimate the person who got the title of King of Yum from the stage of life and death. After all, there may not be one in a thousand years!

That is the title that can only be obtained by connecting opponents who are not much different from the realm, a total of 100 people who are undefeated in the challenge! Even some of the top evildoers, dare not say that they are completely sure!

Wheel battle! It is not only a test of talent strength, but also a martial art mood!

"This fire dragon child, although the means may not be so glorious, but I have to say that this time he comes back and seems to be standing up!"

"Five years ago, he was defeated by the Batian Dao! Then he was even more defeated by Tianshan Xue and Mo Zihan! He was naturally unwilling! The past few years have been quiet, and now he has got Zixin Flames, he must show his ambition! However, the boy on the stage of life and death hit the muzzle. He was lucky. If he hadn't met the fire dragon who had returned from southern Xinjiang, he would have succeeded."

No matter how everyone feels regret and pity, as Huolongzi's terrifying flame universe exploded and enveloped the entire stage of life and death, everyone believed that even if Li Ye did not die, he would definitely be seriously injured!

It's not that they underestimate Li Ye, if both sides are playing at the peak state, which wins and loses, they dare not judge! It's just that Li Ye defeated ninety-nine opponents before! Including Batiandao and Yu Shang, the most enchanting arrogance of the Sixteen Kingdoms in Xizhou!

After changing anyone, he didn't think that he still had a peak state left. In this state, fighting the fire dragon, who had almost reached the peak of momentum, was undoubtedly hitting the stone with an egg!

"Fortune is not good, but it's a pity that a genius who might become an emperor's reserve.

The Emperor Wisteria said nonchalantly, he would naturally not be willing to see Li Ye succeed in stepping down the stage of life and death, but he was unable to intervene, and now he smiled coldly.

Baili Hongyan was completely overjoyed at this time!

When Tianshan Snow appeared and Mo Zihan gave up his shot, he almost felt desperate! But now, there is another village in the dark!

"Huh! How good can you be! After fighting the Tyrant Sword, what chance do you have to face the Fire Dragon? It's a pity that you can't avenge my severed arm!"

His eyes were full of insidiousness, which was quite regrettable.


Behind the Peacock Queen, Yu Shang didn't know what to think, and looked at the Peacock Emperor with a trace of pleading. After all, as long as the Peacock Emperor takes action, it can naturally prevent all this life.

However, the Emperor Peacock can only sigh with a wry smile. He does appreciate the young man Li Ye, but the rules of life and death cannot be broken!

"Master! If you don't make a move, he will die soon!"

"It's not that you don't act for the teacher. The life and death platform has the rules of life and death! Unless he admits defeat, no one can intervene! Even as a teacher!"


"No but, from the moment he set foot on his life and death, he was doomed to this kind of result. If he died on it, it can only be said that his luck is bad."

It was not that the Peacock King saw his death and did not save it, but that for hundreds of thousands of years, it was not that the genius who had not given birth to some enchanting incomparable, finally saw that he could become famous and win the title of King of Yum, but finally fell in front of him.

fair? From the day the stage of life and death appears, there is no fairness!

Jubaoge is not a charity! What they need is the kind of unparalleled arrogant talent that can go against the chaos! The king of yum is just the threshold! If you can't even do this, Jubao Pavilion doesn't lack that kind of next-level genius evildoer!

Under the stage of life and death, Fu Bo moved a bit, but was stopped by a wall of air.

"My lord! What are you?"

"That kid is okay, don't be nervous."

I don't know when, Emperor Yinyue appeared again, and there was no worry in his face.

Others don't know what level Li Ye is, can he not know?

Sure enough, as the voice fell, on the stage of life and death, a terrifying flame column suddenly rose into the sky!

The flame is like a bridge connecting the sky and the earth, and after it appeared, it instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames even more terrifying than the flame universe of the Huolongzi! Not only did he break through the blockade of the flame universe, he even went the other way, and in turn directly surrounded the endless purple sea of ​​fire.

"what is that?!"

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed!

A few of the strong eyes dazzled! As if to see something, but even more that it is as incredible as a fantasy!

Even the Peacock Emperor suddenly shook his whole body, "Impossible! Could it be that little guy..."


The sea of ​​fire shrank instantly! Then I heard a roar burst out of it!

It's Fire Dragon!

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