Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2546: King of Yum!

The defeat is set!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

Fire Dragon is defeated! After conquering the flames of Zixin from southern Xinjiang that no one had conquered for many years, he returned strongly. It should have been a smashing situation, competing with Mo Zihan, Batiandao and Tianshan Snow, and even became the fourth largest among the sixteen kingdoms in Xizhou. Tianjiao!

And when he stepped onto the stage of life and death today, he did indeed show the mighty strength of being a talent!

However, he lost!

"Huolongzi lost to himself."

The Peacock Sovereign shook his head slightly. What ordinary people saw was that Fire Dragon was defeated, but standing at his height could clearly see that this peak duel was actually from the very beginning that Fire Dragon was too confident and arrogant. Without knowing the strength of his opponent, he rashly shot.

And this bitter fruit, naturally he needs to swallow it himself!

"The disciples of the generation of the Earth Martian Emperor are still somewhat uncomfortable. If he bears for a while, he is expected to attack the position of the emperor. But now, his chances are very small, unless he can lose from this battle. In, break and then stand!"

Old Yu hit the nail on the head, and many strong men nodded slightly.


A figure spurted blood all over, like a blood man. But what was even more terrifying was that the purple flame emblem on his body was shattered piece by piece, turned into a little purple light, and flowed into another person.

"Do not!"

An unwilling roar came from Huolongzi. Compared to losing to others on the stage of life and death, what he feared more was that the Zixin flames he had managed to overcome were taken away!

Yes! At this time, Li Ye not only wanted to defeat him, but also to seize Zixin Flame from him!

The world is different! It is more cruel than all creatures! Even if the world is the same, if they meet each other, they must fight for life and death! Only one party can eat the other party!

It just so happens that the sky thunder and earth fire in Li Ye's body originally stepped into the Zixin flame, but before Li Ye swallowed several kinds of flames, now the sky thunder and earth fire are directly above the Zixin flame in the fire dragon child. .

In a short period of time, in the eyes of everyone, Huolongzi's whole body seemed to be drawn away from the purple rays of light. As the purple intent became less and less, his breath became weaker and weaker.

Seeing that, they will be drawn into adulthood, and the peerless genius of a generation of gods and emperors will fall in front of everyone.


An angry shout, and at the same time the terrifying breath instantly flew Li Ye Zhen out.

Wisteria King!

Suddenly intervening at this moment, just a cold snort, which made Li Ye bear the terrifying invincible will, and the corners of his mouth showed a bright red.

However, the Emperor Wisteria was not willing to ignore his face after all. After flying Li Ye, he coldly snorted and said, "You have defeated him, this game should be over!"

Everyone with a discerning eye could see that the Emperor Wisteria made his move to save the Huolongzi. If he was late, even if he hesitated, the current Huolongzi would not die.

But even so, now Huolongzi is lying softly on the ground, without any brilliance in his eyes, and the strong Zixin flames in his body are almost extinguished. It can be said that if it were just a second at night, Li Ye would Being able to completely swallow the Zixin flames in his body and integrate into himself.

Looking at the wisteria emperor coldly, Li Ye knew that even if he was dissatisfied with the anger now, but the wisteria emperor was not what he could resist for the time being.

But at this time, everyone didn't care whether the fire dragon was dead or not, and no one cared that the wisteria emperor intervened in the duel on the stage of life and death!

Because now, with the defeat of the fire dragon child in the hands of Li Ye, in the past thousand years, finally there has been a second peerless genius who has successfully defeated a hundred challengers from the stage of life and death.

"The King of Yum!"

Someone couldn't help taking a breath!

At this time, the Peacock Emperor finally reacted.

It was supposed to be the lower emperor of Tiandi Baozhai who came forward, but the Peacock Emperor appeared directly, and the extremely powerful aura almost made everyone want to bow down on the spot.

Compared with the coldness of the wisteria emperor, the peacock emperor has a reputation in the sixteen countries of Xizhou, especially for loving talents and cherishing talents.

Seeing him appear, many people couldn't help but feel moved.

"The Emperor Peacock came forward personally, it seems that he wants to recruit a new generation of Yum!"

No matter what Li Ye's background is, no matter where he came from, from the moment he stepped onto the stage of life and death and defeated the Tyrant Blade, Yu Shan and even Huolongzi, he has become the most dazzling genius in the sixteen kingdoms of Xizhou. !

Baili Hongyan's eyes are red! He knew that he was over!

At least he has no chance to find Li Ye to report his revenge on the broken arm!

"Young man, you can stand on the stage of life and death until the end. There will not be a few people for tens of thousands of years, but you did it."

The Peacock Emperor, although Li Ye didn't know his name, but only with the help of the Peacock Emperor several times just now, he could know that this extremely strong man in front of him was a real respectable senior.

"The predecessors are utterly praised, the younger ones are ashamed to be."

"No, you can afford it! From now on, you will be the King of Yum! As long as you want, the gate of Jubao Pavilion will open for you at any time!"

When it comes to this, most people have long since taken advantage of the trend and nodded in agreement.

It's just beyond everyone's expectations, Li Ye just shook his head with a wry smile, "Senior kindness, younger generation's heart, but the younger generation is always an unfettered person, used to bumps everywhere."


Everyone couldn't believe their ears, and actually rejected Jubao Pavilion's solicitation?

The Peacock Emperor was also taken aback, but he was not angry. Instead, he felt pity and regret and nodded, "In this case, the Emperor does not force you, but as long as you want, you can come to the Emperor anytime!"

Originally, some people thought that the Peacock Emperor would be angry, after all, this kind of refuting matter would be angry when changing to a higher position. But obviously, the peacock emperor's belly is beyond imagination.

Moreover, this statement was undoubtedly telling everyone that even if Li Ye rejected his kindness, he also valued this young man very much. If someone wants to do something secretly, he naturally needs to think about it.

Sure enough, as soon as this statement came out, many people's faces changed slightly.

In a short period of time, the news of someone breaking through the stage of life and death and winning the title of King of Yum spread like wildfire.

The entire sixteen countries of Xizhou spread in a short time.

Everyone, in their mouths, was chanting a name.

Li Ye! A genius who turned out to be a peerless evildoer.

Some people are happy and some are worried, and naturally others bite their teeth in hatred!

Tiandaomen! Baili Mojia! The emperor of the earth!


Because the big aunt backstage last night, something went wrong, so "Chapter 2542 is better than playing with fire?" "Updated twice, I'm sorry to all the book friends here.

The problem was solved after much discussion with the editor

Bookmates who have subscribed repeatedly can look back. The second chapter that originally appeared repeatedly has been revised into "Chapter 2543 Reversal", which is a new chapter, and book currency subscription will not be prompted again.

In addition, today is still the bottom of the two changes, not because of yesterday's background error update one more chapter today and one less update today.

Although it is a system error, the more updated chapter should be a little comfort for the book friends who were hurt last night.

As for those book friends who still can’t understand the greetings to the author’s family everywhere, the author can only say a#¥%&*! ! !

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