Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2519: Yum ring

Seeing someone on stage, a killing intent flashed across Lei Lihu's eyes!

"Someone rushed to die!"

In the face of his provocation, Feng Zhongxing was not impatient or impatient, and slightly arched his hand towards him, "Go in the wind, please enlighten me!"

Lei Lihu snorted and shot directly!

Lien Chan's nine people have already consumed a lot of him. If he doesn't fight for a decisive battle at this time, it will naturally be against him!

And often on the stage of life and death, the opponents who appear after winning streaks of the ** are the real threat. Whether it is easy to work or strong self-confidence, they are not comparable to previous opponents. ★


There is no fairness. Life and death is not a fair arena. In addition to strength and endurance, there is also scheming!


The wind spread his hands, but instantly turned into a whirlwind!

Not seen for a while, obviously he is not standing still! He is now stronger than the Feng Zhongxing that Li Ye had seen before! Even in his opinion, today's wind is moving, even if it is against the stars, the little villain has a certain chance of winning, even if it is Yue Wuxi's shot, the outcome is difficult to say.

"Who is this person? So strong!"

In less than ten strokes, Lei Lihu was beaten out of the ring, but it was obvious that Feng Zhongxing was not a bloodthirsty person, and did not make heavy moves, but handed over, "Accept!"

Lei Lihu, who had lost, blushed, but winning is winning, losing is losing, he groaned directly to the side and swallowed a few pills and began to adjust his breath.

Obviously he hasn't given up yet, but next time, he will start from scratch.

As a result, Fengzhongxing has become a target in the eyes of many people.

As long as someone defeats him, he can naturally accumulate ten victories and directly qualify for the Tiandibaozhai.

Sure enough, one person suddenly couldn't stand it and stepped onto the ring!

Don't say anything, just do it!

It's a pity that in the end it fell short and was defeated.

"If you win ten people in a row, you can choose to continue to wait for others to challenge, or you can choose to leave directly and get the admission ticket to Tiandibaozhai."

Do not know where to appear, an old man appeared on top of everyone.

"He is the strong man of Tiandi Baozhai!"

"What a terrible breath, it is definitely Emperor Wu!"

The visitor's gaze swept everyone away, but when he saw Ah Da and Ah Er next to Li Ye frowned, he didn't care.

"The lower emperor peak."

Li Ye muttered silently in his heart.

The strength of the old man is not weak, but the truly terrifying powerhouse will not appear here, and the powerhouse who can appear at the pinnacle level of the lower emperor is already very bad.

On the ring, Feng Zhongxing hesitated. He was not very interested in Tiandi Baozhai. After all, on that occasion, unless it is a strong person or a powerful sect, what capital does ordinary people have to compete with those people for treasure?

He came here for only one purpose, to show himself through the stage of life and death, and then to see if he could visit the gate of Jubao Pavilion.

At the beginning, he wanted to worship the Qingyue Emperor, but although he failed, he was not discouraged.

After coming to the Sixteen Countries in Xizhou, I even heard about the Big Three.

"Among the Big Three, the Temple of Killing has always been mysterious, and the Baili Mo Family rarely allows outsiders to join. Only those who come to Jubao Pavilion will not refuse. As long as they feel valuable, whether it is a person or a treasure, they will accept it!"

Thinking of this, Feng Zhongxing made a decision, "Senior, I am willing to continue to accept the challenge!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people took a breath.

Life and death stage, only those who want to worship the Jubao Pavilion, or who want to be famous for being a blockbuster, will continue to stay and accept challenges from others after winning ten people in a row.

Ordinary people, who have won ten people, will definitely give up and leave. After all, the longer they stay in the ring, the more terrifying the consumption of their own heritage and strength.

"This kid actually wants to join the Treasure Pavilion?"

"That's going to be a hundred games in a row! For thousands of years, I remember that few can do it, right?"

"I remember that only 800 years ago, someone did it, and in the end he was picked up by an elder of Jubao Pavilion and accepted as a disciple."

"Yes, I also remember that it seems to be called Qin Tian? He is now a powerful figure in the Jubao Pavilion. I heard that he is now in the middle emperor realm!"

Many people talked about it, and some even sneered.

After all, the Life and Death Platform has been sitting here for countless tens of thousands of years, but one that can truly be a blockbuster on it is rare in a thousand years.

But once it appears, it will definitely be flying from then on. After all, being able to enter the Treasure Judging Pavilion is more than just worshipping a teacher.

Regardless of everyone's discussion, the wind is still firm in his decision.

And under the ring, Li Ye also understood how persistent his behavior in the wind was.

"Running, it is too difficult to get ahead."

With a sigh, if it wasn't for the background that Li Kainian left behind, it wasn't that he had worshipped into the sects along the way, it wasn't that the secret and terrifying blood pupils existed in him, it wasn't that he had met the Heavenly Sword Emperor...

Even Li Ye didn't know whether he would still stay in that Wuzhou City without those, or even just a mediocre and useless ordinary mortal, perhaps already a middle-aged uncle!

Everyone talked a lot, and at the same time, the Wuhuang old man from Tiandi Baozhai nodded slightly.

Their Tiandi Baozhai set up a life and death platform here. In addition to solving personal grievances, there is another point. It is not the admission ticket of the so-called Tiandi Baozhai, but selects some strong and geniuses to absorb.

"This son's talent is not weak, and his Dao heart is firm. Although his cultivation base is weaker now, he is still a man of creation."

This old man is just a deacon from Tiandi Baozhai.

"In that case, I hope you are lucky."

If you want to win the favor of Tiandi Baozhai and even the higher Jubao Pavilion, an ordinary winning streak of ten people is not enough!

"The Yum-Sheng arena is open! Those who are in the realm of the king and half the emperor can take the stage to challenge!"

The old man announced loudly that the surrounding atmosphere had also changed.

"I really want to challenge the Yum! This kid is very confident!"

"Hey, Yum! It's not a joke, but it should be exciting!"

"Yeah, if it's just the admission ticket to the Tiandibaozhai, some real geniuses and strong people will disdain, especially those of large families, they don't need to shoot at all. But now it's different. As soon as Yum! It is estimated that my hands will be itchy and move my muscles and bones on stage!"

Suddenly, a shield rose up around the entire arena. After all, the people who can challenge the Yum arena are not ordinary people, and Jubao Pavilion is naturally prepared.

The news spread all over the city in an instant, and even reached the ears of some powerful people in Tiandi Baozhai.

Sure enough, some powerhouses and geniuses who didn't care about it were all approaching the stage of life and death at this time.

Even more important figures in Tiandi Baozhai also separated a divine mind and observed from a distance.

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