Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2518: Life and death

The two people in the ring are not weak in cultivation.

One of them was too old, looked forty or fifty years old, and he couldn't stop breathing at the peak of his body. Although he hadn't stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu, half his foot was on the threshold.

However, all cultivators know that unless they really take that step, they may stay in this embarrassing state of seemingly one step away but far away for the rest of their lives.

The other person was relatively young, with a sturdy back and a violent breath.

"If Lei Lihu wins this game, he will only have one game left to get the ticket!"

There were a lot of people gathered around. It can be seen that no matter whether it is a mortal or a cultivator in the secular world, they can't avoid the hobby of gossip. Seeing the two people fighting in the ring, many people applauded loudly.

"This fierce tiger is also famous in casual cultivators. I heard that his ancestors had contracted with a demon tiger, and he eventually gave birth to half-human and half-demon offspring, even though it has been so many generations with thin blood. Great, but you can still see some terrifying details back then!"

"Yes, it's amazing to have the blood of the Demon Race."

Some talks around kept Li Ye's heart.

Ah Da reacted quickly, and quickly lowered his voice to explain, "Young master, the upper three realms, the underworld has long been closed, but the demon realm and the Shenshengzhou realm have exchanges, and some strong people in the demon realm will combine with the human race to give birth to offspring with the blood of both sides. ."

"Demon Race and Human Race?"

In the Lower Nine Regions, the Monster Race does not exist, because those who can be called the Monster Race are at least the heaven-defying characters among the Monster Beasts! Apart from other things, at least after stepping into the realm of the Demon Emperor, the demon beast can transform into a human form, and only then can it be called a demon race.

Looking towards the ring, it was true that the young brawny man carried a violent aura that was not human, and he had a certain affinity with the monster beast, but it was not exactly a monster beast.

At this moment, the two people met at the most critical moment, only to see the young man roaring as if he turned into a terrible monster tiger, and he shot it out with one palm. The middle-aged man couldn't resist it, and quickly sacrificed his own treasure, but still It was slapped flying with a palm, dripping with blood.

"Lei Lihu won, as long as he wins one more person, he will be able to get tickets to Tiandi Baozhai."

Many people showed an expression of envy.

Li Ye watched while Ah Da explained, "Master, this platform of life and death is not only a place built by Jubao Pavilion to solve problems for those who have grudges, but also every time Tiandibaozhai opens the door and wants to enter. A channel for people to get admission."

Obviously, apart from Emperor Wu and those who came from the big sect, it is not impossible for ordinary people to enter the Tiandibaozhai, just from this stage of life and death!

"How to get?"

"Ten people in a row! Of course, there can be no time to rest, and if you lose, you will be completely disqualified! The person who wins him will accumulate his victory!"

Very simple rules, but very few people can really do it.


After all, the strength of the people who can come here is not weak, it is easy to win one person, and it seems a bit difficult to win three or four people in a row, and it is not given any time to rest.

Ten people in a row?

It's definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"I heard that a supreme of Jubao Pavilion once said that whoever can win 100 games in a row on this stage of life and death will directly receive the VIP status of Jubao Pavilion and be regarded as a guest of honor by Tiandi Baozhai from now on!"

"Hundred wins in a row? Let's not laugh, I have been here for a while, let alone a hundred games, even if you win ten games in a row, I have seen one person so far! If this vigorous tiger can win one more person, also It's just two people! As for winning a hundred games? It's impossible! Unless the Emperor Wu takes the shot himself!"

"Emperor Wu? Emperor Wu would never come here at all. The gate of Tiandi Baozhai is open for them at any time."

Although Wuhuang of the Upper Three Realms is not so rare, it is obvious that most people still can only look up high.

On the ring, a figure fell. It was the middle-aged man who was just now. At this time, his entire chest was **** and he looked very badly injured. Suddenly, a few people changed their expressions to help.

"Master! Are you okay?"

It could be seen that it was a few disciples of the middle-aged man, but at this time the middle-aged man looked pale and slightly decadent. He shook his head and turned away with a long sigh.

Everyone didn’t care. The similar scenes on the stage of life and death have been impossible to count for thousands of years. This world has always been the winner and the loser. No one will remember the loser, only looking up. The victor of the stars over the moon.

"Who else?!"

On the ring, even though Lei Lihu was panting slightly, he also let out a roar!

Winning nine opponents in a row was enough to make ordinary people afraid to take the stage. Some people who were a little hesitant were also frightened by the sound, and finally gave up their plans to take the stage.

"Life and death stage, life and death stage, going up is life and death in destiny, even if you die on it, you can't blame others. Although this vigorous tiger has a huge consumption of nine consecutive victories, it is not easy to defeat him."

A few strong men shook their heads slightly, not everyone would choose to take risks.

And the real strong, naturally disdain to come to such a place, only some casual cultivators with no background and weak strength will come to the stage of life and death.

Seeing no one dared to fight, Lei Lihu's face showed a touch of sarcasm and pride!

He boarded this ring just to enter the Tiandibaozhai!

In the eyes of many people, being able to enter the Tiandibaozhai is secondary. Apart from the scenery, there are not many substantial benefits. But those who really know the purpose of setting up the Life and Death Platform, understand that only those who show their strength on the Life and Death Platform will be noticed by the masters of Jubaozhai. Once they are admitted to the sect, it will be for them who have no background in casual meditation. , That was a trick to fly to the branch, and his identity was immediately different from then on.

Li Ye was a little moved. Although he could enter the Tiandi Baozhai in the name of Killing the Temple, he was also interested in this life and death platform!

Now that his cultivation has reached a bottleneck, it is unlikely that there will be any changes in a short period of time, and he can't help but want to try in other areas.

But some people, one step ahead of him, directly boarded the ring!

Seeing that person, Li Ye was slightly taken aback, and he was still an acquaintance!

Walk in the wind! Back then, at the border of the ancient city, it can be said that if it weren't for Yuexingwan's secret shot, it would definitely be a casual repairer who could compete with geniuses such as Yuexingwan Longjiazhai!

"He actually came here too."

After thinking about it, it is normal for the wind to travel to the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou. After all, the border of the ancient city is no longer worth his stay.

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