Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2520: Baili Mojia

"Master, this person wants to challenge the Yum!

At this time, the entire arena was completely changed, and some of the weaker ones were forced away from a distance, and even the aura left by the strong ones on the arena was scared to approach.

Ah Da whispered towards Li Ye, obviously not optimistic at all.

And Ah Er also nodded, "It's true that there is not much chance of winning. Even the first stage of the Yum! Ring, the power of the Yum Master needs to be resisted. He can reach 30 wins, even if it is the limit."

Although Ah Da and Ah Er are only the lower emperor's cultivation base, they obviously know a lot about this Yum!

Li Ye looked towards the ring, and sure enough, there was nothing special about the life and death ring just now, except that it was surrounded by formations. But at this time, like a beast awakening from a deep sleep, the terrifying aura is enough to make an ordinary person with the cultivation level of the Celestial Realm be pressed into a puddle of flesh on it!

"what is that?"

"Master, that is the master of Yum! It is rumored that Jubao Pavilion is blessed by some means. Anyone who completes the Yum record on it will leave a breath. For countless years, it has accumulated on it, and ordinary people can't resist it."

Upon closer inspection, although Feng Zhongxing was still expressionless, Li Ye could see that he had already resisted the spiritual pressure accumulated by generations of strong men.

Soon, one person jumped onto the ring.

"A casual repair, please advise!"

That person didn't talk nonsense, and shot directly.

When everyone saw it, they all nodded slightly, respecting the king pinnacle, not very weak, but within a few moves, they were beaten out of the ring by Feng Zhongxing.

Next, many people went up, but unfortunately they were all defeated.

"This person is indeed very strong, he has won seventeen consecutive victories!"

Someone was surprised. Just now, almost all of the seventeen people were defeated in the blink of an eye, and it didn't take much time at all.

But the people who really knew the Yum ring were sneered.

One of the young people even snorted, "This is just the beginning! It's not a good show yet! Such a little appetizer is not enough, and it is not qualified to let Jubao Pavilion open this Yum!

I don't know when, many people appeared around the stage of life and death.

Li Ye looked around, most of them were young people, but there were also some old strong men.

"Young Master, from the Baili Mo Family!"

Ah Da whispered in Li Ye's ear, pointing at the young man who had just spoken.

Baili Mojia!

Among the three giants of the sixteen kingdoms in Xizhou, the Baili Mo family is the oldest. Although we don’t talk about who is more powerful, at least, under the premise that there is no interest dispute, whether it is the Jubao Pavilion or the Killing Temple, they will not actively provoke the Baili Mo family. .

An ancient family that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years, no one knows how terrible it is.

Sure enough, the young man had an arrogant face, and from the moment he appeared, many people around him scattered slightly, afraid to approach. By his side, there are a few strong men behind him, as if the stars are over the moon.

"Baili Hongyan!"

Someone recognized the young man and whispered.

Others also frowned slightly. The Baili Mo school is deeply ingrained in the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, and most people don't dare to provoke it easily.

The old man from Tiandi Baozhai also saw the appearance of the Baili Mo family, but he was not surprised.

Although this is the site of the Jubao Pavilion, in the sixteen areas of Xizhou, unless they tear each other's faces, everyone on the surface is in harmony.

The Baili Mohist family manages their ancestral properties, Jubao Pavilion controls more than 70% of the commerce, and the Killing Temple is even more mysterious, with little contact with the outside world.


In the arena, another one was defeated.

"Twenty-five consecutive victories!"

Someone said.

But looking at the wind on the ring, many people know that even if he wins this game, he is almost reaching the limit.

Li Ye also shook his head. Just now, Ah Da said that he could win at most 30. He was a little suspicious, but now he believed it.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before Feng Zhongxing was defeated.

"Lost to the 29th!"

Seeing that Feng Zhongxing failed to challenge the Yum Challenge, some people were disappointed and others sneered.

Fengzhongxing himself is even more for a while, and some are unacceptable.

The person who defeated him is not so strong, or even really worse than him!

But he lost!

It is not that his strength is weak, but the continuous consumption with opponents, which makes him unable to support to defeat every opponent until the hundredth!

The so-called bystanders are clear, and the authorities are confused.

Li Ye could see that some of those who came to the stage really wanted to prove themselves or made a blockbuster, but at least half of them were obviously to stop the wind before they came to stage!

"People from Jubao Pavilion!"

Li Ye is not stupid. It is impossible for Jubao Pavilion to set up this Yum-Sheng arena. It is impossible to ignore it. As for this method, it is impossible to talk about it. After all, everyone who comes to the stage is under the strength of the Emperor Wu and is not despicable.

"I thought it was such an amazing genius who actually opened the Yum!

Feng Zhongxing came down from the ring sadly, and happened to run into the Baili Hongyan.

Hearing the other party's ridicule and ridicule, Feng Zhongxing flushed even more.

"If you give me time to adjust my breath! I..."

"Yummatsu Ring! Since appearing here thousands of years ago, anyone can go up, unless they are defeated, no one can have time to rest on it!"

Baili Hongyan let out a cold snort, his eyes even more disdainful, making Fengzhongxing speechless.

Because before he came today, he had actually inquired about it, and indeed, there has never been an exception.

"Wasting my young master's time turned out to be an arrogant and ignorant idiot! As expected, casual cultivators are a bunch of lowly things!"

The Baili Mohist school is of a noble background, and Baili Hongyan doesn't even put casual cultivation in his eyes at all. Feng Zhongxing was even more furious when he said this!

He was defeated, but he would never allow anyone to insult him so much!

Originally, he was unwilling to challenge the Yum! Challenge, but now he is so insulted face to face that Feng Zhongxing can no longer bear it!

"what did you say?!"

"I said that casual cultivators are all lowly things, wasting my master's time!"

Feng Zhongxing got angry and blasted a punch directly!

"court death!"

Baili Hong Yan hadn't done it yet, but a cold sarcasm flashed across his eyes. Beside him, a guard suddenly made a move. Everyone didn't see how to make a move. They saw Feng Zhongxing spraying blood and being pinched by the neck and held in the air.

"So strong!"

Many people took a deep breath, although many people know the terrible Baili Mo family, after all, it is an ancient family with hundreds of thousands of years of heritage.

But I didn't expect that a guard from the Baili Mo family would come out with such skill!

Feng Zhongxing even revealed a layer of pain on his face, and he did not expect that he was so powerless to backhand.

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