Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2508: Qingyuehuang Wrath

Facing Tong Si's seemingly good solicitation, Li Ye shook his head slightly.

Obviously he didn't want to follow Tong Si at all. In the eyes of everyone, Li Ye was arrogant to the extreme. How could Tong Si be the envoy of the Heavenly Gift Pavilion, the upper emperor was not much inferior to the Qingyue emperor.

To be able to follow him is also supreme glory! How many disciples in the Six Sects can't wait to become Li Ye at this moment, nodding in agreement?

Tong Si's face sank, his patience has already been polished, and he will never waste time with Li Ye anymore and snorted, "Li Ye, you have to think carefully!"

"Thank you Fourth Master for your kindness, but unfortunately I am used to idleness, and I don't like to be restrained. The disciple of the Tianci Pavilion is not enough to attract me!"

As soon as these words came out, countless people immediately breathed in!

The Tianci Pavilion disciple, isn't enough to attract him?

How arrogant is this? Not to mention the powerhouses of Tong Si and Liu Sect, even those casual cultivators have their eyes widened!

Qingyuehuang's expression was stiff, and these words seemed to mock him!

Isn't everyone fighting to become his disciple? At this moment Li Ye actually dismissed it?

"Since you don't want to join the Tianci Pavilion, why do you still participate in the selection?"

The beautiful woman in Huzhongdao gave a cold snort, and the disciple was defeated by Li Ye, and she also had a certain resentment towards Li Ye.

"It's very simple. I participated in the selection for one reason."

"what reason?"

Qingyuehuang's voice was cold, and everyone could hear the anger in his heart!

"Senior Qingyuehuang, a friend of the younger generation was arrested by you, I hope that the older generation can open the Internet and let my friend go!"

Everyone almost has an urge to faint!

Just for this kind of thing?

The Star and Moon Endless, who was defeated by Li Ye, almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood!


Qingyuehuang was also surprised, and soon thought of something!

This time when he came, he saw two young men with good talents halfway through. One of them was particularly good. Unfortunately, he was unwilling to worship him as a teacher, so with his temper, he directly sealed the other's cultivation base and brought it back.

Unexpectedly, one of them would be a friend of Li Ye.

"Just for this?"

"Just for this! I also hope that senior adults will let go of my friends regardless of the villain."

Everyone looked towards Qingyue Emperor, and Qingyue Emperor's expression was a little erratic at this time. For people like him, accepting one disciple or accepting two disciples is just a change of mind.

I really wanted to let him go, it didn't hurt him. But he didn't know why, but after hearing about it, he snorted coldly, "Do you want the person brought back by this seat?"

At first everyone thought Qingyue Emperor would not embarrass Li Ye, after all, this requirement was not excessive. Moreover, Li Ye also withdrew from the endless competition with Yue, and he would not care about this matter if he changed anyone.

But everyone didn't understand Qingyue Emperor as a person!

Li Ye's expression changed, he did not expect Qingyue Emperor to refuse!


"I said it! No need to mention this!"


Li Ye's breath increased uncontrollably, but it was barely suppressed, "Senior, please think twice!"

"Why? Are you a little casual cultivator, and still dare to threaten your failure?"

At first, he didn't have any good feelings for Li Ye. When Qingyue Huang heard Li Ye's tone, his brows suddenly raised! A cold smile.

"The younger generation dare not! But if the older generation insists on going his own way, the younger generation is not talented, and he is willing to personally ask the senior people!"


Not to mention the many casual repairs, even the middle-ranked emperor of the old Tongluo group are a little stunned!

Ask the emperor Qingyue personally?

"What a big tone! Li Ye! What kind of thing do you dare to talk to my master like this?"

Long Dingtian shouted angrily! However, he didn't do anything. Even Yue Wu Endless was not Li Ye's opponent. Although his cultivation base was higher, his true strength was not necessarily stronger than Yue Wu Endless.

"What are you! I'm talking to Senior Qingyue Emperor, when will it be your turn to interrupt?!"

"You! You are looking for death!"

How arrogant Long Dingtian was, at this time Li Yeqi was breathing fire all over! Can't bear it anymore!

After all, it was an evildoer who walked out of the border of the ancient city a hundred years ago. When Long Dingtian made his move, even the middle emperor like Tongluo couldn't help being cold behind his back!

"As expected to be a disciple of Emperor Qingyue, it seems that he is one step away from the realm of the middle emperor!"

Long Dingtian stepped forward in one step, turning his hand into a heavenly mudra!

"Today, I will be your elders and teach you what is called etiquette and inferiority!"

"Only you?"

Li Ye is not even afraid of joining the three middle emperors! What's more, it's a Longdingtian?

"court death!"

The horrible Dao Yun turned into a mountain peak, which is to directly suppress Li Ye under the mountain peak!

That terrible suppression has even reached the limit of the lower emperor, even the middle emperor dare not easily head-on!

But Li Ye dare!


The horrible will turned into a sharp sword, directly splitting the mountain peak, and even directly leaving a bone scar on Long Dingtian's chest!

With a muffled grunt, Long Dingtian spouted a mouthful of blood. Although the terrifying will to kill could not destroy his spirit, it also caused him considerable damage.

one move! Defeated the most dazzling genius of Longjiazhai a hundred years ago! Disciple of Qingyue Emperor now!

Everyone couldn't help but gasp, knowing that this strong contrast is even more shocking than Li Ye's defeat of Yue Wuendi just now!

"This kid is against the sky!"

"Damn, Long Dingtian! He was not much worse than Yueyue Endless's star picking at the time, and he is still the pinnacle of the lower emperor! He can't be beaten by a single move?"

Qingyuehuang's expression was even more gloomy, not to mention that he had seen Li Ye displeased before, and now he reveals a layer of disgust!

Finally, Qingyuehuang shot it himself!

I didn't see how he did it. Li Ye just seemed to be shot by a terrifying force, blood bursting all over his body, even the body tempered by the eighth stage of the Battle God Art had cracks and blood flowing. .

The six powerhouses all had sneers on their faces, Qingyuehuang's attitude was undoubtedly, and they didn't need to worry about them.

"This little beast must die! It has angered Emperor Qingyue, and there is no place for him to stand on the border of this ancient city!"

Tong Si hesitated slightly, but in the end he didn't make a move.

Although he peeped into Li Ye's secrets and opportunities, his shot at this time would somewhat offend the Qingyue Emperor, which is not a good thing for him. At least until he became the elder of the palace, he would not have a head-on conflict with Qingyuehuang.

There is no suspense at all, even if Li Ye can defeat the lower emperor, he can threaten the middle emperor, but in front of the upper emperor, he is vulnerable!

"Emperor Qingyue, why be so angry with a junior."

However, at this moment, Emperor Yinyue also shot at the same time. The terrifying invincible will of the two high-ranking emperors, even if they only collided in the air, caused everyone to stand unstable, and the entire ancient city began to shake.

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