Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2509: Substitution with royal weapon

No one knows how terrible the collision between the two upper emperors and the invincible generation will be, and the sky over the ancient city will change color.

This kind of realm collision, even the strong people such as Tongluo old man, would not dare to get close. After all, when they reached that realm, they would just be boring after they passed, and even if they accidentally rub a little, they may be seriously injured.

"This is truly invincible!"

Seeing the void, although Emperor Yinyue and Emperor Qingyue didn't make any moves, the collision of aura was so terrible, Li Ye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but a stronger flame bloomed in his eyes.

Unfortunately, in the end, the two invincible generations still did not really make a move. Maybe no one has any chance of winning, or neither side wants to play here.

"Yinyue Emperor! When did you kill the temple and want to intervene in other sect affairs?"

For Emperor Yinyue, Emperor Qingyue naturally maintained a jealousy. One is because the cultivation bases of both parties are equal, and the other is that the other party comes from the Temple of Killing!

Regarding the strength of the sect, everyone is an emperor-level force, but the Killing Temple is obviously better than the Tianci Pavilion.

"Brother Qingyue is serious, but I just think that little guy suits my appetite very well. If Brother Qingyue is willing to give me face, I will take him away directly."

Taking Li Ye away, although many people in the six gates were somewhat resistant, they also knew that unless the Qingyue Emperor and Tong Si joined forces, it would be impossible to prevent Emperor Yinyue from taking anyone away.

Qingyue Emperor obviously took this into consideration, and even though he resisted, he reluctantly nodded, "Also, since Emperor Yinyue cares about a junior so much, this seat will give you a face!"

"Then thank you Brother Qingyue."

Some strong men in the six doors were anxious, "My lord! No!"

Unfortunately, Qingyuehuang did not say anything. He is not confident that he can stop Emperor Yinyue, even if he is stronger, unless he is willing to engage with the Killing Temple because of this, he will not really make a move.

Even if it is another powerful emperor-level force, he will not necessarily give such a big face. Only killing the temple, he dare not refuse!

"Little guy, how? Are you still reluctant to follow me?"

Emperor Yin Yue didn't force it, but looked at Li Ye with a smile.

All fools could see that at the border of this ancient city, outside of Yuheng Mountain Villa, the other five gates all wanted to hurry up except for Li Ye. Not to mention that Li Ye had offended the two invincible powerhouses, Qingyuehuang and Tong Si, and staying there was also looking for death.

Li Ye is not stupid, no matter what the purpose of Emperor Yinyue is, but at least it is better than staying here!

And by itself, he was ready to leave.

"Senior, junior friend..."

Emperor Yinyue sighed helplessly. He was able to take Li Ye away because he represented the Temple of Killing, and the other party did not dare to force it. But if one had to be taken away, it would be a bit embarrassing for him.

Sure enough, Emperor Qingyue sneered, "Emperor Yinyue, take this child away, I can save you face, but after all, this is the heavenly pavilion realm. You can't stretch the hand that kills the temple so long, right?"

"Little guy, if you want to save the green hills without worrying about burning wood, if you want to save your friend, you will naturally have a chance when you become stronger! The Emperor Qingyue arrests your friend just because he wants to accept him as a disciple, as long as your friend Smart enough, no danger."

A sound of divine thought came from the reminder of Emperor Yinyue.

But Li Ye shook his head. If he hadn't said anything before, he might still believe that Emperor Qingyue would not harm Bai Jingyun, but now, there is no guarantee.

"Thank you senior for your kindness! If I can't take my friend away today, I won't leave!"

He knew that this request would make it difficult for Emperor Yinyue to deal with it, after all, this place was not within the sphere of influence of Emperor Yinyue. But it is impossible for him to leave Bai Jingyun behind!

Sure enough, Emperor Yinyue's expression changed slightly, as if he was hesitating, but in the end he sighed.

"Brother Qingyue, it's not like this. How about I exchange a top-grade imperial weapon with you?"

Taking Li Ye away is already the limit that Emperor Yinyue can achieve, and now naturally he has to pay a little price.

Top grade imperial weapon!

Everyone was surprised when they heard it!

Even Qingyuehuang was a little surprised.

You must know that although the imperial tools were refined by Emperor Wu, they were not refined without any restrictions. A Wu Emperor might not be able to refine three or five pieces throughout his life. For Emperor Yinyue, A high-grade imperial weapon is also a huge loss.

Use the royal weapon to exchange one person.

This sale sounds like it is not a loss. But everyone was quite puzzled. No matter how talented Li Ye's friends were, they couldn't be as important as a top-grade imperial weapon.

"If this is the case, then I will give Emperor Yinyue a face!"

Finally, Qingyuehuang let go.

And Emperor Yinyue didn't talk nonsense, waved directly, and a golden light fell into the hands of Emperor Qingyue.

The seal on Bai Jingyun's body was finally released, and Emperor Yin Yue took the two away without saying a word, in a hurry like that.

Tens of thousands of miles away, the void suddenly twisted, and then several figures appeared from it.

"It should be fine."

The three people who appeared were Emperor Yinyue and Li Yebai Jingyun.

At this time, Emperor Yinyue had a strange smile on his face, and he didn't feel distressed at all because of the loss of a high-grade imperial weapon.

"Senior, the imperial weapon just now should be a broken high-grade imperial weapon?"

Li Ye suddenly spoke on one side, while Bai Jingyun was on the other hand, arching his hand towards Emperor Yinyue, "Thank you, senior, for saving your life."

"Haha, I really can't hide it from you kid, it is indeed a broken high-grade imperial weapon."

After that, he looked at Li Ye somewhat unexpectedly, "How did you find it?"

"It's not difficult to see that there are traces of the psychedelic array on it, although it is not obvious, but the younger generation can see it. Since the psychedelic array is to be used, it is natural that the imperial object has an ulterior secret, combined with the predecessor’s reaction, It is naturally not difficult for juniors to guess."

After some analysis, Emperor Yinyue was stunned.

It took a long time before he suddenly smiled and shook his head, "Sure enough, the hero was born a teenager. You are right. The royal weapon is indeed broken, but it will take a while for them to feel it."

"And during this period of time, it happened that the seniors could take the two of us away, even if they eventually found themselves fooled, it would be too late to regret."

Li Ye continued speaking, making Emperor Yinyue smile again.

"Smart boy, now that you two are far from danger, are you willing to follow me or leave?"

"Go with senior."

"Oh? What made you change your mind?"

Emperor Yinyue was a little surprised, knowing that Li Yena had no choice but to leave with him.

"With the **** of a super master like a senior, why should the brat brave himself to break through?"

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