Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2507: Conceited

The three invincible monstrous imperial powers almost made Li Ye inevitable!

From the beginning, the three of them were absolutely murderous! Li Ye would not be allowed a chance to escape at all. ★

However, Li Ye never thought about running away!

Facing the three middle-ranked emperors, it even aroused the craziness in his bones!

"Yuetian Fort, Longjiazhai, Moon Star Bay! Good time!"

With a loud roar, Li Ye's momentum rose wildly, even to the point where he was almost not weaker than the middle emperor!

The secret method of Emperor Tianjian! Improve your strength in a short time!

He knows very well that if he doesn't get a bit ruthless now, he might really want to drink hatred here today.

"Two fellow daoists, join forces to kill this son! To eliminate future troubles!"

Emperor Wu Qiyu screamed, the old Tongluo and the middle-aged man from Longjiazhai also nodded slightly, and the three shot at the same time. It can be said that at this moment, unless it is the upper emperor, it is impossible to escape from their hands!

Li Ye's threat kept them awake at night! If they didn't punish Li Ye at this time, they wouldn't even dare to imagine what they would end up waiting ten and a hundred years later.

Three shares of imperial power cover the sky! At this moment, the three middle-ranked emperors who had killed the heart hardly even had any reservations.

Their purpose is only one, to directly kill Li Ye! Don't give anyone a chance!

If you are alone, it is not enough to make Li Ye have any fear! However, the three of them together, even if they used Heavenly Sword Great's secret method to improve their strength in a short time, they still couldn't resist the terrifying and invincible power!


The sky and the earth collapsed instantly, and Li Ye was almost torn apart! If it weren't for his physical body to be as hard as an imperial weapon, just like that, if you change anyone, even if Yue Wuendi stands in the position of Li Ye, his soul will be shattered and his body will be annihilated!

Suddenly at this moment, seeing that Li Ye was about to be hit hard by the three of them together, a hand appeared directly from the void, directly forcing the old Tongluo three back.

But then, another terrifying and invincible aura appeared, and there was a brief confrontation with the owner of that hand, and it was obvious that no one could take advantage.

"Yinyue Emperor! What do you mean?!"

Qingyuehuang's complexion is ashen! It was Emperor Yinyue who prevented the old man Tong Gong from killing Li Ye just now! And then he naturally interfered for a while, but it also gave Li Ye a little breathing space.

"Emperor Qingyue, why should you be so angry with a junior. If you don't like the Heavenly Gift Pavilion, you might as well let me take the person away. It just so happens that there is still a descendant under my sect. I think this little guy is very talented."

A confrontation between the two high-ranking emperors in the air, although no one took advantage, it also shocked everyone!

You know, at the border of the ancient city, Emperor Wu is a master. Among them, the lower emperors are the most common, and the middle emperors are almost always the top figures!

But the high-ranking emperor, almost few people see that they will take action, even if they do, they are not qualified to see it.

At this time, Emperor Qingyue, Emperor Yinyue, and the two high-ranking emperors were in a secret confrontation. Not to mention ordinary people, even the six-sect powerhouse was frightened.

Different from Emperor Qingyue’s iron blue expression, Emperor Yinyue had a smile on his face, but looked towards Li Ye, "Little guy, I just lack a disciple, would you like to follow me?"

From the very beginning, Emperor Yinyue appeared, and everyone was speculating on the reason for his presence here.

However, he did not expect that he was coming at Li Ye! Of course, this is everyone's guess at this time, but it feels a bit weird!

How could Emperor Yinyue's existence come here just a thousand miles for the sake of a mere junior? And this junior came up from the lower nine domains.

Even Li Ye didn't believe him.

But he was not stupid, he could see Emperor Yinyue was helping him, but he couldn't answer.

Because it is more important, Bai Jingyun is still in Qingyuehuang's hands!

"Boy, thank you senior for your kindness, but..."

Everyone thought that with the support of Emperor Yinyue, Li Ye was naturally grateful and immediately went forward to apprentice! Then, even if the six major forces wanted to kill him, they had to take care of Emperor Yinyue! Even if Emperor Yinyue does nothing, what he represents behind him is the existence of the emperor-level forces, kill the temple!

Obviously, Emperor Yinyue was also taken aback for a while, unexpectedly Li Ye would be so short-eyed.

The Emperor Qingyue laughed, "Emperor Yinyue, although you seem to be kind, some people don't appreciate it!"

At this time, even Emperor Qingyue felt that Li Ye was a threat. This feeling had no origin, but as a cultivator and a cultivator of this realm, he was quite concerned about this intuition!

Because the higher the realm, the more terrifying the way of heaven can be felt!

Emperor Yinyue smiled bitterly. On this side, there were still a few old Gonggong people who had been estimated, and suddenly smiled!

Just about to do it, he was suddenly stopped by a voice.


This time, everyone looked strange again.

The Emperor Yinyue's rescue of Li Yeyi's life just now surprised everyone for a long time, but now it was another person who stopped him!

"Brother Tong, who are you?"

It is Tong Si who speaks out naturally, others can not give face to others, but Liu Clan must give Tong Si face! The key is that Tong Si will very likely become the elder of the Heavenly Gift Pavilion this time, even if his status is not as good as the Qingyue Emperor, he will not be much lower!

"Brother Qingyue, although this son is unruly and rebellious, he has outstanding talents. It is a pity to kill him directly. It is better to bring him back to the sect and hand it over to me for training. Perhaps he can reduce his arrogance and become a pillar of his own in the future. Nope."

Tong Si naturally wouldn't watch Li Ye be killed, at least until he got the secrets and opportunities from Li Ye.

He had a very good idea, and first brought Li Ye back under control. Then he would naturally have countless methods to force Li Ye to submit! Why is it now that he has been scrupulous about the person behind Li Ye!

But now, he suddenly realized that perhaps from the beginning, the person behind Li Ye was not someone else, but the powerhouse to kill the temple from afar, Emperor Yinyue!

Now that he knew who it was, he naturally had no other scruples!

Even if Emperor Yinyue's strength is still above him, this is the realm of the Heavenly Gift Pavilion! Unless the other powerhouses of the Killing Temple come together, he is not afraid at all.

"My lord! This child must be removed!"

The six strong men didn't dare to let Li Ye live. They didn't know Tong Si's plan, but if Li Ye were to enter the Tianci Pavilion, it was obviously enough to make them restless.

Emperor Qingyue also hesitated, but he naturally wanted to give Tong Si's face, "Well, if you look at your face, just spare him!"

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over, Li Ye was shocked, even a blessing in disguise in the eyes of outsiders, and could follow Tong Si's supreme existence, Li Ye suddenly made a move that everyone could not understand. .

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