Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2506: Three middle emperors join forces


The whole scene is quiet and weird.

"Yue endless defeated!"

Suddenly a lower emperor in the loose repairs recovered, took a breath, but couldn't hide the excitement in his heart!

Yes, very excited!

In the past month, Hentai showed its incomparable strength against the sky, and everyone thought there was no suspense in this battle! Even Li Ye would fail miserably.

However, it turned out that Yue Wu Endless lost! Thoroughly, almost without any excuses, he was directly defeated by the most crude and simple means!

When he showed the most invincible side, he used a more powerful force to directly crush all his conceit and pride!

"Damn, too cruel!"

"Yue Wujin lost terribly this time! Who can think of it."

The many casual cultivators were excited, but on the side of Six Sects, they were all pale.

Qingyuehuang's face is also ugly!

He was shocked by Li Ye's terrifying side, but he was even more angry. Li Ye now, in front of everyone, slapped him in the face!

The disciple he chose was defeated by someone he gave up!

There is nothing more ironic than this.

After vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood at this time, Yue Wuendi finally stabilized her injury, her face pale.

That moment just now, not only shattered his invincible side, but also shattered all his self-esteem! Compared to the physical injuries, his shattered self-esteem made him unable to face honestly.

"I... actually lost?"

He still couldn't understand that with his strength, the ordinary lower emperor was not his opponent! He even has the confidence to challenge the middle emperor!

What kind of capital is this?

Almost at the instant Yue Wu Endless was defeated, several powerful men in Yuetian Castle had already appeared around Li Ye.

"Why? Want to do it?"

Seeing the angry killing intent on their faces, Li Ye didn't care.

This time, Qingyuehuang did not stop speaking.

Because Li Ye really angered him! He couldn't get off the stage in public, so he directly acquiesced in the actions of the strong man in Moonsky Castle.

But this time, many casual cultivators were dissatisfied.

"Yuetianbao, what do you mean?"

"Yeah, can't you afford to lose? This is a fair duel in the arena. Don't you have to make a shot if you lose?"

However, the people in Yuetian Castle didn't have any rebuttal, and their killing intent became more and more intense!

Now it's not just that bit of grievances at the beginning, they saw a huge threat in Li Ye, this kind of threat made even the middle emperor like Emperor Qiyan Wu's creeps!

"Are you going to catch it yourself, or do you force us to shoot?"

There is no need for an excuse at all, Yuetianbao has made it clear that he has torn his face and ignored any face problems.

Li Ye didn't look at them, but looked at Qingyuehuang, "Senior what does this mean?"

The Emperor Qingyue was silent, frowning.

He admired Li Ye and other young people very much, but he couldn't let Li Yebai into his door.

Emperor Qingyue said nothing, but Emperor Qiyu smiled coldly, "Li Ye, a fair fight, but you let others take action behind your back. In that case, there is nothing wrong with us taking you!"

"Yes! Let the people behind you be so despicable, then don't blame us for not keeping the rules!"

From beginning to end, they didn't think that Li Ye could defeat Yue Hentai! In their eyes, the terrible will just now was a secret attack by a strong man behind Li Ye.

This kind of thinking is in line with what they usually do, so in their eyes, Li Ye is also that kind of person.

When hearing the other unknown truths, they suddenly realized that they were misled.

"That's it, I said that Yue Wu Endless was defeated, and someone secretly shot it! This is too shameless, right?"

"Hush, don't make any conclusions until things are clear."

"There must be someone secretly shooting, otherwise, how could Yue Wu Endless lose?"

"Yeah, the lower emperor may not be able to achieve that kind of power just now. It is hard to say that the middle emperor, with a realm of exalted king, I don't believe it!"

Almost some disciples in Liumen screamed.

Some people also showed suspicious expressions in the casual cultivator, if even Li Ye found a strong man to make a secret move, it would be really disgusting.

"Li Ye! Obediently catch it, maybe you still have a chance!"

Emperor Wu Qiyu gave a stern cry, regardless of Li Ye's answer, with a big hand, he would take Li Ye down directly.


With a roar, Emperor Qi Yan Wu Huang retreated again and again, and his whole expression was even greener!

Everyone was in an uproar!

Just now, all the idiots saw that no one helped Li Ye, but Li Ye directly punched him and slapped Emperor Wu Qiyu!

Who is Emperor Qiyu Wu?

The middle emperor!

Even if he was reserved just now, this scene also caused everyone's pupils to shrink!

"Take him!"

There are five people who made the shot at Yuetianbao! All are in the realm of Emperor Wu! Except Emperor Qiyan Wu who is the middle emperor, the other four are all lower emperors!

However, facing them, Li Ye's eyes flashed with killing intent!


The terrifying will to kill instantly caused the four lower emperors to go backwards crazy, spouting a mouthful of blood, their faces pale!

Although Emperor Qi Yu, the most powerful Wu Huang, was not injured, he was equally frightened. He had no choice but to avoid the edge, and retreated slightly.

Everyone opened their mouths wide!

Just now Li Ye's force to retreat Qiyu Emperor Wu was amazing!

Now facing the five martial emperors alone, one of them is still the middle emperor, and he did not suffer a loss and gained the upper hand...

"My god, I'm not dreaming, right?"

"This kid can no longer be described as Guards! So this is his true strength?"

"Damn, I just suspected that someone secretly shot, who said that now? This kind of strength, defeating Yue Wuendi is worthy of its name! Who will tell Lao Tzu that someone intervened just now, I slapped him to death!"

The six powerhouses were shocked!

Even if Li Ye defeated Yue Wuendi just now, they didn't make them so angry and panic!

After all, defeating Yue Wu Endless is just to prove that he is the first person of the younger generation, and it is not a threat, at least not in a short period of time to threaten the dominance of Liumen.

But at this time, Li Ye alone fought against the five martial emperors!

"This son must be eliminated! Otherwise, the troubles are endless!"

The old man Tongluo screamed and couldn't sit still, so he shot!

On the other side, in Longjiazhai, a middle-aged figure flashed out, and his momentum was even higher than that of the old Tongluo!

Three middle emperors! Together!

This treatment, even if it was Yue Wu Endless, Long Dingtian, or even Qingyue Emperor when he was young, never qualified!

Obviously, Liumen had a murderous heart! They decided to kill Li Ye directly at this moment!

Li Ye spouted a big mouthful of blood in an instant, and the three middle emperors joined forces, and he couldn't resist it. After all, he is still in the realm of the king, even if the methods are against the sky, it is impossible to shake the sky!

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