Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2505: Pinnacle showdown

Stepping onto the ring, Yue Wuendi's whole person is like a different person.

Compared to Tan Chun, he is even more sharp! But there is a level of elegance and calmness that the little evil man does not have!

Even he has the arrogance of catching stars, but he knows when to release better than catching stars!

"If you didn't challenge me just now, maybe you can leave from here, but now, it's too late."

It was Yue Wuxi's long-cherished wish for many years to worship the Qingyue Emperor, and it has finally come true. If it were not for the appearance of Li Ye, all this would have been very beautiful!

Strands of terrifying edge appeared directly from Yue Wuendi's body, and turned into a variety of Dao rhymes in a short time!


Everyone couldn't help taking a breath!

"Eight Taoist rhymes! It's terrible!"

A closer look reveals that there are almost eight different Tao Yun powers! It is definitely beyond the imagination of the world.

"How did he do it? Eight kinds of Taoist rhymes? Even a lot of middle emperors can't possibly do it! Yue Wujin, this person, is terrible!"

"He has been hiding for so many years! It seems that from the beginning, he has never regarded anyone as an opponent. From the beginning, he was ready to climb to the highest position!"

"Yuetian Fort, there has been an evil evildoer against the sky! Waiting for him to worship the Qingyue Emperor's gate, within a hundred years, it may change and affect the situation of the entire ancient city boundary!"

Regardless of whether it is a casual repair or the other five strong sects except Yuetianbao, they are a little speechless.

Even Qingyuehuang was very surprised!

In his opinion, Yue Wuzhi is outstanding, but it is also limited in strength compared to others. Accepting him as a disciple is more of a check and balance against the six forces.

But at this moment, he was a little surprised!

"It seems that this seat has picked up an excellent heir."


Long Dingtian trembled as he listened!

The disciple and the descendant looked the same, but only he knew that there were more than one or two disciples under the Qingyue Emperor, but there would always be only one descendant!


Everyone exclaimed, because they realized that Yue Wuzhi had been hiding her strength.

Someone just ridiculed him for not daring to fight, but now, they all closed their mouths.

"Sure enough, he did it."

Tan Chun sighed slightly, among the four great arrogances, everyone had always thought that he was the only person who could be compared with Yue Wu Endless, but he knew that he was always far behind.

A look now confirms his idea.

"Li Ye, facing such an opponent, can you force your true strength?"

Although knowing this, Tian Chun did not feel unwilling, instead he looked forward to the outcome of this battle!

As soon as Yue Wuendi's eight Taoist rhymes are released, everyone already knows that there is no suspense in this battle!

"The victory is divided!"

"It's terrible. This month is endless. I thought that someone could challenge him as the first person. It seems to be hanging."

"The Emperor Qingyue is the Emperor Qingyue after all, and his eyes are harsh! Such a disciple, no one will hesitate if you change! Now you have not stepped into the Emperor Martial to attract the Emperor Tribulation, so it is against the sky, once the Tribulation comes, perhaps directly Step into the realm of the middle emperor! One hundred years later, it is even expected to hit the upper emperor! At that time, besides the few old things that are not born, who will be his opponent?"

Even some strong men in casual cultivation couldn't help but sigh.

Regardless of the position, such an enchanting generation is enough to make people amazing.

"It's a pity, that kid is also against the sky, but it's helpless to meet Yue Wuyou this invincible generation."

Since Shengyu and He Shengliang, in the age of geniuses, there will always be people who sigh like this.

Only those who are truly against the sky are qualified to embark on the most peak road.

"I hope I won't lose too badly, but looking at the six-door attitude, if you lose, life and death will be unpredictable."

Everyone felt a little pity for Li Ye, but Li Ye did not see any fear on his face.

Step out! The world is shaking!

Thousand times the general trend of the world! Now it is in his hands!

Although everyone felt that Li Ye had a small chance of winning, they couldn't help but move.

"This son is very strong, if it weren't for Yue Wu Endless to master the power of the eight Taoist rhymes, the victory or defeat of this battle is unpredictable."

"It's a pity to be able to cultivate from the lower nine domains to such a level, the talent is indeed against the sky."

The strong of the six sects are all sighing hypocritically, while some of the strong in the loose repair are helpless.

Li Ye took one step again!

It seemed to blend in with the surrounding world for a day, mixed with a huge and incomparable momentum, enough to instantly suppress an ordinary half-emperor powerhouse.

"This son's use of the general trend of the world is even more terrifying than some lower emperors."

Qingyuehuang squinted his eyes. Although he gave up Li Ye and chose Yue Wuendi, he still had to admit that if it wasn't for Li Ye's birth in the Lower Nine Regions, if it wasn't for Yue Wuendi's existence, he might really consider it.

In the face of such a terrible power, even the lower emperor would choose to evade, but Yue Wuendi smiled proudly!


The power of eight Taoist rhymes merges instantly!

Without too many moves, turn into an invincible will!

At that moment, he was heaven! Just the ground! Three realms and eight wilderness, invincible for me!

This is the first time Yue Wuendi has shown his true strength. He has always tried to hide himself, but now, he does not need to hide! He wants everyone to know that he will be the invincible powerhouse who rules everything!

Even the strong like Qingyuehuang was lost in his mind.

Eight Taoist rhymes! No one has ever been able to achieve this level under the Emperor Wu!


Without any timidity, Li Ye finally had no reservations in the face of such an invincible will!

The endless will to kill turns into a terrifying invincible shadow! Like the **** of death in the underworld! Reap the sickle of common people!

The two invincible wills collided instantly, almost forming a stalemate!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

In their view, the eight Taoist rhymes have reached the extreme that mortals can achieve! No one can say that Yue Wuzhi has not tried his best, or even that he can challenge the next emperor now, and he still has a great chance of winning!

But Li Ye didn't let the wind go down!

"How did he do it!"

"That terrible will! Could it be..."

Qingyuehuang's expression changed. To be honest, he couldn't believe it, but he couldn't believe it!

Yue Wuending's expression changed, his invincible blow, even a blow he was confident that even the middle emperor could threaten, was actually blocked!

However, his surprise was only the beginning!


Crash! In an instant, everyone saw that a hand appeared from the sky to the depths, instantly smashing Yue Wujin's invincible incarnation of will! Even if the eight Taoist rhymes blend together, they are so fragile in front of that.


A big mouthful of blood squirted out of Yue endless mouth! The so-called invincibility, in front of a more powerful existence, is like a child's play!

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