Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2504: Who is the first?

Emperor Qingyue, want to receive Yue Wu endless to become his own disciple!

In an instant, everyone at Yuetian Castle was overjoyed! After all, once Yue Wuxi entered the Qingyue imperial gate, for Yuetian Castle, it was tied to a thigh!

Why can Longjiazhai compete with Yuetianbao in recent years? It is because Long Dingtian worshipped the Qingyue Emperor a hundred years ago!

The expressions of the other five powerhouses are not very good, except for Huzhongdao and Yuheng Mountain Villa, because they have been weak over the years, I never thought of having the opportunity. Moon Star Bay, Longjiazhai and the Valley of the Evil are all strong at this moment. The face is black.

"Endless! Don't hurry up and apprentice!"

Emperor Wu Qiyan glanced directly at Yue Wujin. Although his disciple was killed by Li Ye and he is still resentful now, he naturally distinguishes which is heavier.

Yue Wujin is not stupid, so she hurried forward, "Junior Yue Wujin, pay homage to your lord!"

He is arrogant, but in front of Qingyue Emperor, he can't get arrogant, even a little excited!

This is Qingyuehuang! More noble than their status as the Lord of the Moon Sky Castle!

"Stupid boy, what are you talking about?"

"The disciple sees Master!"

The scene at this time seemed very tender, at least in the eyes of the people in Yuetianbao.

Qingyuehuang also rarely showed a smile, looking amiable.

Long Dingtian's face was dark, but he knew that even if he was a disciple of Emperor Qingyue, he had no right to influence the decision to change Emperor Qingyue.

Some casual cultivators were full of disappointment. In their opinion, Li Ye was more appropriate than Yue Wu Endless in terms of strength, tolerance, or even the miracle he created!

"It's not fair! Why is Moon Endless?"

"Yeah, it hasn't been ranked first. Why should we decide the candidate now?"

"This is a black box operation!"

No matter how dissatisfied the casual cultivator was, he couldn't change this result.

Qingyuehuang had a smile on his face, but quickly glanced coldly at some of the more riotous people in San Xiu, and suddenly the terrible pressure shocked those people to vomit blood!

One of them is the best in casual cultivator, the lower emperor!

"Who accepts as a disciple in this seat, naturally has some consideration for this seat! This seat has never said that the first in the competition is qualified to enter the gate of this seat!"

After that, he looked at Li Ye with cold eyes. The others were just outsiders, but Li Ye was an insider.

"Are you dissatisfied?"

This sound is completely overpowering people! When a wise man heard that, even if he was unwilling to do so, in order not to sin against Emperor Qingyue, he would suppress his anger and bow his head to surrender.

However, Li Ye was not, even the terrible pressure of Emperor Qingyue couldn't make him bow his head.

"Since the seniors have the consideration of the seniors, the juniors naturally have the wishes of the juniors. Since the juniors have no chance to worship the seniors, the juniors will not force them. However, this last battle, the juniors really want to proceed."

Some words surprised everyone.

Qingyuehuang raised his brows even more, why couldn't he hear what Li Ye said?

"Yeah! This number one is always better!"

"I gave up halfway, and didn't lose the face of six doors? We also want to see who is the real first among the younger generation today!"

"Yeah yeah! Compare it! Compare it!"

Many casual cultivators who were originally dissatisfied were even more fussy.

They knew that the result could not be changed, but they even wanted to see that Li Ye defeated Yue Wu Endless in the face of Qingyue Emperor and all the six powerhouses!

At that time, Qingyuehuang's expression must be very exciting!

The disciple he selected had actually lost to the one he gave up!

Qingyuehuang's expression was ashen, in fact, at the beginning, he was indeed moved by Li Ye's performance. But in the end he still chose Yue Wu Endless, so he naturally had his consideration!

Six doors, attached to the Tianci Pavilion, he naturally had his consideration as the elder of the palace.

In his opinion, Yue Wu Endless is no different from other Tianjiao, but Long Dingtian has already worshipped him, he naturally will not use his hand to let Longjiazhai rise, and the little villain He was defeated by Li Ye before, and he also kicked out.

Ultimately choosing Yue Wu Endless is also a trade-off!

Tianci Pavilion would not be willing to see the six sect families, any one is rising, what they need is checks and balances.

Li Ye did not speak, nor did he persecute, but a smile on his face.

However, this smile made Qingyue Emperor a dilemma.

The reason for the announcement in advance was because he was not sure whether Yue Wu Endless could beat Li Ye, a young man with a mysterious background!

Once he lost, all his plans could not be carried out.

Just when he was hesitant, Emperor Yinyue smiled slightly, "Brother Qingyue, why don't you let you, a new disciple, show it, I'm also looking forward to it."

The emperor Yinyue's voice made Qingyuehuang even more of a reason to refuse.

Even Tong Si smiled, "It's better to let the two fight a battle. With Yue's inexhaustible strength, it is not difficult to win, and it saves Brother Qingyue from having a reputation as an unknown person."

When the words were up to this point, Qingyue Emperor was also forced to helplessly. Tong Si's idea was naturally to take a closer look at the number of meters on Li Ye's body. As for Emperor Yinyue, who could know his purpose except himself?

"The disciple is willing to accept the challenge!"

In fact, Yue Wujin was a little dismissive, but since the scene became like this, he also knew that if he refused to fight, even if Emperor Qingyue would not change his mind, at least he would be timid in the heart of Emperor Qingyue. impression.

This is absolutely unacceptable to a person who is as proud as him!

"Well, when you take the stage and fight with him, it can be regarded as proof that the choice of being a teacher is not wrong."

In the end, Emperor Qingyue nodded, and Yue Wuendi went directly to the ring.

Everyone was quiet all at once.

Although it was fierce and fierce just now, no one really can pat his chest and say, between the two of them, who can stand to the end.

The momentum of the two sides, competing against each other, almost exploded terrifying edge before they played against each other!

Many people resisted by luck.

"Either of these two people is a monster in the world! I don't know who is stronger."

"Naturally, the moon is endless, and I can be favored by Qingyue Emperor, naturally there is a certain reason!"

"Yue Wu Endi? He just relied on his identity as the Young Master of the Moon Sky Castle! I don't think it is necessarily, this battle is unpredictable!"

Everyone has different opinions, and even people who have reached the realm of Wuhuang dare not make judgments easily.

Qingyuehuang himself narrowed his eyes at this time.

He naturally hoped that his new disciple would win, otherwise his old face would be a bit unsustainable.

On the side of Yuetianbao, naturally he was extremely nervous.

"You shouldn't challenge me."

An icy voice came from Yue Wujin's mouth, and a ray of cold light flashed in his eyes.

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