Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2490: Beat the star

Reaching the stars was hit hard, no one expected!

And Star Reaching is definitely the most unacceptable to this result!

At this time, he didn't care about the three tricks he had just made! After spitting out a mouthful of blood, there was a roar, and the terrifying aura of the whole body turned into a broader world!

he! Enraged!

What three tricks, what genius master style! At this moment, nothing exists!

"you wanna die!"

Injured in Li Ye's hands, the star-catcher had an unparalleled terrorist killing intent!

Even if Li Ye killed his two junior disciples, he never inspired his killing intent. Fighting with Li Ye was just the reason he had to act as a Yuexingwan disciple!

So he gave Li Ye the promise of three moves, which reflected his strength and his demeanor. ★

It's a pity that with Li Ye's second move, all his pride was directly shattered, and Starcatcher teared off all his masks!


Seeing star-catching hands-on, some experts in casual cultivating screamed angrily! After all, everyone saw and witnessed the three tricks just now! Now that the star breaks the contract, and is not self-talking?

It's a pity that no one will stop it, the strong six will not, and the strong in casual repair will be frightened that the six will not interfere.

As for Star Reaching himself, winning or losing, even if it will leave a stain today, but in the future, once he steps into the pinnacle of martial arts and becomes a truly invincible person, who will remember everything today? Even if someone remembers it, no one has the guts to mention it!

A terrifying world, directly suppressed towards Li Ye!

In the rage, the star-catching has no reservations!

A golden light turned into a divine light!

The powerful divinity almost tore the world!

"Imperial weapon!"

Everyone didn't expect that even the royal weapon was used directly when the stars were picked! Obviously the injury just now completely angered him!

"Good job!"

Li Ye didn't retreat but moved forward, and with a long roar, his whole body also burst into a shocking breath of invincibility!

At that moment, the six experts were stunned!

They knew that Li Ye's son was very powerful and could come from the Lower Nine Realms. No matter what, he was a dragon and phoenix among the human beings.

But they would never have thought that Li Ye could actually hurt such an invincible evildoer like picking stars! Even forced to win the stars regardless of the agreement, breaking the contract to shoot! Even the imperial weapon will not hesitate to use it!


The terrorist forces of the two sides collided, and many powerful men, including the lower emperor, used their own methods to avoid being affected.

Only a few people can sit still.

"The winner is determined?"

On the Moon Star Bay, many powerhouses are nervous! Reaching the stars is their most powerful genius, and if there is a mistake, it will be hard for them to explain when going back.

The old man Tongluo tried to take action several times, but in the end he did not act.

Whether it was Emperor Qingyue or Emperor Yinyue, he did not dare to act rashly before he spoke.

Finally, two figures broke out of the sky, but one of them was a little embarrassed, his body covered in blood, where is the arrogant and invincible look before?

Get the stars!

Seeing the terrifying end of the star picking, everyone has an illusion of suffocation and disbelief.

Win the stars, lost?

On the other side, although Li Ye was also bloodied, he was obviously not seriously injured!

Sit down! Three-year-old children can make this judgment.

Only this result is not acceptable to the people of Yuexingwan!

The old man Tongluo's face sank for the first time!

"Shameless kid, dare to **** tricks!"

Regardless of how Li Ye defeated the star, he just buckled his hat! At the same time, he was angry and shot directly, but the next moment, he was suddenly suppressed by a terrifying force that could not even breathe, and he was instantly suppressed and returned to his stand, unable to move.

This time, it was not Emperor Yinyue who shot, but Emperor Qingyue!

At this time, only Qingyuehuang's face was unhappy, and his eyes looked at the old man Tongluo with a hint of coldness. The three times the old Tongluo intervened in the martial arts competition has already caused him a little dissatisfaction, especially the old Tongluo directly did it without saying a word, which made his face look unsightly.

"grown ups!"

"In the arena, winning or losing is commonplace. As the elder of the teacher's sect, you still have to intervene?"

"But my lord, that kid..."


With a grunt, the old man Tongluo shut up. Because he saw that Emperor Qingyue was indeed angry! My heart is also anxious.

The star is defeated! Even he himself couldn't accept this result for a while.

Although Li Ye did not kill him, this result was even more unacceptable to him than killing him!

Three tricks!

Three moves are the winner!

Qingyuehuang took a breath, and the previous judgment that made people think he was joking before Yinyuehuang became a reality at this time.

It's just that the person who won was not the one who was expected to win the stars, but Li Ye, a casual cultivator who came from the Lower Nine Regions, and everyone didn't take it seriously at the beginning.

"I haven't lost yet!"

Reaching the stars is no longer the calmness of the past, and roars!

Unfortunately, a terrible voice directly swallowed all his dissatisfaction.

"Enough! I can't accept even failure, Dao Xin is so fragile, I am not qualified to be the emperor's disciple!"

The Emperor Qingyue, in a short sentence, instantly made the star-picking face look like ashes.

Before that, he was one of the most dazzling people on the border of the ancient city. He had enough capital to be arrogant and didn't put any peers in the eyes.

But now, he is defeated!

Even if he still has the power to fight! But Qingyuehuang obviously wouldn't give him a second chance!

If it's someone else, you won't be convinced to win the stars! But Qingyuehuang's voice was like an imperial decree, he didn't dare not follow it! He glanced at Li Ye with a terrifying murderous look, and then returned to the stands of Yuexing Bay with an angrily grunt.

The removal of the stars made Qingyue Emperor's selection of disciples become more subtle this time.

Yue endless, the little wicked frowned.

Although they lacked a powerful opponent, Li Ye, this person, made them feel that it was more dangerous than picking stars.

Lian Qi even showed the killing intent several times, but let alone him, even the old man Tongluo couldn't kill Li Ye on this occasion, so naturally he wouldn't be boring.

It can be said that unless the Emperor Qingyue wants to kill Li Ye, no one in the room can do anything to Li Ye in full view!

It’s just this result that the people of Yuexingwan couldn’t accept, and the other five powerhouses were like taking a bite of ****. If it weren’t for the attitude of Emperor Qingyue, they would definitely take action immediately. Ye this variable is killed directly on the spot!

In the second round, Li Ye immediately took the lead, and even defeated the star pick that everyone thought was most likely to be one of the candidates for Qingyue Emperor's disciple!

Many casual cultivators can no longer use words to describe the mood at this moment! After a defeat, a Li Ye came! And it seems to be more against the sky?

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