Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2489: Who said that Emperor Wu Kingdom is really invincible?

The horrible aura, even if you don’t try to pick the stars, it’s definitely not that simple to hurt him!

A round of kingdoms appeared behind him, although it was still faint, but it was enough to make everyone gasp!

"A world! Emperor Wu Kingdom!"

Yunteng 6's definition of the strong, the most important thing for Emperor Wu is to have his own piece of heaven and earth, which is called the Kingdom of Emperor Wu! Although not completely separated from the laws of heaven and earth, it has truly become a small world!

And Emperor Wu has the huge and terrifying heaven and earth vitality of a country as its support!

Ordinary cultivators need the vitality of the outside world! But Emperor Wu owns a world!

The gap is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Sure enough, I can step into the realm of the lower emperor! Although it hasn't been completely formed, I already have my own kingdom!"

In San Xiu, a middle-aged man murmured to himself that he was also a top figure in San Xi, the lower emperor and powerhouse, naturally understood what the hazy world appeared behind the star picking.

He even experienced it personally, even more shocked!

"This son of star picking is worthy of being an enchanting evildoer who can personally teach the old immortal in Yuexing Bay. Normally, the lower emperor has just had a stable realm and cannot form such a degree of kingdom. This son actually succeeded before the emperor's calamity came. After breaking open of my own country, the future is indeed terrifying!"

Everyone knows that Emperor Wu is invincible, but how do you judge the superior?

In addition to the gap in realm, the most important point in the same realm is the strength of each country!

Owning an extremely powerful and vast country will enhance Wu Huang's own strength!

Of course, the Emperor Wu who understands that he has mastered the Tao will be in the same realm, almost invincible! Unless it is an opponent who also masters the Tao, it can be said that there is no opponent.

When the kingdom appeared behind the star picking, everyone smiled bitterly.

The people in Yuexing Bay were all sneered. Although Li Ye's three moves made them feel tight for a while, they were relieved at this time.

Even the old man Tongluo smiled and bloomed!

The stronger the performance of picking stars, the most crucial role for Qingyue Emperor's decision!

Once he became the disciple of Emperor Qingyue, it was definitely the best opportunity for Yuexing Bay to rise.

"One world, Emperor Wu Kingdom."

Li Ye took one step again!

At this time, he had already made his aura to the extreme!

He naturally understood the idea of ​​picking the stars. Obviously, he was underestimating the enemy, so he was vigilant, but as long as he didn't make a move, letting Li Ye three move this agreement would not be considered a violation.

However, this move of winning the stars has caused many casual repairs to curse.

"It's a good one to win the stars. If you say you have three tricks, you can't afford it!"

"Yeah, even if you don't take the initiative to take the initiative, even the kingdom of Emperor Wu will be formed, how can you break it? Unless the real Emperor Wu takes action, under the Emperor Wu, he is invincible!"

Although there are a lot of casual cultivators who scolded him, his expression remained unchanged when he picked stars.

Although many experts in the six sects knew it was shameless to pick stars, they did not say anything. After all, Li Ye is not a member of the six sects. They don’t want to see Li Ye stepping on the geniuses of the six sects and finally threaten their status. .

Dragon Fight Hoshino!

Thousand times the general trend of the world! Real dragon goes to sea! Rage to the sky!

This punch is almost enough to penetrate the void! Even the spatial strength of Shenshengzhou cannot be easily torn apart by Emperor Wu, but this punch has almost reached the limit that can be reached under Emperor Wu!

The star-catching kingdom vibrated slightly, as if it could be broken at any time under the stormy sea.

No one thought that Li Ye's punch could produce such a terrifying power, even the star picking himself did not expect it.

But this punch, after all, failed to smash his country.

"I admit that you are strong enough to be qualified as my opponent. However, it is a pity that you are not one of my six!"

Reaching the stars took a step back. Although Li Yegong failed, he was not without any damage. It's just that this injury is nothing to him, and he doesn't even need a pill to recover.

Even at this time, the star picking was still so arrogant.

But he has such arrogant capital!

If you don't enter the Emperor Wu, you will become a country by yourself!

This kind of thing, even if someone can do it for ten thousand years, is one of the few!

Yue Wu Endless, the little villain, his eyes revealed a hint of sharpness, star picking is their most powerful opponent, among the four of them, only one person has the opportunity to worship the Qingyue Emperor! Naturally, you need to get a thorough understanding of your opponent as soon as possible.

Among the four, only Tian Chun looked the most indifferent, and he was more interested in Li Ye than the terrifying power displayed by star picking!

"You still have two chances."

On the ring, the star picks up a cold smile.

Two tricks!

In fact, with the move just now, even those who despised Li Ye had changed their minds at this moment.

Just wanting to hit the star in two ways, no one thinks Li Ye can do it.

Li Ye didn't speak, nor did he use any magic weapons.

"The Emperor Wu Kingdom is indeed powerful, it can be called a symbol of invincibility under the Emperor Wu, but there is no absolute thing, even the Emperor Wu Kingdom is not necessarily invincible."

The terrible will to destroy came out of Li Ye's eyes. The punch just now was just his temptation.

The Emperor Wu Kingdom really made him miscalculate, but even if it was the Emperor Wu Kingdom, he hadn't seen it!

Even if they are geniuses, how many have the courage to be enemies with Emperor Wu before they enter the Emperor?

The reason why he became famous is that he dares to challenge Emperor Wu!

And Li Ye, let alone challenging Emperor Wu, he even killed two lower emperors himself! Even if it's just a pseudo-emperor!

"Don't be ashamed!"

The old man Gong Gong snorted coldly in the stands. The Emperor Wu Kingdom is indeed not invincible, but that refers to the collision between the same Emperor Wu! However, facing Emperor Wu, it is definitely a truly invincible place! Because no one can hurt the Emperor Wu himself who was shrouded by the Emperor Wu Kingdom!

Most of the other six powerhouses also looked like this. In their opinion, Li Ye, a junior, was nothing but a bluff and should not be worried.

However, in the next moment, almost all their expressions were frozen on their faces.

The terrifying will to destroy has turned into a terrifying peerless edge!

Reaching the stars revealed a touch of horror for the first time!


The kingdom of Emperor Wu is known as the symbol of invincibility under Emperor Wu, an unbreakable world! Directly in front of that terrible will to destroy, it is vulnerable! Fragmented instantly!

He snorted and spewed out a large mouthful of blood. The whole person was swept out by that terrifying force. I don't know how many mountains and giant mountains were crushed, and even the earth cracked and perished under his feet!

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