Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2491: Strive for the first

Li Ye wins when the star is out.

The two remaining geniuses in Yuexingwan barely dared to meet Li Ye's eyes at this time.

Killed Lee Ye? Just kidding, the stars are all defeated, they go up to death! And others dare not kill them in the ring, but Li Ye definitely dare!

Two of their previous brothers died in Li Ye's hands!

The other five powerhouses are all gloomy.

Especially for Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai, the worse Li Ye's performance, the worse their expressions!

Emperor Qi Yu Wu Huang even looked at Lian Qi several times, the disciple who had been his best disciple.

You know, they know best about Li Ye's origins!

Born in the next nine domains! They had the greatest possibility to recruit such people to their own sect! Or just kill! But now, people have not been recruited, but they have gradually plumped their wings, and even Yuexing Bay, which is as famous as Yuetian Fort, has suffered a big loss!

As for Longjiazhai, although Long Dingtian didn't know the origins of Li Ye at the beginning, his face was also not pretty!

"This person, once he joins the master's sect, he is too threatening to me!"

Although Long Dingtian was born in Longjiazhai, he is now thinking more about his status under the Qingyue Emperor! There are many disciples under the Qingyue Emperor. He is not the best, but he is definitely the one who has the most hope to impact the Qingyue Emperor's future successors!

But now Li Ye's performance has caused him a kind of fear!

Once Li Yebai enters the Qingyue imperial clan, he feels that his status will disappear!

Even the expression in his eyes when he saw Emperor Qingyue had changed slightly.

Although he has not finally made up his mind, it is a very bad omen.

Afterwards, only seven people eventually defeated their opponents and remained in the ring!

Except for Li Ye, Yue Wuendi, the little villain, and Tian Chun all easily defeated their opponents, and the voices were not unexpected. In addition to the three of them, a woman in Huzhongdao also defeated the other with difficulty, but she was not optimistic about the next step, and her face was full of wry smiles.

Two people in Yuheng Villa have successfully advanced! But what surprised everyone was not Yu Heng Jue and Yu Heng Que, but Yu Heng Jue and Yu Heng Fearless! The latter is obviously quite unfamiliar to many people.

And the last person was the Lingyue of Yuetian Castle.

In this way, only eight people are left to compete for the final first place! Although Emperor Qingyue never stated clearly that the person who won the first place would become his disciple, everyone thought so! Only the strongest person is qualified to be favored by Emperor Qingyue!

"There are still eight people left. Among them, Yue Wuendi of Yuetian Castle is sure to win the apprenticeship of Qingyue Emperor this time!"

"Yes, I have also heard that he has suppressed the realm for more than five years, and he has been able to step into the lower emperor realm long ago, but has been waiting for this opportunity! And I heard that his real purpose is for the emperor of the Heavenly Gift Pavilion. Sutra! Once he has cultivated to the emperor sutra, he will definitely hope to hit the realm of the emperor in the future! Become a truly invincible powerhouse."

Some people sighed in low voices, geniuses have reached the level of Yue Wujing, which is no longer an ordinary talent or intellect that can be described. Even some older generations of strong, powerful emperors and even middle emperors, in front of Yue Wujing, All are polite.

"The Descendant of the Valley of the Evil and the Little Evil also have great hopes. Although he was defeated by Yue Wuxi eight years ago, he was only a half-hearted defeat at that time! Now it's hard to say whether the two are strong and weak."

"The Tianchun of Longjiazhai is a man who claims to be more talented than Long Dingtian back then. If he were not from the bloodline of Longjiazhai, he really stood out from the Longjiazhai and received attention ten years ago. Now perhaps he has already been taken seriously. It can be called the invincible among the younger generation."

Undoubtedly, Yue Wuendian, the little villain, and Tan Chun are all known as the ones who have won the first hope.

Originally there was another star, but now the star has been upset and lost to Li Ye. Instead, the three of them have lost a strong competitor.

"Don't forget, there is the guy who defeated the star catcher! Maybe he can threaten the three of them."

Everyone was still a little unacceptable at the thought of being defeated by others.

It's a group of casual cultivators, quite excited!

After all, Li Ye is not a disciple of the Six Schools, in their opinion, he belongs to their casual cultivation world! If they can overcome the many geniuses of the heroes, and eventually become a disciple of the Qingyue Emperor, it will definitely be a grand event in their casual cultivation world! It may even change their position in the ancient city.

"Beat the stars? It's just that the stars are too arrogant, and the weakness is found under the underestimation of the enemy! If it is a fair match, it is absolutely impossible to be defeated!"

"That's true, and among the four people, the star picking is the weakest. Even if you really defeat the star picking, it will be difficult to threaten those three."

Those who hold this view are almost all six disciples.

For them, losing to the other six geniuses is shameless, and no one can say that they are truly invincible! There is sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

But losing to a casual cultivator, and still a casual cultivator from the Lower Nine Realms, is a great shame!

Suddenly, many people in the casual cultivator quarreled with some disciples of Liumen.

As the person involved, Li Ye was not disturbed by the outside world.

The eight people in the end obviously wanted to be ranked first, and there were big unexpected factors.

"I don't know if it was a lottery decision again, or an active challenge?"

Although everyone disagrees, they also look forward to the next collision between the top geniuses of the ancient city.

It's just that the six powerhouses obviously have other ideas at this time.

I don't know if it was because of Li Ye's unexpected factor that gave them a little idea.

Finally, the six-door powerhouse made a decision.

The remaining eight people each competed with the other seven.

It is not clearly stated who will be the first in the end, but there is no doubt that this kind of decision is more fair than simply eliminating the loser!

Li Ye smiled slightly when he heard the words.

He understands the thoughts of the six powerhouses, and they are deeply afraid that they will have the same unexpected result as the star picking earlier! That’s why the rules were changed! Even if you lose unexpectedly, you will not be eliminated directly, and there is still a chance to make up.

On the ring, there were eight people standing, each with a strong fighting spirit in their eyes.

However, no one took the lead, Yue Wujin and the little villain disdain to take the first shot, and everyone else is watching their opponents.

Finally, someone could not bear it.

I only saw a figure stepping into the ring, and everyone looked at it with a hint of surprise.

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