Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2488: Emperor Wu who is not Emperor Wu!

Star Reach did not take the initiative, but closed his eyes. ★

"Don't say I didn't give you a chance, since you can kill my two juniors, I will let you three tricks!"

Three tricks?

Everyone was shocked! But the many powerhouses and geniuses in the six schools are not surprising.

The character of picking stars is well known to everyone.

mad! proud!

Even once challenged a lower emperor with his bare hands, he was scolded by countless people as a lunatic and he couldn't help himself! But finally got the upper hand! Although in the end there is no difference between victory and defeat, but after that battle, it was enough to make the name of star picking widely circulated among the six! Become one of the most dazzling evildoers along the border of the ancient city!

"Domineering! Picking a star means picking a star, this kind of demeanor is not comparable to ordinary people!"

"That is to say, you have the confidence to win the stars. Let's have three tricks! A master can make a move, and one move is enough to change the outcome! How confident is it to make this kind of decision?"

Some people questioned, but soon was overwhelmed by more voices.

"It's just three strokes, even if you ask him ten strokes, that kid won't be the opponent to win the stars!"

"Yes, picking the stars but not entering the Emperor Wu is equivalent to the emperor of the Emperor Wu. He must be shocked. The ordinary lower emperor would not dare to say that he would be able to make three moves for that kid, but it was a reward for his mercy. That's it."

The disciples of Yuexingwan all sneered.

In Yuexing Bay, the status of picking stars is even higher than that of many lower emperors! It is highly regarded by the owner of Yuexing Bay, and even the middle emperor like the old man of Tongluo rarely puts on airs in front of star picking.

Because fools can see, there is hope that the star will hit the upper emperor realm in the future! Once successful, he will become the top invincible powerhouse of the entire ancient city boundary generation.

So most people don't dare to offend star picking easily, even the old man Tong Gong.

However, the seemingly alms-giving move of Star Reach turned the Yinyue Emperor's judgment just now into a joke.

Picking up the stars didn't know that Emperor Yinyue gave a three-stroke judgment that would determine the outcome, and the old man Tongluo looked embarrassed in the stands.

He naturally heard the insights of Emperor Yinyue, but at this time he was still riding a tiger. Isn't he hitting the old face of Emperor Yinyue? On the contrary, it was Emperor Qingyue with a smile on his face. Emperor Yinyue had just taken the opportunity to make him misjudge. Now if he wins a city, it will naturally make him particularly happy.

However, unexpectedly, Emperor Yinyue was not angry, but instead looked with a smile that no one else could guess.

"Three tricks?"

On the ring, Li Ye had a strange expression after hearing this.

It's not that he has never seen an arrogant genius. It's not that he's the most arrogant one he has ever seen, but it was the first person who said in front of him that he would make three moves after he stepped into the Three Realms Shengzhou.

"Since Fellow Daoist said so, it's better to follow his life with respect."

Unlike the furious or cold refusal that most people imagined, Li Ye smiled and accepted this choice logically.

Suddenly, someone sneered and even showed contempt.

Even some casual repairmen who were optimistic about Li Ye before, shook their heads slightly.

Whether it is a big sect disciple or a casual cultivator, they have their own arrogance, unless forced to do so, this three-stroke method is basically a means to trample on the self-esteem of a cultivator! As if telling his opponent, Lao Tzu didn't take you seriously.

Even if the strength is poor, few people are willing to swallow this breath.

There was a trace of contempt on Zhao Xingxing's face, but since the words were spoken, he would not change his mind! Most importantly, he didn't think that Li Ye could threaten him within three moves!

"Solid, old and scheming, this child is a dangerous man."

On the side of Yuetian Castle, Lian Qi had a gloomy face. This time Qingyue Emperor came to select disciples, and only a few people had hope of success. Winning stars is definitely one of them.

Sure enough, Qingyuehuang obviously appreciates the arrogance of star picking. In his opinion, geniuses naturally have the arrogance that geniuses have. This is innate. On the contrary, he does not think that humility is needed at all! Because this world is always respected by the strong!

"Make a move."

Picking the stars smiled coldly, so calmly.

Li Ye smiled, did not speak, stepped out!

In an instant, Li Ye's whole person changed!

In the stands, the old Gong Gong who was smiling just now stood up suddenly! Frightened!

Qingyuehuang's smile disappeared, and the other six powerhouses were almost completely shocked!

Outside the ring, many casual cultivators and six disciples became quiet in an instant!

"The first trick!"

Li Ye's voice was not loud, but it almost penetrated everyone's heart, causing his heart to twitch!


Thousand times the general trend of the world! Completed almost instantly!

Reaching the stars finally opened his eyes! A terrifying edge burst out of his eyes! At that moment, he felt a danger! An unprecedented danger that he has never experienced before is coming!

At that moment, I regretted the first time I picked the stars, and I just boasted about the three tricks I made in Haikou!

Because he now underestimated Li Ye's opponent!

However, picking a star means picking a star, even if you know that you underestimated the enemy just now, you still have the same confidence!

The horrible breath spread from him, and even gave people the illusion that the star picking at this time had already stepped into the realm of the Emperor of Martial Arts, detached from the mortal into the sacred, and utterly refined! Really override the nine days!

"Good guy! It seems that the cultivation base has broken through again! Although he has not yet ushered in the emperor's calamity, with his current cultivation base, even if the emperor's robbery comes, it will be easy! He stepped into the lower emperor realm, Just around the corner!"

The strong exclaimed!

But even more people shook their heads in horror, "No! He could have ushered in the emperor! He was deliberately suppressing the realm!"

Throughout Yunteng University 6, how many people dream of wanting to become Emperor Wu? Live with the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon shine together? Not to mention that Emperor Wu is really immortal, but for countless years, I haven't seen a few Emperor Wu who died because of his end of life!

The life span of Emperor Wu is too long! Long enough to be regarded as immortal by the world!

Can break through the Emperor Wu but deliberately suppress the realm? Most people will definitely be mad!

But just do it!

Just as the powerful exclaimed, he could successfully enter the realm of the lower emperor a year ago! But he has been suppressing his cultivation and not improving! Because of his ambition, not just stepping into the Emperor Wu!

The Qingyue Emperor was moved. Originally, he had a pretty good impression of picking stars, and now he nodded slightly. Even if the star picks now worship him, he will definitely not insult his identity! Have enough qualifications to become his disciple!

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