Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2460: Qianye's Mind

Xunhuang, once also one of the arrogances of the next nine domains! Even without any opponent back then, he directly broke through the Nine-pole Palace to the border of Shensheng Prefecture!

At that time, he was also very energetic, ready to show his glory!

However, the reality is cruel!

He was taken away directly by the people of Yuetian Castle, without even a trace of resistance, and even some ordinary geniuses of Yuetian Castle could not be defeated! Finally confessed his fate and stayed in Yuetian Castle!

Now that nearly a thousand years have passed, he has also become the Emperor of Wu, and he also has a certain status in Yuetian Castle.

It's just that, the same Emperor Wu, and the next emperor, his strength is completely inferior to Lian Qi, who just broke through more than a hundred years ago!

"That kid is nothing. The key is not to be robbed by the five of Longjiazhai. However, the people in Longjiazhai are not in the ancient city for the time being. Even if you get the news, you will not be able to catch up in the first time."

Ling is more confident, after all, he brought this news back! Even if he gets the Emperor Jing at that time, he won't be able to get involved, but Yuetian Castle will not treat him too badly because of his merits! The key is that his master is one of the five elders, the strongest middle emperor!

Emperor Qi Li! The youngest of the five elders of the Moon Sky Castle, although not the strongest, there is no doubt that he will do something more in the future!

The conversation between several people did not deliberately avoid it.

He was heard by Qianye hiding aside.

"That kid, is that Li Ye from Xinghaiyu?"

For Li Ye, Qianye was naturally impressed! After all, when many geniuses from the Lower Nine Realms gathered together, she was one of the four great arrogances, and her vision was so high, but she was also attracted by Li Ye.

It just so happened that at this time, Yue Wujin's people over there chatted again, "I heard that there is an entourage around that kid, who is of ancient blood."

These words were the more the spirit spread, and he was following the son of the sea emperor, so he naturally heard a lot.

"Ancient blood? Just rely on the waste of the Nine Regions?"

Suddenly, the Yuetianbao disciple sneered, but he didn't notice the expression on the other side of the Emperor Xunhuang. You must know that Emperor Xun also came from the Lower Nine Realms. Although he has been here for nearly a thousand years, he always feels uncomfortable when he hears such remarks.

Yue Wuendi is exquisite, noticing Xunhuang's face, and smiling slightly, "It can't be said that although the Lower Nine Regions are barren, there will be some powerful characters. It is not impossible to give birth to people of ancient blood."

This remark made the Emperor Xun's face look much better. He had originally wanted to take refuge in Yue Wu Endless recently and was dazzled. After all, he knew that he had no adventures or massive resources, and it was very difficult for him to hit the middle emperor. If he followed Yue endless, he might gain some benefits.

As for other geniuses, as a lower emperor, he naturally does not need to deliberately lower his status, and only Yue Wuyou, a genius with unlimited future, is worth his investment.

Moon endless, who saw all this in his eyes, raised his mouth slightly.

Although the power of the patrol emperor is not outstanding among the many lower emperors of Yuetian Castle, it is also a real martial emperor. He wants to become the master of Yuetian Castle in the future, naturally it is impossible to come alone! It is what he wants to win over the forces and increase himself.

Recently, he has disclosed the news to some of the lower emperors of Moon Sky Castle more than once, but for the time being, the two lower emperors have made a clear statement and support him.

"Well, the emperor will take a trip personally. If there is someone with ancient blood, the emperor will bring him back personally."

The status of Emperor Xun Huang is naturally not comparable to that of disciples, and it is impossible to appear casually, since he appears naturally with purpose.

"If this is the case, then there will be a labor inspection emperor."

Yue Wujin nodded and gestured, without words at all, a certain tacit understanding had been reached between the two.

The Emperor Xun was not talking nonsense, but disappeared from the crowd in a flash.

Many disciples are eager!

"I really hope that one day, I can also become Emperor Wu!"

"Yes, in the Upper Three Realms, only Emperor Wu is qualified to travel in the sky!"

Unlike the Lower Nine Realms, the spatial intensity of the Upper Three Realms is definitely more than a hundred times greater! Even the pinnacle half-emperor cannot easily tear it apart! Can't even travel from the sky! That is the world above the Emperor Wu!

Qianye walked out of the dark when the crowd dispersed.

"Ancient blood? It seems to be him! He hasn't left here."

Outside the ancient city, almost everyone was more or less forced to join Yuetianbao or Longjiazhai, even such arrogance as Wu Wenhaoran and Qianye.

The only real exceptions are Kaye and Wang Kui!


The Sea Emperor's son came over, and now they are both Yuetianbao disciples, and they were born in the Lower Nine Regions, so naturally they need to get closer.

Seeing Qianye, Haihuang's son also sighed a little, "You are attracted by Yue Wuxi, and you are going to rise to the top in the future. Those of us, it seems that you have the most hope to get ahead."

The spirit of the year was high, but now there is not much left.

For the son of Sea Emperor, Qianye smiled, "You are not bad, with that Lingyue, there will be a place in Yuetian Castle in the future."

"Not as good as you. But for those of us, Wang Kui was taken away by a mysterious man, but Kasaba was mysteriously missing, do you know?"

They all knew that Wang Kui was taken away, but Qianye was obviously a little surprised when Kaye, one of the four great arrogances, disappeared.

Seeing Qianye’s expression, the Sea Emperor’s son knew that he could not find out anything, and lost interest, but before leaving, he mentioned, "The little beast Li Ye is now unlucky for him! I heard that the Tianci Pavilion The Lord Envoy valued him very much, but I don’t know why he actually rejected Lord Envoy. Now without the protection of Lord Envoy, he is a dead end this time! Even the women around him will become the playthings of those big men!"

He said that he left directly, leaving Qianye in deep thought in the same place.

He didn't know that Qianye made a decision soon, and his eyes flowed, but he showed a slight sneer, "Idiot, even the strong in Tianci Pavilion didn't do it personally, and Yuetian Castle dared to do it. I don’t know if I become a gunman! But it’s good that he can make the great figures of Tianci Pavilion not dare to do it easily. There must be some means. If I want to leave Yuetian Castle, maybe I can find him!"

Qianye quickly found an excuse to leave Yuetian Castle. Although she was staring at her every move, Yue Wuendi was obviously very confident! Qianye can't escape his palm!

On the other side, Li Ye ushered in the expected enemy.


The entire building where he settled down instantly turned into ruins.

The breath of horror came instantly, and almost instantly many people around felt the coming of death like a **** of death!

"Run! It's Emperor Wu!"

"What a powerful emperor! I don't know which of the six masters of Wuhuang is!"

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