Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2459: Boundary difference

Qianye couldn't refuse, but she was not willing to act as Yue endless forbidden!

Although I temporarily agreed to Yue endless request, deep down, there was a strong resistance!

The clover is attractive, but if you don't have the nine-duan pill, you can take it directly for a microscopic effect! And the entire Yuetian Castle did not have figures such as Dan Zun, there were many Dan Kings, but the Nine Duan Dan Kings did not!

Unlike the lower nine realms, in the upper three realms, the division of pill kings is stricter!

The king of pill is divided into nine sections, the lowest one, the highest nine!

During this period of time, she also learned that the so-called top-tier pill king of the Lower Nine Regions was only at the level of the six or seven Dan Pill Kings. The real Nine Stage Pill King was equivalent to the Dan Zun in the eyes of everyone in the Lower Nine Regions!

San Ye Lian, although Yue Wu-endi delivered San Ye Lian to Qianye as promised, she didn't mention the search for King Jiuduan Dan for her, obviously to prevent her from crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

"Young Master Yue, the rare elixir of Sanyelian is not easy to find. Even if we want to get one, it will take a lot of effort to give it to her, is it too wasteful?"

As one of the descendants of the Lord of the Moon Sky Castle, Yue Wu Endless is not only talented, but also superb!

By his side, there are some geniuses and strong men who follow him.

In Yuetian Castle, someone has already included him as one of the future candidates for the main candidate of Yuetian Castle, and even the five elders are more optimistic about Yue Wuendi.

At this time, seeing Yue Wuhang giving the clover to Qianye, someone suddenly expressed doubts.

After all, this three-leaf lotus may not be used by Emperor Wu, but under Emperor Wu, it is definitely one of the top elixir!

"It's okay. If it weren't for this selection of Tianci Pavilion's disciples, I would no longer have to deliberately suppress the realm. After this selection, I will be able to break through. By then, Sanyelian will not have much effect on me."

There are many disciples in Yuetianbao, but not many can break through Wuhuang!

Even if you break through the Emperor Wu, there are strengths and weaknesses! No one would think that Yue Wu Endless's talent is very poor, and it has not broken through now. The only explanation is to wait for the Tianci Pavilion disciple selection!

"The young master of the month will be able to succeed naturally."

"Yes, as soon as the young master comes out, who would dare to fight for the frontier generation? That is, the Longwu of Longjiazhai, and the little villain of the rumored villain may bring some trouble to the young master."

Naturally, the six parties are not in peace! Although countless years ago, there were two forces controlling the ancient city every 100 years, and rotating once every 100 years, but everyone wanted to completely defeat the other five and become the real overlord!

It's just that, over the years, no one can overwhelm anyone, or that even if one of the six forces has declined, the balance between them has led to peace.

As for the dragon martial in their mouth, the little villain is the genius of the other two sects among the six forces!

Naturally, these geniuses are not comparable to the geniuses of the Lower Nine Realms. Those who can stand out from the six forces, and are called geniuses by others, are the most outstanding people within the entire border thousands of miles away!

Although Yue Wuzhen didn't speak, the pride in her eyes was undoubtedly revealed!

"Speaking of which, Junior Sister Qianye, who seems to have been named Tianjiao in the Lower Nine Regions, is said to be one of the top geniuses in the Lower Nine Regions!"

A disciple who had followed Lian Qiwu Emperor for some time before couldn't help but say.

"Tianjiao? A joke, you have to talk about Tianjiao, that is, Brother endless brothers, to be qualified! As for other people, who would dare to call themselves a Tianjiao? Let alone the Nine Realms, that kind of barren land, they are all looking at the sky from a well. I don’t know how high the sky is. It’s a joke to call myself a tianjiao with a little ability!"

This word came from one side, and when everyone saw it, they all bowed their hands slightly, "I have seen Brother Lingyue!"

Lingyue, although not as dazzling as Yue Wu Endless, is one of the top geniuses in Yuetian Fort.

He arched his hand towards Yue Wujin, "Senior Brother Wujin is blessed to see that woman. If she is smart, she will naturally know how to choose."

Ling is more proud, but he knows that he is definitely not the only one in Yuetian Castle! But Moon Endless is different! His identity is destined to be extraordinary! Not to mention the talent is still above him.

Being so complimented by the very few top geniuses in Yuetian Castle like Lingyue, Yue Wujin is in a good mood, but he has always been relatively calm. After nodding his head, he talked about one thing, "Lingyue, I heard that your brother Lian Qiwu Huang Have you taken someone to the kid from the Lower Nine Realms, and bring him back?"

Although the news was just returned, many people didn't know, but Yue Wuendi naturally knew the news immediately.

Lingyue also nodded, "Even Senior Brother Seven went out, so naturally he came to catch! Forgive that kid didn't have the strength to jump around!"

"I heard that there is a guardian of Emperor Wudao beside him?"

Wu Huang protects the way!

Many Yuetianbao disciples around were a little surprised when they heard this. After all, even in the Upper Three Realms, the Emperor Wu didn't walk all over the floor. It was possible for a Emperor Wu to protect the way, and within the six forces, that is, some top talented disciples were eligible!

At least in Yuetian Castle, those who are qualified to let the Emperor Wu protect the way can count with both hands.

"A martial emperor in the Nine Territories is nothing at all! Not to mention that even Senior Brother Seven will go out in person, even me, as long as there is a magic weapon in hand, she can be cut by the sword!"

People in the upper three realms naturally have a sense of superiority in their bones and look down on the lower nine realms.

In the Moonsky Castle, there were also strong men who had come up from the Lower Nine Regions, but later under pressure, they joined the Moonsky Castle. At first they were a little arrogant, but gradually the edges and corners were smoothed, and over time, they saw the super strength of the Upper Three Realms completely crushing the Lower Nine Realms, and they didn't think there was any problem.

Sure enough, these words caused one person to appear.

"Lian Qi shot? That shouldn't be a big problem."

This person looks like a scholar in his thirties. He walks away, but he feels like an instant. Seeing this person, with the exception of Yue Wu Endless, the rest of the people and even Ling Yue bowed their hands.

"I have seen the emperor."

Moonsky Castle, the emperor! Although only the lower emperor, many disciples did not dare to be disrespectful.

"Xunhuang, you are also from the Lower Nine Regions, so you should be the clearest person."

Yue Wuzhen is not so good, after all, his identity is there, unless he is a middle emperor like the five great elders, otherwise a lower emperor, he does not need to be too respectful.

"Lian Qi's strength, as long as it doesn't meet two people, it is not a big problem."

The Xunhuang didn't care either, Yue endless was a popular candidate for the next castle lord after all, and once he was photographed by the elders of the Tianci Pavilion, he would even surpass the five elders in the future!

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