Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2461: Vicious means

There are also many ordinary people in the ancient city, as well as some casual practitioners and small sect disciples.

After feeling the terrible breath, they were all shaking, and even someone was scared to pee on the spot!

Even if it's just the lower emperor, in the eyes of ordinary people and casual cultivators in the ancient city, that person is also a big man who can pass the sky!

"In the next broad sword gate Sheba! I don't know which Lord Martial Emperor will come!"

A big man with a knife jumped up and asked loudly, although his forehead was cold and sweaty, it was natural to be able to speak under that pressure!

At the same time, as soon as he heard him report his family, many people suddenly realized!

"The Sheba of the broad sword! He is the top half emperor!"

In the astonishment of everyone, a voice came from the void, majestic and icy, "Yuetian Castle is doing errands, the idlers and others will get out immediately!"

When I heard people rolling, everyone would definitely be furious!

Especially some casual cultivators, after all, cultivators are all hot-tempered, how can people get offended like this? But when I heard the first half, let alone those casual cultivators, even Sheba, a powerful sect like the Broadsword Sect, who was a little famous sect, immediately condensed his eyes and showed a panic on his face.

He hurriedly bowed his hand, "It turned out to be the lord of Yuetianbao! She Ba didn't intend to offend, but the industry here is one of my broad-sword industries. I don't know if I have misunderstood and offended Yuetianbao?"

Others can go, but She Ba smiles bitterly. There are several restaurants here that he arranged in the ancient city. Although the ancient city is controlled by the six forces, it also gives some small sects some survival.

At this moment, only one person walked out of the void! Just appeared, take a picture directly!

She Ba was also considered a strong one, and he was shot and flew out without blocking a single move. He spewed a lot of blood on the spot!

However, he didn't dare to get angry at all, but showed a look of horror!

"It turns out that the Seventh Great Lords came! It's the villain who doesn't have eyesight!"

Even Qiwu Emperor! Many of the martial emperors of Yuetian Castle can be regarded as the one with great reputation. How can She Ba not recognize it? As soon as he saw who it was, he knew he was dead! It's just that he didn't know where he had offended Yuetian Castle!

"That person is in your restaurant?"

Even seven! Naturally, on the order of Yuetianbao, came to look for Li Ye! However, given his personality, he would naturally not come quietly. In this ancient city, he can naturally walk sideways.

"I don't know what the adults are referring to?"

She Ba was also depressed. He happened to come to the ancient city for a little bit of business today, and then left to look at Zongmen Industry, but he did not expect to hit the gun.

"This matter has something to do with your broad knife?"

Lian Qi can't explain, his eyes are cold! She almost didn't make She Ba, such a powerful man who went north and south, was scared to cry!

Although his broad sword gate has some strength, he is definitely not comparable to the power of Yuetian Castle! Even if Yuetianbao said a word, his Broadsword Gate would fly into ashes and annihilate overnight! Even if the master of their Broadsword Gate is a lower emperor, that's a word of effort in front of Yuetian Castle!

"My lord! The little man really doesn't know who you are referring to!"

"I hope you don't get involved with the broad sword, otherwise!"

Lian Qi wants to kill Sheba with just one finger! But he didn't do it, not because he was kind, but because he didn't want to waste time! He directly sucked in the strong like Sheba.

She Ba didn't dare to resist, and was directly pressed on the Sky Spirit cover with one hand!

Suddenly, there were bursts of screams from Sheba's mouth, heartbreaking!

Forcibly search the memory of the soul! With these cruel methods, many people who watched them were cold from afar!

That's a top half emperor! He is also a strong one, but he is kneaded at will like a domestic animal!

Soon, Lian Qi threw aside She Ba, who seemed to be crazy like a goat, in such a short time, he had read everything in She Ba's mind. As for Sheba, everyone couldn't help but feel chilled when they looked at him!

The strong man with broad swordsmanship, half the emperor at the peak, is now a waste.

"This is Moon Sky Castle!"

Many people have felt once again, who is the master in this world!

"Anyone here, kill without mercy!"

Suddenly, Lian Qi said coldly, and then behind him, several figures turned into black shadows and shot towards some scattered repairs nearby!

Suddenly, the screams came and went one after another, the disciples of the Broadsword Sect, or some casual cultivators who didn't even react, were crushed by the Tianling Gai, or died in their heart.


Some cultivators who had long been far away were afraid for a while, and once again recognized the methods of Yuetian Castle.

At this moment, a child who ran out of nowhere, stumbled and looked blank.

There is no doubt that this child is a family member of the Broadsword Gate, and the other strong disciples of the Broadsword Gate here have been killed, but he does not know what he gave birth to.

But when he saw the corpse on the ground, he burst into tears.

"My lord, are you?"

Just now, it was the three powerhouses of Yuetian Castle, all in the half-emperor realm, but one of them hesitated slightly and looked towards Lian Qi.


It is a pity that Lian Qi was not moved at all! To him, killing individuals is sparse and common!

The man sighed, helplessly patted the boy with a palm.

But at this moment, suddenly a light breeze blows on his face, and then the palm is slapped! Upon closer inspection, the child was held by a young man and appeared on the other side. It may be that the thrill just now made the boy frightened and stopped crying.

"Don't even let the children go, Yuetianbao's method is rather vicious."

The young man has no expression on his face, but everyone can hear the anger in his tone!

The strong man in Yuetian Castle who had lost his hand just now got angry, and at the same time, he was afraid of even Qiqi's rage, so he shouted coldly, "Boy, you are looking for death!"

However, he hadn't made a move yet, but suddenly a sword light drew across from behind obliquely, tricky and sharp!

This sword directly left a deep wound on his body, even if he hid quickly, it was too late to avoid it completely.

No one could see clearly how that sword light appeared, but in the rejoicing of Yuetianbao, a strong man, suddenly his chest hurt! Looking down, his eyes widened!

The blood stained his chest, and the last thing he saw was a flying sword, returning to the young man's hand as if it had its own spirituality.

Kill one with one sword!

However, many cultivators who looked far away were relieved in their hearts! Moon Sky Castle killed people involuntarily, they dared not say anything, but the young man's shot was a sigh for them!

Seeing their companions killed, the other two took a breath!

Just as they were about to do it, they suddenly saw a figure in front of them, and at the same time the cold voice sounded.

"You didn't run away. Your courage is commendable. For the sake of not running, this emperor will give you a whole body."

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