Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2455: Force him to submit?

The more Ling suffered, but he quickly calmed down!

After all, he was a genius from Yuetian Castle, with a gloomy face. Although his killing intent was overwhelming, he quickly swallowed a few pills to stabilize his injury.

"It turns out that there is a master by your side! The blame has to put me in the eyes of the Moon Sky Castle! But do you think that a small lower emperor can save your life?"

Although he was injured by a move, Lingyue also saw the depth of Meihuang, his eyes were cold, and looked towards Meihuang, "I took my eyes off today, but this girl, I hope you think about it! Here The border ancient city, even the Emperor Wu can't run rampant! If you provoke me, Yuetian Castle, the world is so big that there is no place for you! If the girl is willing, you can follow me!"

The Sea Emperor's son on one side naturally knew Lingyue's plan, and hurriedly said, "Yes, Brother Lingyue is a good disciple of the elders of Yuetianbao, and the future is limitless!"

Since seeing Lingyue and Lingyue's master's methods, the son of Sea Emperor has also dispelled the originally defiant character and has become more cautious.

His current goal is to be able to gain a firm foothold in Yuetian Castle, giving him decades or even a century, and he is confident that he can stand out!

The more Ling wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his face showed a trace of pride!

The son of the sea emperor is also an eye-catching person, and hurriedly said, "Brother Lingyue can be ranked in the top ten in the moon sky castle talent. Once he has passed the emperor and became the emperor, he will rarely have rivals in the moon sky castle. !"

Not to mention, these words are indeed very convincing!

Unfortunately, neither Li Ye nor Meihuang seemed to be interested at all.

Especially the Emperor Mei, nestling directly next to Li Ye, that makes Ling Yue almost breathe out flames!

You know, a genius like him, how many women in the entire border ancient city want to send it to the door, but unfortunately he throws it away after playing. He never intends to stay with him, and even many of them are used as a stove to squeeze dry and throw away. .

But a woman in the realm of Emperor Wu! And it's so overwhelming, let alone him, even his master will be moved when he sees it!

"Want the slave family to follow? As long as you beat him."

Meihuang's beautiful eyes turned, and she covered her mouth and chuckled.

Li Ye rolled his eyes directly, he didn't know what Mei Huang was paying attention to, but he directly caused Ling Yue's eyes to breathe more and more!

"A mere nine-domain waste!"

Maybe it was thinking that I was a little late in Li Ye's hand just now, and Ling Yue stopped temporarily in the middle of speaking. Just about to say something, suddenly there was a loud laugh from outside.

"Oh, isn't this the Lingyue of Yuetian Castle? Why is our great genius Lingyue so embarrassed now? Who hurt him?"

The voice was shrill, and soon a few people saw it. A figure appeared as soon as it appeared. After it appeared, Lingyue took a look at it and there was a trace of sarcasm on his face. They knew each other at the first glance, and their relationship was not good.

"Tian Chun! It is not your turn to comment on my business!"

People from Longjiazhai!

Seeing what the person is wearing, Li Ye probably knows the origin of his identity.

"Lingyue, it seems that your side is not going well."

Longjiazhai, Tian Chun! The name Li Ye didn't know what it meant, but even though Lingyue was stiff in his mouth, after seeing the other party, he undoubtedly showed a touch of fear!

"Li Ye! You'd better think carefully! Otherwise, don't leave without life!"

Ling Yue left a harsh word, and left with a cold snort! Not to mention that he is not Meihuang's opponent now, even if he is not injured, after seeing Tian Chun appearing, he knows that staying will not help!

But he obviously didn't intend to bring Li Yezheng back to Yuetian Castle! After leaving, I went back to Yuetian Castle and found my master! Wangyue Emperor Wu!

On the other side, after Lingyue left, Li Ye naturally had new visitors.

"Since everyone from Yuetian Castle has been here, you can guess my intention compared to that."

Straightforward, compared to Yuetianbao, Longjiazhai is obviously more sincere.

It's just that although Tian Chun's face didn't have much condescending domineering, but the touch of disapproval in the depths of his eyes was also caught by Li Ye.

"Want me to join Longjiazhai?"

"You are a smart person. It is normal for you to be a little arrogant to come from a place like the Lower Nine Regions. I have a junior, who was as arrogant as you, but now he has changed a lot. I hope you are also a smart people."

Compared to Lingyue, Tian Chun was more in line with a lobbyist, but the junior in his mouth surprised Li Ye.

"Wu Wenhaoran!"

"You two seem to be acquaintances, so I will make a long story short! Join Longjiazhai, you still have a way to survive! If you refuse, you actually know the consequences in your heart! Don't challenge the patience of the six forces! Especially this one hundred Years, it was Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai in charge of the ancient city. Since you rejected Yuetianbao, if you refuse even my Longjiazhai, you will consider the consequences for yourself."

The same threat, Yuetian Castle or Longjiazhai, are determined to win!

Not for their use, and will never be recruited by others! This kind of decision-making has been passed down from the six parties for countless years, and it is also a means for them to continuously absorb the talents of the Lower Nine Regions.

After hearing Tan Chun's warning, Li Ye still shook his head.

"Sorry, I am not interested in joining either Yuetian Castle or Longjiazhai for the time being."

Seeing Li Ye's refusal, Tian Chun didn't seem surprised, and it could even be said that this answer was already in his expectation.

He suddenly laughed. Although his voice was high-pitched, he seemed to have a hint of boldness, "Sure enough, as my brother said, you won't succumb. Having a backbone is naturally worthy of admiration, but it's too arrogant!"

Before leaving, Tian Chun gave Li Ye and Meihuang a weird look, "Personally, I am still looking forward to your survival, although there is little hope!"

After speaking, he left without even touching.

"He is strong!"

Mei Huang suddenly became serious, and Li Ye also nodded.

"Longjiazhai, Yuetianbao, it seems that Fourth Master Tong has acted!"

At that moment, Li Ye felt a faint danger, unlike geniuses like Lingyue, who later appeared to represent Longjiazhai, it was even more terrifying!

"If I play against him, the odds are not high."

Mei Huang shook his head, and Li Ye was not surprised, because Tian Chun was a martial emperor! And it's the kind of real Wuhuang! Even if he didn't reveal any hostility from beginning to end, he even suppressed his breath.

"Upper Three Realms, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger."

Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai failed one after another, and Li Ye was not allowed to join, and the news quickly reached someone.

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