Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2456: Break up

"My lord, it looks just as you expected."

Tong Mansion, Tong Si smiled slightly when he heard the words, "It's normal for a young man to be a little arrogant, so it's a little bit polished. Only when he truly realizes that if there is no strong backing in this Shenshengzhou and struggling, he will truly understand to make the right choice. "

"My lord is wise! That kid won't last long!"

"To pass a message to Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai, just say that there is an emperor scripture left by the great emperor in that kid."

Emperor Jing!

The subordinates in front of Tong Si trembled! He naturally knew that it was impossible! Also understand the intention of Tong Si's move!

Emperor Jing! No matter whether it is true or not, once it spreads out, one can imagine what the reaction will be!

Not to mention Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai, even the other four forces will move upon hearing the news! The point is that those Martial Emperors who are disdainful of shots will definitely not be able to sit still!

Emperor Jing, even the upper emperor will do whatever it takes to see it! Even if it is Tianci Pavilion, there is only one emperor scripture!

A fool can think that once the news spreads, the strong people in Moonsky Castle and Longjiazhai will definitely act immediately!

"The grown-up is strategizing, and he will definitely be able to catch it! At that time, I am afraid that the kid will not be obedient?"

Tong Si smiled slightly, he was naturally confident, and he personally took Li Ye back! It's just that he disdains that method, what he wants to see is Li Yexin willingly following! After all, his guardian has been out for a while, and it is time to bring back some powerful geniuses for the sect to enhance his status in the eyes of those high-ranking sects!

Li Ye is undoubtedly a chess piece he fancy!

As for Li Ye, Tianyangzi! The blood of the Taiwu clan! It also gave him a strong confidence!

"If these two people can be brought back, I must be the elder of the palace!" Tong's four mouth corners raised. Although he is a superior envoy in the eyes of the six forces, this is not what he wants! What he wants is to return to the Tianci Pavilion and become the elder of the palace! Because only the elders of the palace are qualified to practice the Emperor Jing!

Emperor Jing! Even if it is him, he wants it!

"Unfortunately, the girl escaped, otherwise she can be sure of everything!"

When Tong Siyi thought of his previous birth in person, he separated a divine mind clone and wanted to catch the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, but was killed by someone, and his face became a little ugly. Otherwise, two geniuses of ancient blood are enough for him to return to the Tianci Pavilion sect and compete for the position of elder of the palace.

After a short while, the news came out.

As for Li Ye, naturally he still doesn't know the conspiracy of Fourth Master Tong.

"Young Master, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Although Tong Si will not do anything for the time being, there is no guarantee that others will not!"

With the few people around Li Ye, A Fei traveled north and south, naturally also familiar with all kinds of dangers. After the people from Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai left, he directly expressed his concerns.

In fact, Li Ye was also interested. Originally, he stayed only to separate Jian Chen who had gone away in the Nine Extremes Palace! Now, since it was discovered, Jian Chen could not be here, and naturally it was impossible to stay.

More importantly, since you have come to the Upper Three Realms, staying in this boundary is not a waste of youth?

"Boy, this emperor also feels that we should leave as soon as possible. If you are under your wings, it is not easy to leave safely if you are being watched! Moreover, the power that the emperor used last time has not recovered, it is difficult to help you. ."

Even the Great Emperor Tianjian proposed this way.

Li Ye naturally thought of this, "I do want to leave as soon as possible! But we are not familiar with the Shensheng State Realm, and here is their land boundary, if we act together, the goal is too big!"

"What does the young master mean?"

"Split into pieces!"

Now Li Ye's group of people, although it seems that there are too many people and powerful, but he knows very well that once the kind of power that even he can't handle appears, let alone there are too many people, there are not enough people to kill.

"You leave tonight! Separate away!"

Li Ye was not unprepared. From the overbearing power of the six forces, the genius who came under the control of the nine regions, to the goodwill of Tong Siye, he felt a pressure.

Don't look at the fact that the six parties are not doing anything now, it is all because of Fourth Master Tong!

But now, he rejected Fourth Master Tong's kindness, and it was not difficult for Li Ye to guess what would happen next.

"Little Lord!"

"Don't worry about me, I naturally have a way to get out! And their goal is most likely to be me, as long as I'm still here, they won't be watching you for the time being."

Temuzhen was naturally unwilling, but A Fei nodded instead, "The young master said it is right. We have a better chance!"

However, Temujin roared and grabbed A Fei by the collar, "A Fei, what do you mean! At this time, you actually want to escape alone!"

Seeing that, as long as A Fei nodded, he would probably be beaten! Not to mention, now ALFY is naturally not Temujin's opponent.

"Tiemujin, use your mind to think about it! The best way is for the young master to let us go first! Even if we stay there any use! Haven't you seen the strength of the strong in the upper three realms? Do you think, If the other party has a Martial Emperor, it will be useful for us to stay with the Young Master? Or even command to become a burden to the Young Master! It is better to leave now and get out of the scope of the six forces and the Heavenly Gift Pavilion, waiting for the return of the Young Master!"

Although his personality is impulsive, Temujin is not a fool. He understood it all at once, but hesitated, "I know, but I always feel aggrieved in my heart!"

"There is nothing to be frustrated. Only when we can bend and stretch can we achieve a great cause! Now we are still weak and avoiding is not timid. When we become stronger one day, we can naturally find everything back!"

That night, Afei Temuzhen and his team left the ancient city.

As Li Ye expected, their departure was not hindered. At least, Fourth Master Tong did not respond to this at all!

Except for Temujin, Ye Wuming also took some of Tian Waitian's disciples to leave. Originally Ye Wuming opposed it, but was finally convinced by Li Ye!

"Master, don't forget, the most important thing is to rebuild Tianwaitian genius! And now that the big brother is not there, if Master has another accident, is it not ashamed of Tianwaitian's ranked ancestor?"

In the end, Ye Wuming could only sigh helplessly.

He may be able to serve as a strong backing for Li Ye in the Lower Nine Regions! People dare not look down upon it. But when it comes to Shensheng State, it is completely different.

Emperor Wu is indeed a master! But it is no longer a symbol of invincibility! Especially, let alone the Tianci Pavilion, the six forces are huge monsters in front of them!

"Be careful yourself!"

After everything was arranged, Li Ye was finally relieved!

He is not Wu Wenhaoran and the others. They are willing to surrender or dormant temporarily, but he will not choose this path!

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