Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2454: Who can't touch Li Ye's woman?

Who is Lingyue? That is the genius in Yuetian Castle!

The moment someone grabbed his hand, a cold light flashed in his eyes! Even if this is an ancient city, he has no scruples! He snorted on the spot, flipped his hand to shoot!

It was Li Ye who grabbed Lingyue's hand, but when he saw the palm of the other party, he hummed slightly, raised his hand and blasted out!

"Things that live and die!"

Seeing Li Ye even dared to fight back, Lingyue sneered directly!

Don't think he is only respecting the king's Dacheng realm, but you must know that he has killed more than one half emperor! Moonsky Castle can stand thousands of miles away from the border! Becoming one of the six forces is no accident!

The stand out in Yuetian Castle, you can also see Lingyue's proud capital!

The son of the Sea King sneered, he had seen this Lingyue method. He had just joined Moon Sky Castle at the beginning. Many people, including him, were very energetic, even with a hint of pride!

Even if they were forced, but they thought they would not lose to those geniuses in Moon Sky Castle. 〔((

But I didn't expect that I suffered a big loss as soon as I entered Yuetian Castle!

Not only the Son of the Sea Emperor and the Lingzi of Yuhai, both of them were defeated by a few geniuses in Yuetian Castle! Even a bit of self-esteem was stepped on the ground!

Because of this, the Sea Emperor's son is now willing to become an errand runner and follow Lingyue. Because he knows that Moon Sky Castle has a strict hierarchy, and only by working hard to improve his strength can he find everything back!

Including the Seagod Trident on his body, he has now been deprived of it!

"Li Ye! You will know that your resistance is powerless later! In the eyes of the people in Yuetian Castle, whether it is you or Wu Wen Haoran, they can only be suppressed!"

The Sea Emperor's son has now reduced all his arrogance, or that he has been hit with a little loss of confidence.

Ling Yue took a palm without seeing Li Ye's fate. Even if this palm was just shot by him at random, he was not even capable of seven successes, but it was enough to make him stand out from the crowd!

"A mere hillbilly from the Nine Realms, who has practiced a little bit of trivial exercises, wants to do what he can? It's almost dead!"

His eyes were still firmly locked on Meihuang, and even the corners of his mouth rose slightly!

A cultivator is also a human being, who has seven emotions and six desires! And female **** is exactly one of the pursuits of the proud of heaven such as Lingyue!

"This woman is tender and out of the water, and maybe she can become my stove when brought back!"

Lingyue is not a fool. Although he is not the strongest person in the disciple generation in Yuetian Castle, he is quite an identity! But any place is the weak and the strong, and it is also in Yuetianbao!

When he stepped on countless people standing in this position, he naturally wanted to climb up! Don't want to be stepped on by the people below!

Female? Maybe he cares, but what he cares more about is stronger power!

Although Mei Huang just stops at random, he also sees that he is a strong, after all, it is impossible to come up from the lower nine realms if he is not a strong! But he is not worried, because he is confident that even the Emperor of the Nine Realms, he has the power to fight!

As for Lee Ye?

He didn't even come specifically for this today!

In other words, he came here because the son of Sea Emperor told him that Li Ye had the exercise furnace he needed by his side!

"This woman is mine!"

He didn't care if Li Ye would die in his hands. Although Yuetianbao gave him an order to capture Li Ye back alive, he didn't take it seriously!

For countless years, most of the people who came up from the Lower Nine Regions were imprisoned by their six forces, and those who were obedient were trained to become their own, and the only result of disobedient resistance was death!

"It's a big deal when I go back and tell the elders that the kid toasted and didn't eat or drink fine wine, he was killed on the spot by me!"

Lingyue is in Yuetian Castle, although he is not in the top ten, he has a master with a considerable background! An elder of Yuetianbao! He is also a powerful figure! That's why it can be so overbearing!


Unexpectedly by the son of Sea Emperor, Ling Yue's confident palm was smashed by Li Ye with a punch! At the same time, he was punched in the chest with an unbelievable look, and a big mouthful of blood was sprayed on the spot!


Ling Yue almost roared hysterically! The Son of the Sea Emperor was even more stunned!

"Damn! How come this kid has improved so much?"

How long is this? The son of the sea emperor could hardly believe his eyes! He was defeated by Lingyue before! Even the Seagod Trident fell into the hands of Master Lingyue!

"Yuetianbao sent such a waste?"

With a fist blasting away, Li Ye took two steps back, and at the same time a terrible force wanted to rush into his body and destroy all his meridians. It's a pity that it might have been a little dangerous at the beginning, but since his physical body stepped into the eighth stage of the Battle God Art, this impact would not make him feel any at all.

"you wanna die!"

It has always been that the more the spirit tramples other people, when has it been trampled by others? The point is that the person trampling him is still a hillbilly from the lower nine realms that he looks down upon!

boom! A terrible momentum surged from Lingyue! However, compared to the lower nine realms, the space of the upper three realms has a terrible suppression! Even the king can't walk away from the sky!

But this time, without waiting for Li Ye to take action, Mei Huang stretched out a slender jade hand first, piercing all of Lingyue's defenses easily.


Lingyue never thought that the prey in his eyes would be so terrible! The key is that this instruction is like turning into a world, and in an instant he has no resistance at all!

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and a huge blood hole appeared in Lingyue's chest, and the blood flow continued!

"Emperor Wu! You turned out to be Emperor Wu!" Ling Yue roared, but it was more of a panic!

Although he is proud and conceited, he also knows that he can't be Wu Huang opponent! At least after the injury!

"The slave house is not something that everyone can touch." Meihuang smiled coquettishly, and she didn't know if she was relieved from the burden of Shen Danzong. Now she has become a little like a girl but with the charm and style of a mature woman. Among thousands of species, he glanced at Li Ye, "Now the slave family is his."

Ling Yue, who was originally shocked and angry because of Mei Huang's display of strength, suddenly ignited a flame of jealousy in his chest!

Emperor Wu! Even the weakest Martial Emperor is enough to have a foothold on the border! Unless it offends the six forces, any Martial Emperor can walk without scruples!

Although he is more proud, he also knows that unless one day he breaks through and becomes the emperor, he will not be qualified to really challenge him!

As for the son of Sea Emperor, he was just completely dumbfounded! He did not expect that there is such a master beside Li Ye!

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