Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2453: The trouble is coming


Li Ye didn't care. [(

When he was in Wuzhou City, even in the Lower Nine Regions, he belonged to a savage land that was hardly known by anyone! A secular world that can even dominate the Innate Realm, he can walk all the way to the present.

boundary? so what!

"The border, it doesn't matter, since you have already set foot on the realm of Shensheng State, you always have the opportunity to face those legendary existences."

Unlike Li Ye, the ghost emperor seemed extremely contented. He licked his mouth at this time, "As expected of the young master, like me, I am very satisfied now! Even if it is the boundary, the heaven and earth aura is the best cave in the lower nine regions. Ten times as much as you! Here, even if you are a fool and do nothing, you can become an innate state! Anyone with a little talent in cultivation can set foot on a realm that most people could not imagine before!"

But no, the ghost emperor used to be in the Lower Nine Regions, even though it could be considered a storm. If it weren't for Li Ye, it would be a supreme party too!

But even so, he relied on the Emperor Pill to force a breakthrough! There is no chance to step into the realm of the middle emperor in this life!

"Hey, I still have the blessing of the young master. Now I am not only reshaping the body, but also reshaping the bones of the meridians! Maybe I have the opportunity to get to the next level! At that time!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ghost king!

After all, as a once-in-a-generation hero, he was in charge of the huge sect of the ghost gate, but after his death, not only did the ghost gate not rescue him, but someone directly replaced him as the leader! This made him feel more resentful!

Before he could not get revenge, but now, he has a chance.

Li Ye knew the thoughts of the ghost emperor at a glance, but couldn't help but glance at him, "Don't be so boring, the lower nine domains have become the past, now you just want to go back and take revenge and regain everything? Or peace of mind? Just become the middle emperor?"

"What does the young master mean?"

The ghost emperor is not a fool either, his eyes light up after hearing this!

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. For the same reason, no cultivator will be satisfied to stop at a certain level! Even the ghost king, if there is a chance, he also wants to hit the peak of martial arts!

However, there are countless people in the world, and there are very few truly successful people in the ages! Not to mention the peak, even Emperor Wu has blocked the footsteps of countless genius evildoers.

"Middle emperor? Don't you want to be a high emperor? Even higher?"

"The upper emperor? Higher?!"

The King of Ghosts is heartbroken! High emperor, what does that mean? Ghost Emperor almost felt his heart beating violently again after thousands of years of silence! As for the higher, he shivered, what is above the upper emperor?

The Great! The legendary emperor!

"Well, the young master joked, I still have self-knowledge, and I can break through to become the middle emperor, even if it is a surprise, the others are not extravagant.

Li Ye shook his head, hating iron and steel, "Nothing! A middle emperor has nothing to do, if you don't even have this confidence! Just leave, you don't have to follow me! Since you want to follow me, the upper emperor can't It's your minimum requirement! If you can't even do this, the blood of the true dragons that I abolished on you will be wasted!"

You know, in order to reshape the ghost emperor's body, he has used up a lot of Devil Dragon blood, which is extremely precious!

The ghost emperor was taken aback for a moment, but also suddenly reacted! Yes, he is not what he used to be, his body is no longer the original body that has exhausted all his potential! Maybe, there really is a chance!

"Although your physical body is not comparable to those ancient bloodlines now, it is almost the same! Don't forget, the blood of the true dragon is not much weaker than the ancient bloodlines! Use it!"

"Thank you young master for the point!"

Now, there are two people in the Martial Emperor Realm beside Li Ye! A ghost emperor, a Mei emperor.

A slight embarrassment flashed across Li Ye's face when he mentioned Meihuang.

Mei Huang left Shen Danzong and followed him without hesitation, which really surprised him. Now the relationship with him is quite ambiguous, the two of them now, neither of them has broken.

In the next few days, Li Ye didn't find the eyes and ears of Tong Siye to directly remove the slave mark on the souls of the two sisters, Dayu and Xiaoyu, but instead came to the door in trouble.

Moonsky Castle, one of the six forces of the boundary generation!

On this day, someone came to the door directly.

"Are you Li Ye? That's all. I'm here on behalf of Yuetian Castle and give you three days to consider. If you are willing to join Yuetian Castle, I will let you run wild from then on! If you don't agree! Humph!"

The person who came was a young man, who seemed to be a few years younger than Li Ye, but he was a true king in his cultivation! And it's not an ordinary king! People in the upper three realms have a higher inherent advantage than the lower nine realms, even if they are of the same realm, they can easily crush the powerhouses of the lower nine realms!

Just like the person in front of him, although he is only a great king, but under Li Ye's perception, the strength of this person is definitely not weaker than the half-emperor ancestors of the Lower Nine Regions!

It may be that he has a high self-esteem and a sense of superiority. After seeing Li Ye, not only did he not have any smiles, but instead he had a deep contempt.

And Yuetianbao is not alone here, there is also an old acquaintance of Li Ye!

"Son of Sea Emperor!"

Seeing that it was him, Li Ye was not surprised. Except for a few people, if the rest of the people didn't want to die, they could only choose to join one of Longjiazhai and Yuetianbao.

The son of Sea Emperor undoubtedly chose Moon Sky Castle.

"Li Ye, don't toast or eat fine wine, the strength of Yuetian Castle is not what you can imagine! Now Yuetian Castle appreciates you better, if you are stubborn, don't regret it then!"

Seeing that Li Ye had no interest at all, and the messenger of Yuetian Castle had not spoken yet, the son of the sea emperor changed quickly and acted as a lobbyist, but his tone was threatening and warning.

As for the envoy of Yuetianbao, Li Ye finally knew his identity.

Ling Yue!

Without giving Li Ye a chance to refuse at all, Ling smiled proudly, but soon his eyes fell on Meihuang behind Li Ye. Suddenly let his eyes light up! You know, Mei Huang was a famous beauty in Xinghai Region back then! Coupled with the charm and amorous feelings on his body, it is enough to conquer Ling Yue, a self-respecting and superior genius!

"Hey, what a beauty, I didn't expect that Xia Jiuyu is still a bit surprising."

It may be that he has become accustomed to being overbearing, the more Ling hasn't considered other things at all, when he sees Mei Huang directly showing a greedy smile, he will reach out and grab it at Mei Huang! In his opinion, a woman who came up from the lower nine domains, even if she was powerful, could not be as strong as him, and she would be able to win it!

But the next moment, one of his hands was directly pinched!

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