Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2452: Here is just the border

Tong Si imprinted his soul mark in the depths of the souls of the two sisters. {[<(([〔({<

If it is an ordinary person, even the Emperor Wu of the Divine Soul Golden Core Broken Infant, it is difficult to detect this! After all, there is a specialization in the arts, and the soul-like exercises have always been considered taboos in Yunteng 6! Few people are involved.

But the key is that Tong Si is clearly a master of this skill!

"This Tong Si is actually a spiritual powerhouse, and most people can't even notice this soul mark."

Want to unlock this mark, even Li Ye dare not start easily!

The sisters, Dayu and Xiaoyu, looked confused at this time. When Li Ye Shennian invaded their consciousness of the sea, although they instinctively wanted to resist, under the blood pupil, they were completely useless.

Coming out of the sea of ​​knowledge of the two sisters without a trace, Li Ye bowed his head in thought.

"Old ghost, this Tong has a few tricks. If you directly untie the marks on these two sisters, you will have sex, and they will be destroyed with their spirits! Even I will be implicated."

Just now, he almost couldn't help but start!

But at the last moment, he was shocked in a cold sweat, because he found that Tong Si had set a trap for him or not against him, but set a trap in the sea of ​​knowledge of the two sisters!

"Boy, you mean you can't move now?"

"I can't move! In other words, I'm not too sure! If I want to start, I can only be 60% sure, but if it fails, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Sixty percent sure, not low! However, Emperor Tianjian did not urge him, but he obviously pondered, "It seems that this emperor has underestimated this Tong Si, and he is not sure that he can make you as a kid. It seems that this person is in the study of spirits, indeed Wait!"

Temporarily seal the two sisters' spiritual knowledge, but they don't let their spirits fall asleep. After all, once they fall asleep, they will alarm the distant Tong Si, and now Li Ye is not ready to tear his face with him.

Li Ye alone couldn't do this at all.

Emperor Tianjian is not good either, after all, he is just a strand of remnant soul.

"Thank you Sister Tianmeng for her help."

With such a means, there is only one person beside Li Ye now!

However, she is now in the stage of waiting for childbirth, it is inconvenient to show up, and her cultivation base is also falling. However, it is easy to complete the divine consciousness of sealing the two women without Tong Sijue.

"Where did you turn back two beautiful girls?"

I don’t know if it’s about to be a mother or for other reasons. The Heavenly Dream Sage now seems to have a trace of motherhood holiness, and Li Ye gave a slightly sullen look. Although he still did it, he was bothered by someone. Sigh helplessly.

"Sister Tianmeng misunderstood, they..."

"Well, I don't care how many women are around you. I just hope that after her rebirth, you won't let her down."

Perhaps because of the fragrance of the jade lotus, the relationship between Li Ye and the Heavenly Dream Sage became quite wonderful.

As for the Heavenly Dream Saints, they are not fools. What is the relationship between Yulianxiang and Li Ye, does she know? Even with her, she was actually affected a bit. After all, she and Yulianxiang are the same person, but the soul was forced to separate! Naturally, I can feel the source of the affection in Yulianxiang's heart.

Being broken by the Heavenly Dream Saint also made Li Ye slightly embarrassed.

However, with the help of the Heavenly Dream Saint, Li Ye can avoid the surveillance of Fourth Master Tong for the time being.

For the time being, the problem of the two sisters, Dayu and Xiaoyu, was solved, and Li Ye finally had time to inquire about the whereabouts of Jian Chen and others when they first entered the Nine Extremes Palace.

After all, after a group of them came here, they did not see Jian Chen and others who were thrown into the dark doorway by the old man in black robe.

"Young Master, got it!"

A ghostly figure flashed from the outside, and upon closer inspection, it was a man who looked like he was in his forties and had wicked eyes.

This person, it is the ghost king who gave a soul and a soul to Li Ye in exchange for a chance of rebirth! Once a ghost generation supreme!

Now, it has become a secret hole card in Li Ye's hand!

"how is it?"

"Subordinates inquired many ways, and finally found some useful news!"

"Mother-in-law, say it!"

"Yes, yes, the young master is not anxious, let his subordinates speak slowly."

Once upon a time, the ghost king was also a generation of outstanding people, but now, he can think about it, staying next to Li Ye, he feels better.

Especially after he reshaped his body! Although he has not yet recovered to his peak, he feels that his reshaped body is even better than his previous Wuhuang Law Body! It didn't take long for him to recover to his peak and even break through the originally hopeless shackles.

"Young Master, I mixed with the group of people before. They didn't doubt it. They heard from them that only people under the age of three hundred who have not reached the realm of Emperor Wu will appear in this ancient city. It will be sent to another location."

Before Li Ye left a hand, quietly sent the ghost emperor to mix into the group of people in the moon sky castle, with the strength of the ghost emperor, even if he was discovered, he could protect himself. Sure enough, I found a lot of news now.

"Can you know where it is?"

Li Ye was a little surprised and asked quickly.

"This subordinate doesn't know, at least the group of people in Yuetianbao didn't know the words, maybe even they don't know it."

Seeing the disappointment on Li Ye's face, the ghost emperor said quickly, "But Young Master, his subordinates have found other news!"

"Oh? Tell me about it, Ghost Emperor, I have spent a lot of money to make you reshape your body. If you can't reflect your value, I don't have idlers around me."

"Yes, yes, young master is not anxious, young master will definitely be interested in this news!"

"tell me the story!"

The ghost emperor laughed, then lowered his voice, "Young Master, do you know where we are now?"

"Fart, let go!"

The ghost emperor trembled all over, but immediately said, "Young Master, now we have stepped into the Shensheng State Realm, one of the Upper Three Realms, but we are not really entering the Shensheng State Realm!"

"How to say?"

"The young master does not know that the place where we are now is between the nine territories of Shensheng State, which is called the boundary! Although it can be considered to be narrowly divided into Shensheng State, it is not for the real people of Shensheng State. In other words, they do not recognize that the boundary is a part of the upper three realms!"

Li Ye was surprised!

"In that case, are we not really entering the realm of Shensheng State?"

"This is natural, but the young master is not in a hurry. This border can be regarded as the most barren land in the Shensheng state realm. Those terrible forces can't look at it at all, otherwise it will not be the turn of the six forces to take control. That is, the heavenly pavilion, I'm a little capable, I heard that there is a great emperor."

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