Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2447: There is always a day to meet

The forces of the six parties take turns controlling the only ancient city connected to the Lower Nine Regions every 100 years.

What is most important these years?


Even if the starting point of the lower nine realms is lower than that of the upper three realms, which one who can come to the upper three realms is not the top enchanting Tianjiao? The six parties are not fools! A person who can stand on the pinnacle of the Lower Nine Realms, once they arrive at the Upper Three Realms, it is absolutely impossible for them to remain silent!

As for the rejection?

If it is not used by me, it must not be solicited by others!

If you change any of the heroes, you will make the same choice!

"Did you find out about Tianci Pavilion?"

The forces of the six parties are extremely powerful. As for how powerful they are, Li Ye doesn't know for the time being, but a master from Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai can suppress them. It is clear that with their current strength, it is impossible to openly challenge them.

"The Tianci Pavilion mentioned by the young master should be a powerful force on Qingqi Mountain thousands of miles away!"

"How strong is it?"

"We haven't found much for the time being, but even the six forces do not dare to be enemies of the Tianci Pavilion, and although the Tianci Pavilion does not personally intervene in the affairs of the ancient city here, it still enjoys a good position! Even the disciples of the six forces will Stay away."

Li Ye frowned slightly, and what A Fei inquired about, undoubtedly made him understand why the people in Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai were so polite and awed to Fourth Master Tong!

"Tianci Pavilion, can actually make the six forces awe!"

Li Ye lowered his head in thought, but at this moment there was a voice outside the door, and someone pushed in at the same time.

"What's so amazing about that, the Tianci Pavilion is naturally not comparable to the six-party power, but it is the real fourth-grade sect! And it is comparable to the five-grade sect of the six power?"

It was Xiao Qing who opened the door and entered, and at the same time Li Ye saw Ye Zhiqiu.

The two of them had wounds on their bodies and obviously experienced a fight.

"In trouble?"

"Trouble?" Xiao Qing was taken aback, then looked at Li Ye with a more weird look, and shook his head, "We had a fight, regardless of the outcome."

It turned out that the two had actually moved their hands before, but it appeared to be a match of the nature, and the result was no difference.

"The Tianci Pavilion is only a four-tier sect?"

"Don’t use the standards of the Lower Nine Realms! In the Upper Three Realms, at least in the Shensheng State Realm, the fourth grade sect is not as weak as we thought! Even the fifth grade sect is enough to destroy any of the lower nine realms. A so-called Fourth Grade Sect!"

Undoubtedly, Xiao Qing and Ye Zhiqiu also went out to inquire about them, and even learned more about them than A Fei did.


"Don't believe it, in Shensheng State, you will discover what a frog in the bottom of the well we are!"

After learning from Xiao Qing's mouth, Li Ye's expression became a little surprised and solemn!

In the realm of Shensheng Prefecture, any five-rank sect, at least thought that the upper emperor was in charge! At this point, it was enough to kill the so-called Fourth Grade Sect in the Lower Nine Regions! You know, for thousands of years in the Lower Nine Regions, I have never heard of anyone who truly became the upper emperor!

"Tianci Pavilion, is there a strong man in the realm of the Great Emperor?"

The five-rank sect of the upper three realms has the power of the upper emperor, and the god-given pavilion of the fourth-rank sect is more terrifying?

Sure enough, Xiao Qing nodded, her expression also solemn, "According to legend, there is indeed a great emperor in the Heavenly Gift Pavilion! But few people have seen it, but it can deter the six powers. The true ruler within ten thousand miles must not be a virtual one. Biography! And most importantly, the six forces will select a group of disciples with outstanding talents every hundred years and send them to the Tianci Pavilion."

He had just stepped into the Shensheng State Realm, one of the Upper Three Realms, and it suddenly turned upside down, allowing Li Ye to realize the gap between the Lower Nine Realms and the Upper Three Realms.

"Your kid won't agree to join the Heavenly Pavilion, will you?"

Seeing Li Ye's expression, Xiao Qing grinned, "Actually, this is a good choice. After all, Tianci Pavilion is the most powerful school of this generation, and if there is really a powerhouse of the emperor's level, you can let go. Do a big fight! Maybe you can stand out and be accepted as a disciple by the Great!"

"Do you think it's possible?"

"What's impossible! Even if the emperor can't do it, he will come under the power of a high-ranking emperor, that is the blessing of ancestors' graves, which have been cultivated for several lifetimes! Do you know that this thousands of miles away, how many cultivators want to dream? Adoring to the Tianci Pavilion, even the talented disciples of the six forces squeezed in. Unfortunately, few people entered, and the threshold is ridiculously high! But there are very few who can truly worship the upper emperor and other strong people! Not to mention worshipping the emperor in Tianci Pavilion in the rumor."

Xiao Qing laughed when he said that.

Li Ye naturally knew that this was not his original intention, "I think you have other plans?"

"Hey, I can’t hide from you. Although Tianci Pavilion is powerful, I don’t like to be bound, and since I’ve come to the realm of Shensheng State, it’s not a pity to browse this beautiful scenery? I’m going to travel around, and at the same time, it’s hard work. For a moment, I feel that the emperor's calamity is approaching recently, at least before the emperor's calamity comes, I can improve it!"

Emperor Wu, for a few people, it's actually not that difficult! But the point is that they can see now that the same Wuhuang has a huge gap in strength!

In particular, I have seen the middle-aged man named Longqi in Longjiazhai outside the city make a shot, which is many times stronger than the so-called Wuhuang in the lower nine domains!

"Then you persuade me to join Tianci Pavilion!"

Li Yebai rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it's up to you to choose or not, but no one can force it!"

Xiao Qing's choice was actually what Li Ye wanted most! However, he is not as clear as Xiao Qing, so he can leave if he wants! At least, for those who follow him, he must consider how to arrange it.

Before Xiao Qing left, he pulled Li Ye aside, "How many love debts did your kid incur?"

"What do you mean?"

"Forget it, there are some things that I can't explain, but you kid, don't make the junior sister sad, or I can never finish with you!"

"Wait, sister? Is it Yating? Where is she now!"

"I can't tell you, don't look at me that way, I really can't tell you! I was for your own good, and now you know it is not good for you! Anyway, the junior sister is very good now, far beyond your imagination! But if you want to see her, it’s better to improve your strength, otherwise..."

Xiao Qing didn't say everything, but hesitated.

Li Ye is not stupid, he can guess a lot from his intermittent few words. Can't meet now? But he believes they will meet one day!

Xiao Qing left, and the same Ye Zhiqiu also left.

Outside the ancient city, on a far road, Xiao Qing looked back and then looked at Ye Zhiqiu, "Are you really not going to tell him?"

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