Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2446: Shenshengzhou

Charm Clan!

Li Ye trembled all over!

His face also showed horror!

"That Meiling Clan that claims to be ranked fifth among the ancient bloodlines?"

There are not only a few ancient bloodlines, the most famous among them is undoubtedly the Golden Spirit Race, which claims to be jealous of even the gods! Almost perfect God's most perfect masterpiece!

And the blood of Li Ye's bloodline, but ranked tenth! Of course, the blood line is a bit special, the weak is very weak, the strong almost threatened the ruling class of the Golden Spirit Clan in ancient times!

"This emperor won't miss it! At least 90% of it is possible! The talents of those two women are average, but they can be cultivated to this level at such an age, and they are not born with a charming temperament, but with such a natural charm. The explanation is that there is a trace of the blood of the Charm Spirit in the body! But it should be very thin, far from reaching the level of awakening. ("

The fifth-ranked charm spirit family of ancient bloodlines!

He suddenly understood the meaning of Emperor Tianjian, "If it is really the blood of the Charm Clan, once awakened, it will be terrible!"

"Nonsense! Ancient bloodline, which one is that simple? Even if it is a waste, awakening the ancient bloodline can make it easy to step into the realm of Wuhuang! A little bit of savvy and talent, it is not a problem to become the pinnacle of Wuhuang! As for ability! It depends on chance to fail to prove the emperor's way.

Emperor Wu! Even in the Shenshengzhou realm of the Upper Three Realms, it is enough to be included in the ranks of masters! Li Ye has already observed this. Although the people of the Upper Three Realms have a high starting point, not everyone can cultivate to the realm of Emperor Wu.

"Old ghost, even so, once I accept the two women, don't I have to join the Tianci Pavilion mentioned by Tong Si?"

"Stupid! Your kid is usually so smart, why can't his mind turn around at this time? You can take the two women first, and then go straight away soon! Then the Shensheng state will be vast and vast, even the emperor can't Knowing how old you are, who can find you?"

Khan, Li Ye suddenly got a black line on his forehead.

After doing it for a long time, the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor actually wanted to instigate him to use this method.

"Old ghost, you are the emperor! You can speak such a shameful thing!"

"The winner, the loser, what do you know! Besides, since Tong Si has said it all, would you like him not to force him, just make you a friend!"

That's a polite remark! Li Ye rolled his eyes.

However, there was some excitement in my heart.

Of course, he was not for the beauty of the two women. For beauty, he had a better choice.

"Your kid is not because you are worried about those confidantes around you?"

"Old ghost, you think too much!"

"Does this emperor think too much? You kid knows yourself, really don't understand what your kid thinks. After changing this emperor, you have already taken it all over! Then mother-in-law, just make trouble for yourself!"

"Old ghost, you know what a fart! My name is true love!"

"Love?" Heavenly Sword Great sneered, but didn't continue to say more, which surprised Li Ye.

As Tong Siye said, in the ancient city, you can indeed see the people of Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai. These two forces seem to be quite powerful in this area. It can be seen that in the ancient city, no one dared to say anything.

And soon he learned about the origins of these two forces.

"Young Master, I've inquired that Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai are two of the six powerful sects within thousands of miles around here."

A Fei now also calls Li Ye the Young Master, and even he himself hasn't noticed his own changes. On the contrary, he feels very natural. In the past two days, except for inquiries, the results will soon be obtained.

"These six sects occupy a 10,000-mile radius and basically control everything here. In addition to Yuetian Castle and Longjiazhai, there are four other sects, Yuheng Villa, Evil Hall, Moon Star Bay and Lake Zhong island."

Although A Fei was not as talented as Temujin, he was good at inquiring about news. This is also related to his early journey as a casual cultivator. Although he had only come to the Shensheng state of the Upper Three Realms, he quickly found out a lot of news.

"Yuheng Mountain Villa?!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Li Ye's eyes! He didn't expect that the Yuheng Mountain Villa that Yu Heng Wuwei said at the beginning was actually one of the most powerful forces in this area!

"No wonder the people in Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai didn't stop him!"

"Young Master, speaking of this Yuheng Mountain Villa, there is actually a story. You must have guessed it, Young Master, this Yuheng Mountain Villa is indeed related to the Yuheng Family we know."


Yuheng's family was in the Xinghai area, which was considered an ancient family, and it was rumored to have existed thousands of years ago.

Now it seems that it is true!

"I haven't found out the specifics yet, but there are rumors. Ten thousand years ago, there was a genius from a collateral tribe in Yuheng Mountain Villa because he had a little conflict with another family member, and finally left Yuheng Mountain Villa in anger and ran away. To the next nine domains!"

After A Fei finished speaking, Li Ye suddenly understood! Although this is just a rumor, but thinking of the actual situation of Huang Hai Yuheng's family, it made him somehow guess who the genius who broke out with Yuheng Shanzhuang's family in the rumor would be!

"In this way, Yuheng's family and this Yuheng Villa are really one family."

"It should be like this, but Yuheng Mountain Villa has been in decline recently and has gradually lost control of the ancient city here."

"Oh? How to say?"

A Fei paused, looking strange, and said, "According to what I have found, these six forces are the absolute hegemons of this generation, but for the ancient city, they choose to take turns to avoid conflicts! According to their agreement, the six forces It rotates every 100 years! Every time it is controlled by the two forces together! And in this century, Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai are in charge of this ancient city. And here is the only way for the Lower Nine Regions to set foot on Shensheng Prefecture. ."

Actually, Li Ye knows that the benefits are divided up without saying anything!

A face also sank, "They have a good idea! The Nine Extremes Palace must be opened every hundred years! And the most enchanting geniuses in the Lower Nine Regions will come here through the Nine Extremes Palace, but they can wait for work and treat those geniuses. Take it all!"

Thinking of the people from Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai blocking them out of the city, it seems that this is not the first time!

"As Young Master said, we are not the first people to come here from the Lower Nine Regions in recent years, but most of them will be taken away by the forces of the six parties."

"What about the unwilling?"

In fact, Li Ye didn't need to know the result after asking, because he could guess it.

Sure enough, A Fei smiled bitterly, and it can be regarded as acquiescence to this.

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