Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2448: reason

Once again on the residence of Fourth Master Tong, Li Ye came here alone this time. <〔<(?

"Brother Li Ye, do you already have an answer?"

Seeing Li Ye taking the initiative to come, Fourth Master Tong was obviously a little surprised, but soon revealed a touch of joy.

He has been observing some geniuses since Xia Jiuyu. There is no doubt that Li Ye was not the first one he paid attention to, but he was the one he finally chose!

"Si Ye's kindness, I have appreciated it."

Contrary to Fourth Master Tong's expectation, Li Ye's answer made his expression sink.

However, he is obviously a person who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, and soon smiled, "I understand what my brother means. Since my brother is unwilling, I will not force it, but Tianci Pavilion will always open the door for my brother, if one day My brother changes his mind and just come to me directly."

After speaking, he clapped his hands, and the two maidservants he had seen before came in again, but this time they didn't take anything, dressed in a group of ordinary palace dresses, and they were generous.

"Brother, these two women are my little heart. Don't refuse, brother, otherwise you will look down on me, Tong Si!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two women came to Li Ye directly and softly, unanimously speaking.

"The slave maid, Dayu, met the son."

"Slavery Xiaoyu, I have seen the son."

Big jade and little jade? It seems really a pair of sisters. Although they weren't peerless women of the level of Qingguoqingcheng, the key to their softness and well-being was the natural charm of Meigu. Ten thousand men didn't know if they could find someone who would reject them categorically.

"This, isn't it good?"

There was a slight hesitation on Li Ye's face, although he came this time, his purpose was for the two women. But on the surface, he was a little bit hesitant, but there was still a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

What kind of people are Tong Si, naturally seeing Li Ye's entanglement in his heart, he smiled coldly in his heart, but on the surface he was very enthusiastic. He patted Li Ye on the shoulder and laughed, "I don’t need to refuse, you and I were just right. Although my brother has great ambitions and is unwilling to join my Tianci Pavilion, I, Tong Si, are willing to make you as a friend. They can be regarded as brothers and I am a little careful. I hope my brother will accept it."

Seeing that Li Ye was still hesitating, Tong Si shook his face slightly, "Brother, if you refuse, brother, I will treat him as if you don't want to make friends with him!"

At this point, Li Ye knew enough, and on the surface he was cruel and nodded slightly, "If this is the case, then I should respect my life!"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Li Ye's promise, Tong Si was obviously quite happy, "The old man is a hero, although he was born in the Lower Nine Regions, he is a dragon and phoenix in the eyes of the man, and he will definitely show his ambitions in the future. The threshold of my God-given Pavilion is too low to enter the eyes of the old brother's Dharma. But my brother, I personally make you a friend!

If you are not familiar with Tong Si, you will think that Tong Si is a bold and generous person, and it is worth making friends with!

The key point is that Li Ye and others were unaccompanied when they first entered the Upper Three Realms. In contrast, Tong Si, Li Ye now knows his identity and origin!

The powerhouse of Tianci Pavilion! Although I don't know the specific identity, it is definitely not too low to be able to make Yuetianbao Longjiazhai and other forces respectable as admirers!

Such a strong man can fall into his identity and call him brother Li Ye, a hillbilly who came up from the Nine Realms. If he is not a really bold person, he is the kind of person whose minds are so terrible!

Leaving Tong's Mansion, Li Ye went straight back to where he stayed.

And after Li Ye left, in Tong's mansion.

"My lord inspector, that kid doesn't know what's good or bad, why don't you just take him down and torture some of his secrets, but send the big jade and little jade sisters carefully nurtured by the inspector to this son?"

In the darkness, there was a voice directly, and at the same time a dark shadow slowly emerged, finally revealing the face of a middle-aged man. His head was covered with golden hair, and his eyes seemed to have golden flames burning.

If there is an ancient and terrifying character in the deserted sea at this time, it will definitely be horrified!

Because this man is exactly one of the four emperors of the desert sea!

It turned out that the Tsar, one of the Four Emperors of the Wild Sea, has always been under Tong Siye!

In other words, it was a chess piece arranged by Tianci Pavilion in the Xia Nine Realms.

"No hurry, there are many secrets in this child. Although he is unwilling to join the Tianci Pavilion, he is under my control at this distance of thousands of miles! As long as he does not leave the scope of the Tianci Pavilion, he can take him at any time!"

The czar obviously didn't understand, but he didn't dare to say more.

"I know you have doubts in your heart, but it is absolutely impossible for this child to get to this point without any background! Continue to send people to investigate! See what is sacred behind him!"

When the czar heard this, he immediately understood, "The guardian of the law is worried about someone behind this son?"

"Do you think that a kid who has no background, has the ability to suppress the many evil spirits of the nine domains, and set foot on Shen Shengzhou all the way?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of Fourth Master Tong. He has never liked to do uncertain calculations. Since he wants to make a shot, he must have at least a 90% chance of winning!

"I have been paying attention to this kid for a while. In just a few years, he has been able to make such progress! He is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Is the Law Protector too high on this kid? Isn't he just a genius of the lower nine domains, in Shenshengzhou, any genius is enough to crush them!"

The Czar disapproved, but Fourth Master Tong shook his head slightly and even shouted angrily, "Stupid! It seems that you have stayed too long in Xia Jiuyu, and you have become stupid!"

This angry shout made the czar shiver! Although he is the middle emperor, he was forced to rise because of the man in front of him, and he naturally knew the man's methods in front of him.

"My lord calms down, the subordinates know their mistakes."

"You can't blame you. After all, your gaze is only in the Lower Nine Realms, and you can't see the overall situation! Although Shensheng Prefecture is vast and rich, the aura of heaven and earth is far from comparable to that of the Lower Nine Realms, but which of those geniuses did not cost countless resources of the sect to accumulate up? And what does this son have? In the Lower Nine Regions, looking at the several sects where this son is located, it is either desolate or destroyed. The only Shen Danzong is only a short time, and the Shen Danzong has not paid too much!"

Fourth Master Tong squinted his eyes, and the reason why he paid so much attention to Li Ye is precisely because of this!

There are countless geniuses in the Lower Nine Regions, and Tianci Pavilion has been observing for countless years!

Every genius is born, there will be a watcher! The purpose is to absorb and attract the available materials!

The next nine domains, as powerful as the four great arrogances, are all traces to follow! Only Li Ye, Fourth Master Tong could not find too many tracks! As if turned out!

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