Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2441: Ancient city

I don't know how long it has passed, and even the concept of time does not exist around it. Finally, at the far end, an ancient city appeared!

It's not the case if it is an ancient city. It's like a city wall crossing in the middle of the passage. Even if it's still far away, you can feel a breath of vicissitudes and simplicity. [


When he saw the ancient city, Li Ye felt that the colorful passages around him disappeared! Then the sky turned around, and it was only after he stabilized his figure that he was already standing in front of the ancient city!

The gate of the city!

At this time, he finally saw that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint and the others who had separated from him were all here! Including Wu Wen Haoran who stepped into the portal first!

Seeing Li Ye appear, some people in Wu Wen Haoran gave a cold snort.

But now they don't have time to care about Li Ye, because the ancient city gate in front of them is closed!

"It seems that if you want to enter, you can only wait for the gate to open!"

Suddenly there was a voice in front of him, and it was Gu Yueyu who took a closer look!

"Why don't you just go there? An ancient city in such a small area, can it still stop us?"

Yue Xianglun sneered, but there was no expression on the faces of those who came one step ahead of him.

Sure enough, he directly wanted Void Lingdu to cross over, but as soon as he went up, he was suddenly suppressed by a terrifying force! Especially when he was horrified, here, his strength was suppressed to a terrible point!

"No need to try. Here, our cultivation base is suppressed. If we want to pass, we can't do it at all."

How can this not shock everyone? You know, with their cultivation base, it's not a big deal to travel thousands of miles in the Lower Nine Regions, just like people in the gods!

"Sure enough, the power was suppressed!"

The others tried it, and it really is.

"Is there a forbidden formation?"

One frowned, it was Dillon! He obviously also passed the black robe old man's level before he could come here, but here, he seemed to be extra careful! After all, among the crowd, he has no advantage at all! Except for his formation! But when he saw Li Ye, he didn't dare to be arrogant. You must know that Li Ye was pressing his head in the formation.

"It shouldn’t be the effect of the formation method! The ancient rumors say that the upper three realms are the center of Yunteng Big 6, and it is also the place created by the gods, far beyond the spatial strength of the lower nine realms! In the upper three realms, the space pressure is lower More than a hundred times the Nine Domains! Greatly restricts the power of the cultivator."

In terms of family history, Yuheng Wuwei is no weaker than others, and everyone is relieved when he hears his explanation.

But if so, how do they enter this ancient city?

Or are they already standing on the land of the Upper Three Realms?

When everyone was confused, finally, the gate of the ancient city in front of him was slowly opened.

And from it, a group of people came out.

"The quality is good this time."

The one who came out of the ancient city is a middle-aged person, not angry and prestigious, with a trace of mighty power on his body. When he comes up, his eyes reveal a terrible edge, even if everyone is the most in the lower nine regions. The top genius is even the enchanting Tianjiao, but when facing this middle-aged man, he still feels a panic!

He glanced at Li Ye and the others and nodded slightly satisfied.

Before he could speak, another group of people walked out of the ancient city.

This time, in order to be an old man with a childlike face, smiling with a sense of kindness, he glanced at Li Ye and the others, smiled slightly, "Yes, yes, better than those people a hundred years ago Many, it seems that this time our Moon Sky Castle is quite lucky!"

Seeing these two groups of people, everyone frowned slightly.

Because the eyes of these two groups of people looked at them, as if they were the eyes of the butcher in the slaughterhouse looking at the livestock. You know, they are the most enchanting geniuses in the lower nine regions, and they are proud of themselves. Even if they came to the Upper Three Realms, they didn't think they would be inferior to others!

"Old people, old rules, this hundred years is your Yuetianbao and our Longjiazhai responsible, half of one side!"

At first, the middle-aged man had a loud voice with a hint of majesty. After scanning one side of Li Ye and others, he was more satisfied and looked at the other old man.

The old man also nodded in agreement, "Yes, the old rules, half of one side, but if someone is willing to come to my Moon Sky Castle, your Longjiazhai can't stop it."

"This is natural!"

Regardless of the ideas of Li Ye and others, the two groups clearly made a certain division of interests.

Everyone is not a fool, and can even be said to be extremely smart! You can guess one or two from the words and expressions of these two groups!

Li Ye's heart sank even more. There is no doubt whether they have reached the Upper Three Realms or not, but there is no doubt that they are in trouble!

In fact, before he came to the Upper Three Realms, he knew that he would definitely encounter some trouble! But he didn't expect it to be so fast!

"They are strong!"

The Saintess of Heavenly Phoenix lowered her voice slightly. In fact, everyone could see that these two groups of people were both terrifying! Especially the old man who was later made them blind to them! As for the middle-aged man, although it seems that he is not as strong as the old man, it is not easy for them to challenge.

"Give you two choices. Either join our Longjiazhai or Yuetian Fort, and vowed never to betray or die!"

The middle-aged man grinned, his eyes revealed a cold light of astonishment!

As soon as they spoke, Li Ye and others changed their faces!

Join them? Or die?

Wang Kui sneered first, "What if you don't choose either?!"

You know, everyone has gone through so much, it was not when they first stepped into the Nine Extremes Palace, even if everyone was not the Emperor Wu, but even if they met an ordinary Emperor Wu, they would dare to fight!

"Don't choose? It's a big tone, but this is not the barren and barren land of the Lower Nine Regions where you came from! When you come here, it's the dragon you hold me! It's the tiger who lie down for me! If you don't want to die, just behave. Stand aside, otherwise, I wouldn’t mind sending you home!"

When Wang Kui finished speaking, a terrible force suddenly grabbed him. Before Wang Kui could react, he spouted blood.

Everyone is shocked! It was the middle-aged man who shot, but they hardly saw how he shot!

"Emperor Wu!"

It easily wounded Wang Kui, the arrogant of the Nine Realms, and even had no room to fight back. Everyone's pupils shrank slightly!

"The lower emperor! But very strong!"

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly said slightly, but his sword intent was high!

"I advise you to think about your own lives one by one, and think about it! Otherwise, it would be too worthwhile to lose your life! Finally came to the Upper Three Realms and died like this, what a pity?"

The middle-aged man smiled coldly and opened his mouth when he saw Wang Kui's unwilling but horrified expression.

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