Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2440: Inferior capital?

Wu Wen Haoran is arrogant, if he is only a middle-class capital, he does not believe that there is someone better than him!

"Yes! The capital is on the top."


One word made Wu Wen Haoran tremble all over! But soon he laughed loudly, "What a good man! I want to see who will finally stand on the road to the top!"

After speaking, he coldly left Li Ye and others, stepped into the door and disappeared.

Subsequently, Gu Yueyu and Yue Xianglun were not blocked by the black-robed old man, but what they wanted was not to step on the platform, but to know what they were in the black-robed old man's eyes!

"Middle capital, stop at the middle emperor, if you have an adventure, you can enter the upper emperor!"

This is what the old man in black robe gave to Yue Xianglun! Obviously, compared to Wu Wen Haoran, it is a bit lower! Undoubtedly, Yue Xianglun was naturally dissatisfied, but he just smiled coldly and stepped into the door like Wu Wen Haoran.

"I don't know how the junior is in the eyes of the senior?"

Gu Yueyi revealed a hint of arrogance, although it was not obvious, it was difficult to hide.

"The capital of the upper middle class can be the upper emperor."

Almost the same evaluation as Wu Wenhaoran, but this is not Gu Yueyu's satisfactory answer!

He laughed loudly, "No matter how talented you are, it does not mean you can truly set foot on the pinnacle of martial arts. Although juniors do not know how seniors measure their talents, they believe that people who can truly stand on the pinnacle are not just because they are superior in talent. !"

These words, even the old man in black robe did not refute.

In fact, every cultivator in the martial arts world knows this truth!

Talent, blood, and savvy, this just makes people lead the others on the starting line, but it doesn't necessarily make it to the top!

"Gu Yueyu deserves to be Gu Yueyu, arrogant, and perhaps in the future he will stand higher than the four great arrogances!"

"Yeah, no matter how talented it is, only those who truly stand on the top are qualified to be proud of the sky! Without achieving the top to become invincible, even if it is a talented evildoer, it is just the bones at the foot of the truly invincible peak!"

Everyone was obviously shocked by Gu Yueyu's arrogant words!

"A few fellow daoists, I hope we still have a goodbye day!"

Looking at Li Ye and several people, Gu Yueyi raised the corner of his mouth, stepping into the door and disappearing!

Before stepping into the door, Li Ye suddenly thought about it, and asked to the old man in black robe, "I don't know what kind of qualifications the junior is in the eyes of the senior?"

Not to mention, someone really cares about this!

Let the black robe elders be accepted as registered disciples, in the hearts of everyone, at least it is higher than Wu Wen Haoran and others! If nothing else, the first-class talent can't run away!

It's a pity that the answer given by the black robe old man was far beyond everyone's expectations!

"The inferior capital will not be in the position of Emperor Wu in this life."


Li Ye almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and everyone on Jiuzhong Peak was also dumbfounded!

"Senior is really joking."

The Heavenly Phoenix Saints couldn't help laughing bitterly. At first they thought that the old man in the black robe would be ruthless and ruthless, but they didn't expect that they would even make jokes. Don't say Li Ye didn't believe it, everyone didn't believe it!

Inferior capital, you accept someone as a registered disciple? Are you kidding me?

But the expression of the old man in the black robe didn't seem to be a joke at all, and even a pair of eyes revealed an invisible light!

"Hey, senior, what level of talent do I have?"

Temujin scratched his head with a simple face.

Seeing him, the old man in the black robe nodded slightly, "Ancient blood, pure Dao heart, and the only one who can prove the emperor's way!"

Prove the emperor's way!

If Wu Wen Haoran and others were still there, she would definitely be jealous to the point of spewing old blood!

Prove the emperor's way! It is equivalent to hope to break through the peak of Emperor Wu and become a great emperor! Really travel across the world and travel the nine worlds!

Even Temujin, who has a stubborn brain, is a little dumbfounded, "Is that amazing?"

Without waiting for Saint Tianfeng to speak, the old man in the black robe looked at her with the same evaluation. But this is not surprising, the two are of ancient blood, so naturally they will not be too different.

A Fei opened his mouth to speak, but also gave a wry smile. He didn't step into here on his own, so he didn't dare to ask.

But I don’t know why, but the old man in black robed gave him a glance, “The middle and low-ranking capital, there is no rest, stop at the lower emperor, if you can meet someone who changes your life, you can break and stand!”

A changer? A Fei was thoughtful and glanced at Li Ye. He was very clear that he would never have come here without Li Ye!

As for Ye Zhiqiu, he didn't ask his own evaluation at all, as if he didn't care.

But when the circle of people was over, everyone was a little stunned. Because of this, Li Ye had the lowest evaluation among them? But the key point is, if this is true, why the old man in the black robe has a different attitude towards Li Ye than others.

Only Li Ye knew in his heart that inferior capital? I really want to count it, it really is! Once he could not even practice martial arts in the secular world, and the inferior capital was regarded as polite, and it was normal to say a word of waste!

It's just that there are always some changes in this world that ordinary people cannot explain! And some of his secrets are the existence of the old man in black robe, which cannot be easily seen through.

Stepping into the portal, the feeling of space transformation is like traveling through time and space once again.

This time, Li Yexian himself appeared in the vast starry sky, with countless stars close at hand but unable to grasp it at all. A void passage was directly under his feet, as if surrounded by some terrifying force, unaffected by the outside world.

In the surrounding colorful light, thousands of stars are faintly exploding, and countless bright stars are born in an instant.

Although stepping into the passage under your feet, there is an extremely powerful force that seems to crush him! Fortunately, for all of this, Li Ye can bear it with a little effort.

"This channel, when people with weak strength come in, they will turn into fly ash in an instant!"

Feeling that power, Li Ye was also a little surprised!

At least this kind of power is so powerful that the moment people from the realm below the king come in, it will turn into a cloud of blood! Even ordinary kings will be unable to do anything! Can’t last long!

"It seems that there is a threshold to enter the upper three realms! At least under the king, you don't have to think about it! Even the king is difficult to step on!"

He originally thought that as long as he stepped into the portal, he would reach the upper three realms, but obviously not!

And most importantly, after he came in, he was separated from other people. There was only one passage, but it seemed to connect thousands of worlds and lead to countless places.

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