Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2442: Block the way

Kill the chicken and the monkey!

Wang Kui is not strong among the crowd, but he was hit hard by the opponent!

"How sure?"

Xiao Qing looked towards Li Ye, as if there was a hint of question in his eyes. ?〔?

Li Ye shook his head. Although the birth was too fast just now, everyone can roughly tell one or two!

The middle-aged man in front of him is just a lower emperor! But it was far more powerful than the lower emperor they had seen in the lower nine domains!

At least, in the eyes of Li Ye, Xinghaiyu Baihuang and others would not be the opponents of this middle-aged man! Even the Yun family who claims to be the middle emperor can't possibly beat the middle-aged man in front of him!


What is the gap!

In the Lower Nine Realms and Upper Three Realms, Li Ye finally understood why the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor said that with his current strength it would be difficult to even protect himself!

"Okay, okay, what a horror of fighting and killing."

One sang a black face, the other sang a white face. After the middle-aged person got off the horse, the old man was smiling, but his eyes flashed with astonishment, and he smiled, "I know that you come from the lower nine regions. They are all top figures, a little arrogant and normal, but when you get here, just put yourself right. In the upper three realms, you are nothing. With your current strength, when you reach the upper three realms, you can easily become the prey in the eyes of some powerful people. So, finding a sect to join is not a workaround for you."

After the old man finished speaking, a young man behind him sneered, "Old man, what are you polite to these hillbillies? It is their blessing to give them the opportunity to join us in the Moon Sky Castle! Not appreciative? Without the help of those strong, the disciple can be cut. they!"

"Only you?!"

Wang Kui, who had suffered just now, just happened to be angry! He couldn't beat the Emperor Wu of the Upper Three Realms, so he couldn't even compare to a person his age?

"Just rely on me!"


The young man stepped out behind the old man and turned his hand into a four-color light, suppressing the horror Dao Yun!

"Four rhymes!"

Li Ye and others all took a breath!

You know, in the lower nine domains, mastering one kind of Taoist rhyme is a very good genius, and mastering two kinds is a top genius! The three can almost be called peerless geniuses!

Even Wang Kui has only mastered five types!

"I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Wang Kui was also angry and roared instantly!

However, beyond the expectations of Li Ye and others, under the match, it was not the other party who suffered, but Wang Kui! He was shocked and took seven or eight steps back! But the other party just shook his body and took a half step back!

Sit down!

At this moment, even Wu Wen Haoran and others were shocked! You know, Wang Kui's strength is in the lower nine regions, not to mention the strongest, at least it is in the top five! Can't even beat an ordinary disciple of the other party?

"This is the strength of the Upper Three Realms?"

Yu Heng Wuwei and others looked at each other, and their hearts sank!

Although they had long expected that compared with the lower nine realms, the upper three realms is undoubtedly a fairyland on earth, and the cultivators here are even more powerful! But the reality is even more perverted than they expected!

"Just this strength? Do you dare to speak so loudly?" The young man sneered at Wang Kui's retreat, but Li Ye carefully found out that the middle-aged and old men flashed in their eyes. happy.

This made him understand that even though people in the upper three realms have a higher starting point, the same realm must be stronger than those in the lower nine realms, but it is impossible to go too far! At least, Wang Kui is considered a genius that can be cultivated in their eyes!

After eating flat, Wang Kui suddenly calmed down a lot. He is not an impulsive and reckless person. He was just a hot brain. After he calmed down at this moment, he also reduced his arrogance. At the same time, he had a greater yearning for the Upper Three Realms in his heart!

"Two seniors, we have just arrived here, and we hope to forgive me where we have sinned. I don't know how the two seniors are called? The juniors also need to know the sacred sects represented by the two seniors, so that the juniors can make a choice. ."

Different from Wang Kui’s rebelliousness, Wu Wen Haoran bowed his hands. He did not have the arrogance of arrogance at all. He was humble and polite. He just saw the strength of the two in front of him. The so-called heroes don’t suffer from immediate losses. In the Three Realms, the halo that used to be behind them is all over the past. It is not a shame to find a strong backer to join.

"There are still smart people, little guy, the old man was born in Moonsky Castle, are you interested?"

The middle-aged man also nodded slightly, but his expression was very cold, "I know what you are thinking, but when you come here, you all have your tail clamped to be a human being! Now the choice is given to you, either join my Longjiazhai, or the moon Sky Castle! Or, die!"

From their attitudes, we can see that the sects behind the two are quite powerful forces nearby, otherwise it would not be possible to build an ancient city here, but anyone who came from the Lower Nine Regions would be blocked here.

"Old ghost, have you heard of these two sects?"

Li Ye didn't understand the Upper Three Realms naturally, but some people knew it!

"Yuetianbao? Longjiazhai? What kind of chicken, cat or dog, how could the emperor know!"

Uh, Li Ye was also speechless when he heard the answer from Emperor Tianjian. Of course, it is impossible for him to think that Yuetianbao and Longjiazhai are small sects so easily. After all, not everyone is qualified to build ancient cities at the passage connecting the Lower Nine Realms and the Upper Three Realms.

Wu Wen Haoran was hesitant at this time, but soon, he bowed slightly to the old man, "Junior is willing to join Yuetian Castle!"

Wang Kui and others were shocked as soon as this remark came out, but Wu Wenhaoran looked indifferent, and the old man smiled, "A person who knows the times is a handsome man, boy, your choice will not make you regret it! Old man look! You have a good talent and you will definitely shine in the future!"

"Thank you seniors for your appreciation!"

Wu Wen Haoran made a choice, and everyone else clearly saw that if they wanted to pass through this ancient city, they had to join them, otherwise unless they forced their way. However, not to mention the old man, just to say that few of them are sure to defeat the middle-aged person! And the masters they brought.

"Give you a stick of incense to consider time. If you don't make a choice, you will die!"

The middle-aged man grinned. Although Wu Wenhaoran didn't choose his Longjiazhai, he was not in a hurry.

His eyes looked towards Li Ye and the others one by one, with a hint of warning and threat.

Here, he was not afraid of Li Ye and others resisting, because for countless years, once every 100 years, he would give birth once, even if there was resistance, it would eventually become the dead bones here!

At this time, from behind the middle-aged man, there was a person walking out. Seeing this person, Yuhai Lingzi was shocked!

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