Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2439: Evaluation of the black robe old man (25 more!)


Li Ye didn't dare to be disrespectful. After all, the old man in front of him even said that the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had not a simple origin. The point was that even if he had all kinds of cards, he was always in front of this black-robed old man, and he couldn't feel a sense of reality!

"The three kinds of Taoist wills have good talents and comprehension. Although they are not superb, they are also rare and valuable. [<{?<<?〔"


Everyone on Jiuzhong Peak was in an uproar! Especially Wu Wen Haoran and others showed horror!

The black robe old man has never given such a high evaluation! Even anyone before!

Although Li Ye was not surprised for honor or disgrace, his heart jumped slightly! He thought that he hadn't exposed much strength before, but the old man in black robed so easily said the three Dao Fa wills he understood!

"Senior is absurd, but junior dare not be."

The old man in the black robe was noncommittal, but then said, "Are you willing to become a registered disciple of this seat?"

Everyone was in an uproar again!

After Ye Zhiqiu, Li Ye was also taken so seriously by the black robe old man! Just aiming at this point is enough to explain the problem!

"Promise him!"

Suddenly, the voice of Emperor Tianjian came in his mind, which also broke Li Ye's hesitation. Although I don't know why, Heavenly Sword Great's proposal must have his reason.

Li Ye nodded, "This is the honor of the younger generation!"

The old man in the black robe didn't say much, and he threw Li Ye a jade card that was the same as Ye Zhiqiu's. At this time, Li Ye could observe carefully, and he started to feel a little cool, faintly feeling a majestic atmosphere in it!

Although I can't see the material, Li Ye's eyes flashed!

"What a sophisticated method of refining! At least it can be created by a craftsman or even a master craftsman at the sage level!"

Although Li Ye was involved in refining tools, it was obviously not as good as his formation, let alone alchemy. Barely seeing some of the fur, and guessing what the secret of this jade medal must be, but at least not now he can see the clues.

Just when everyone thought that Li Ye would step on the platform, enter the portal one step to the sky, and head to the Upper Three Realms, they suddenly saw a wry smile on Li Ye's face.

"Junior is brave, and hope that senior can be accommodating."

Unlike others, Li Ye made a request before stepping on the platform! A request that makes everyone stunned and feels incredible.


"The juniors are bold and hope to take a few people to the Upper Three Realms!"

As soon as this statement came out, let alone the people on the Nine-Chongfeng Peak, even the black-robed old man suddenly burst into a terrible edge in his eyes. For a moment, Li Ye even felt that the entire sky was crushed in the old man's hands! Even if he was physically invincible, he was like an ant in front of the old man, and he could easily squeeze.

Fortunately, that feeling was only a moment, everything soon returned to nature, and the old man in the black robe also returned to normal.


Li Ye was a little worried! Although Heavenly Phoenix Saint and Temuzhen stepped onto the platform on their own, A Fei did not!

The next moment, the old man in the black robe snorted coldly, and everyone saw a figure appearing on the platform! Looking closely, Li Ye's face was happy!

Because that person is A Fei! Even he himself looked blank!

"Sure enough, this senior is the master of the entire Nine Extremes Palace!"

Changing time and space so easily, Li Yexian, everyone's guesses about this old man in black robes are too underestimated! The upper emperor? Maybe it's more than that simple!

In fact, Li Ye originally wanted to leave with thunder, Shui Yuntian and others! It's a pity that he also knows that the old man in the black robe can agree to take A Fei with him, in fact, it is a kindness! It is a kind of care for his registered disciple.

It is a person who knows himself and knows how to advance and retreat!

Li Ye let out a long sigh, he did not ask what would happen to the people who stayed in the Nine Extremes Palace, whether to leave the Nine Extremes Palace and return to the Lower Nine Realms, or stay here forever.

From the moment they stepped here, in fact, everyone has already made a choice! It's just that there are very few people who can really succeed!

Stepping onto the platform, Li Ye did not rush to leave.

At this time, there are only a few people left on the ninth heaven and earth, who have the opportunity to step on the platform!

Wu Wenhaoran! Son of the Sea King! Gu Yueyu and Yue Xianglun, the heir of Wuxiang Island!

Except for the four of them, the others have lost the opportunity to compete!

For a while, the atmosphere between the four became extremely tense and solemn.

Suddenly, the son of the sea emperor stepped out! Do not challenge anyone, directly face the old man in black robe!

"Senior, the junior is the son of the Sea King, and will command all the kings of Sea-Monster in the future! Please let him go, Senior!"

Although he was polite, he was so arrogant, especially his identity was faintly embodied, the son of Sea Emperor, extremely noble!

It's a pity that the old man in the black robe didn't even look at it, and pressed it down with a big hand from the sky, instantly pressing down the son of the Sea Emperor!

With a roar, the Seagod Trident took the initiative to fly out, turning into a stalwart invincible figure!

It's a pity that even if this invincible figure appeared, it couldn't make the old man in black robe jealous, and could only barely protect the son of the sea emperor from being suppressed.

"Ordinary posture, slightly better than waste."

After a long time, suddenly the old man in black robed withdrew all his power, but gave an evaluation that was enough to make the son of the sea emperor blush!

Everyone was in an uproar! We must know that the reputation of the son of the sea emperor is second only to the four great gods! Known as the Wushuang evildoer, even the fifth Tianjiao!

But among the old black robe population, so unbearable? Only slightly better than waste?

Compared with the old man's attitude towards Li Ye and Ye Zhiqiu, and the others, how can the son of the sea emperor be willing?

But at that moment, even the Seagod Trident in his hand trembled slightly, as if he had felt something, he was naturally not stupid, he also knew that the black robe old man in front of him was terrible, and he could resist anger! His face was pale, but this time he stepped directly on the platform without any hindrance!

He glanced at Li Ye and Ye Zhiqiu, full of terrible chill but didn't say much, and stepped into the door.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and Wu Wenhao could not sit still!

As one of the four great arrogances, he has been evaluated by the black robe old man just now, but now he is unwilling to give up!

This time, the old man in the black robe was unprecedented and didn't know why, so he glanced at him, "The capital of the upper middle class, stop the upper emperor."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stop him, let Wu Wenhaoran easily step onto the platform!

In the capital! There was a terrible light in Wu Wen Haoran's eyes! As one of the four great arrogances, even the one who thinks he is the strongest, he cannot accept this kind of evaluation!

Even if he stands on the platform and can enter the upper three realms, he still turns around and asks, "Dare to ask seniors, there were people with better talents than juniors before!"


25 more! It feels like the brain is about to explode!

Crazy explosion like never before! Wouldn't everyone even be willing to reward a leader?

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