Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2438: Undead evildoer

Swallow blood? Refining the blood of others?

Blood Demon Sect?

It does make countless people feel terrified and jealous!

But Li Ye alone was a big knife in front of Guan Gong!

What can understand the meaning of blood better than blood? In terms of devouring blood and refining, the blood is undoubtedly the ancestor of everyone! Even when the powers of the ancient times were side by side, the strong were walking all over the floor, and the demigods existed, the blood clan almost wiped out countless heritages and dominated the world!

There is no doubt that the Blood Demon Sect is really weird! Even scary!

But when I met Li Ye, I met the real nemesis. The moment the Demon Boy started his hand, he was already doomed to end. ?

Seeing Li Ye staying silent, the magic boy never thought that Li Ye would tell his secrets, but he felt a bit resentful, "Why, why not just kill me!"

He believed that Li Ye could completely refine him! Instead of leaving him a breath, let him be so half-dead now! This is the most cruel for a strong man!

"Rather than killing you, letting you live like this will be the best relief for those resentful souls who died in your hands."

Li Ye was never a good person! Not even a saint!

The reason why the devil boy survived was because he could fully feel the breath of countless other essences and blood from the refining devil boy's blood! Most people can't feel it, but he can!

Everyone's blood is independent! Even if it is the same family, there will be some differences! This kind of talent is unique to the blood race! Even the powerhouse of the Blood Demon Sect has never thought that a person's blood has his own brand!

Everyone was stunned! Compared with Li Ye defeating the Demon Boy, in this scene, there is no doubt that all fools can see that the Demon Boy is completely defeated in front of Li Ye! He even took the essence of his own blood into it!

"how is this possible?"

"The devil boy was born in the blood demon sect, and was actually played by someone who is not the blood demon sect between applause?!"

They couldn't imagine how Li Ye did it! After all, the terrifying and powerful blood demon sect is the lesson of the inheritance of blood from the strong and the destroyed sects for countless years!

But looking closely at the demon boy at this time, his whole body was almost exhausted. From a seven or eight-year-old boy to a seven-year-old, eighty-year-old white man, this change is undoubtedly the exhaustion of his essence and blood. The life span is less than, but in this case, he will die soon!

It can be said that even if the magic boy can leave alive now, he will not live for a few years!

The magic boy's eyes are full of unwillingness and despair! He knew that he was over! If Li Ye doesn't kill him, he will die too! And the death will be miserable!

A deep resentment burst into his eyes!

"Li Ye! If you want to kill, you have to scrape, just listen to it! Your method, don't you think it is against the heavens!"

This is undoubtedly the most ironic when coming from the mouth of the magic boy! But at this moment, he was crazy.

"Is it against the heavens? If this is the case, your Blood Demon Sect would have been destroyed by the Scourge!"

Scourge? If there is a damnation! Li Ye will not have any fear! On the contrary, Ordinary Scourge is just a tonic for tempering his physical body in front of him!

The magic boy was unable to refute, after all, the people who died in his hands for so many years could not even remember him. Some of the small sects, weak aristocratic families, and those geniuses who were destroyed by him were how similar to him at the moment before he died? It's just that he, who once stood to dominate everything, now has the same position as those who have been killed by him.

Heaven cycle, Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years! It's not that you don't report, but the time has not come!

"Good! Good! Good! Winner or loser, I have nothing to say! But..."

Suddenly, a terrible cold light burst into the Demon Boy's eyes, and the whole person appeared in front of Li Ye almost instantaneously, his eyes full of hideousness, and a grinning laugh, "But you want me to die! You have to pay a little price!"


Everyone knew what he was going to do when they saw the magic boy appear!

The body's essence and blood are exhausted, and it will not last long! Unless there is an anti-celestial medicine to continue life, but from then on will become a useless person! So at the last moment, the magic boy took the most extreme way of revenge!

Blow up!

The self-detonation of an unparalleled enchanting evildoer second only to the four great arrogances is absolutely terrifying!

But it still couldn't shake the entire ninth world!

But it is also enough to turn a hundred miles around into ruins!

"Are both dead?"

Wu Wen Haoran and others frowned slightly, the devil boy blew himself to death for them, but it was a good thing! Because if you can kill Li Ye together, you will be missing two competitors! Crucially, this matter will not allow them to offend the Blood Demon Sect!

On the platform, at the moment when the magic boy blew himself up, the Saintess of Tianfeng almost fainted, but luckily after so much, she was no longer the wayward lady of Tianfeng Villa back then, and she was holding back the one in her heart. I believe it!

"Young Master will be fine!"

Temujin was actually not too sure, he could only tell himself over and over again.

When all the dust fell, everyone looked towards the place where the magic boy blew up just now, and then each one made a sound of inhalation!

Wu Wenhaoran's pupils contracted sharply! His face showed amazing killing intent!


"Not dead!"

"He didn't die! Could it be a monster! Devil boy who blew himself up in despair, how could he not die at such a close distance?!"

Everyone was stunned! Because Li Ye appeared in front of them.

Although Li Ye was covered in blood at this time, and the whole person was bloody, but the powerful and exuberant blood made everyone know that even if the Devil Boy blew himself up at such close range, he did not kill him!

That is an incredible thing!

Only the old man in black robe did not change his expression from beginning to end.

At this time, Li Ye was actually shocked out of a cold sweat! At that moment, the sudden explosion of the magic boy caught him off guard, and it was too late to avoid it.

"Fortunately, I broke through to the eighth stage of God of Fighting Art ahead of schedule! Otherwise, I will be half disabled if I am not dead this time!"

It is conceivable that a Wushuang enchanting evildoer who can challenge ordinary lower emperors blew himself up in despair! Even strong people like the next emperor dare not resist directly!

It is almost visible to the naked eye that the wounds on Li Ye's body are healing, and even seeing everyone have a dreamlike illusion!

Terrible physical recovery ability! Although the cultivator is above the mortal, this kind of exaggerated healing is still unprecedented!

Seeing that Li Ye was not dead, Heavenly Phoenix Saint and Temuzhen were greatly relieved!

But a pair of eyes fell on the old man in black robe!

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