Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2437: Refining the magic boy


The magic boy was shocked! In the next moment, I felt a peculiar force coming back with the **** mist he turned into!

"Since you want to **** blood, let you see what is the real devouring blood!"

Li Ye's voice was still that soft, but it sounded like a death knell in Motong's ears!

For an instant, he felt the blood in his body boil uncontrollably, as if it was about to steam from the body, turning it into the most primitive and pure source of power, leaving him!

"Do not!"

Feeling the steaming blood in the body, the magic boy roared!

For a long time, only the strong blood demon sect swallowed the blood of others, but no one can swallow the blood of the strong blood demon sect! Even if they are as powerful as the heavenly gates of the spiritual realm, the sea-monsters in the Canghai realm are not afraid of their blood demon sect, but they will not take the initiative to make enemies!

Because no one can resist that kind of power, that kind of demonic temptation that generally makes people degenerate!

In a short period of time, everyone suddenly saw the magic boy rushing into the bleeding fog, his face was frightened, even a little panicked!

"What gave birth?"

The completely different expressions on the front and back of the magic boy made everyone unclear!

But the next moment, they were horrified to see that a hand appeared from the blood mist, a huge blood-red arm, and they immediately caught the demon boy who wanted to escape, and pulled it again. Into the blood mist!

The whole process was too fast, everyone did not react!

Even the black-robed old man made a slight eyelid twitch, because even he couldn't see what happened in the bleeding fog. ??

"Do not!"

A roar came from the blood mist, but the expressions of everyone were extremely shocked!

Because of those roars with desperate voices, no matter how they heard it, they were all from the mouth of the magic boy! Not Lee Ye!

"What's going on inside?"

"Is the Demon Boy defeated? No, in that **** fog, the people of the Blood Demon Sect are absolutely invincible! Unless you break away or directly defeat the Demon Boy, it is impossible for the Demon Boy to suffer."

For the Blood Demon Sect, the only thing everyone knows is that they want to defeat the powerhouse of the Blood Demon Sect, or they are crushed with absolute strength! Either avoid the blood fog of the opponent, and then look for opportunities.

As for fighting the blood demon sect in the blood mist, that is the most idiotic way! Even if the strength is stronger than the opponent, he will be sucked up by the opponent in a short time and die!

There were roars in the blood mist, followed by screams of despair! That kind of voice, with unwillingness, panic, unbelievable and so on!

Someone wanted to go in and take a look, but looking at the blood mist, they hesitated and did not move.

At this moment, in the blood mist, the whole demon boy completely changed.

The appearance of a seven or eight-year-old boy has long since disappeared, and he has become a middle-aged man in his forties, with a look of horror and despair at the same time!

"No! Impossible! How could you devour my blood! This is impossible!"

This person is the Demon Boy, but too much blood flowed through his body, which suddenly made him unable to maintain the appearance of such a young child, and he was aging at an extremely fast rate!

I only saw the whole body around him, as if a bright red blood mist appeared from his body, and then gathered in one place, forming a fist-sized blood drop!

After the blood bead swallowed a lot of the demon boy's essence and blood, not only did it not become larger, but smaller and smaller, but the bright luster was getting brighter and brighter! At the same time exuding a stream of incomparable pure blood!

If anyone sees it at this time, he will definitely be surprised! Because the blood qi contained in such a small blood bead, once swallowed by some powerhouses who are approaching the end of life, it is enough to prolong life! Even a small sip for a mortal is enough to live a hundred years, without any disease!

Compared with those spirit medicines and grasses born from the essence of heaven and earth, the blood bead in front of you is formed from the blood of the essence of a strong man. You can imagine how terrible it is!

You know, how many people's blood essence has been swallowed by the magic boy over the years! In addition to his own, enough blood in his body is equivalent to a panacea for prolonging life!

"No! No! This boy doesn't believe it!"

The magic boy is struggling frantically, wanting to break free and even take back all his lost blood!

But a terrible devouring force made him unable to move. Even in front of that force, he felt that he was so small, not only the blood of those who had been swallowed by him, but also his own were being refined. come out.

Finally, the whole body of the devil boy was like a seven-year-old and eighty-year-old, pale white, wrinkles all over his body, and his whole body was dying, and it seemed that he might die at any time.

At this moment, let alone struggling, he didn't even have the strength to speak, and his eyes were full of death and despair.


A huge force blasted him out, and finally the blood mist around him gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked horrified!

"Is that the magic boy?"

Seeing the almost dead old man with pale white wrinkles, many people couldn't help taking a breath!

At the same time, Li Ye's figure flashed, and it seemed that there was no damage at all, but a blood-red bead appeared in his hand!

"Blood Yuanzhu, this thing is more precious than some emperor-level elixir! It's a pity that it hurts heaven and harmony."

The blood-red beads in his hand looked unremarkable, but who would know that it was almost 90% of the whole body essence of a half-emperor peak powerhouse!

Just such a blood pearl, abolished a half-emperor peak powerhouse!

But just such a blood pearl is definitely a rare treasure for alchemists! Nothing else, Li Ye knew, one of the most important medicines that could prolong the life of Emperor Wu, was the blood element beads!

Although there are other alternatives, it is clear that the difficulty of starting is undoubtedly that the blood element is easier! The only thing that makes people hesitate is that the refinement of the blood elemental beads is very inhumane! Ordinary alchemists rarely do that!

If it hadn't been for this time that Devil Boy wanted to devour his blood essence first, Li Ye would not have done such a cruel thing.

As for the Devil Boy, at this time it is faltering, and the whole person will be dead as a companion.

"Who are you... on earth?"

Winner and loser, now the magic boy also knows that his life will not be long, although Li Ye has not completely sucked him up, but now he, even if no one does it, can't live long! Unless he is renewed with the Heaven-defying Immortal Medicine or a half-emperor voluntarily sacrifices it for him to swallow.


Li Ye's expression is very strange. From the beginning, when everyone was afraid of the Devil Boy, he had never been afraid!

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