Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2436: Swallowing Blood Mist

Gu Yueyi coldly snorted, although the devil boy turned into a **** fog that was terrifying, but for a person of his level, it was not a big threat, enough to resist that devouring force. (〔

Of course, they did not dare to confront the Devil Boy head-on, and even their group of people who were watching the battle were affected. One can imagine how terrifying it would be if they confronted the Devil Boy head-on.

There are some magic weapons on them, and there are few things that can withstand such terrible monsters. Once they are entangled, the consequences are unpredictable.

"It's starting! The blood mist ** that the Blood Demon Sect is best at!"

"I heard that for countless years, the strong men who died under the blood demon sect's weird technique eventually became a human being. Among them, there are some terrifying figures who are noble kings and even half emperors, but they still can't escape!"

"Finally, it is rumored that more than four thousand five hundred years ago, a martial emperor fell in this **** fog. At that time, it caused a big enough sensation! Directly forced several powerful ancient sects to join forces against the blood demon. Zong put pressure on it, and finally let the Blood Demon Sect be silent for a long time, otherwise, I really don't know if the current situation in the world will be under the control of the Blood Demon Sect."

While everyone was amazed, Li Ye was as if he was stained red with blood in the void.

However, it was not that he was injured, but from every pore and every cell, he felt swallowed by a powerful suction force, which was like being drained wildly, enough to make a person In less than half a stick of incense, the king was completely transformed into a lifeless corpse.

"Curious special technique!"

Feeling the restlessness of the blood in his body, Li Ye did not rush to make a move.

Regarding the Blood Demon Sect, he only heard something from other populations. The reason why he remembered it was that the blood demon sect's technique was actually quite close to a blood clan's talent ability!

Devour the blood! The blood clan almost summoned the root of the genocide!

Of course the Blood Demon Sect is not a blood race! Li Ye had already judged the moment when he saw the devil boy transformed into a **** mist in the sky.

"This Blood Demon Sect, although it is not a blood clan, it should have obtained some of the remaining blood clan techniques!"

Feeling the power frantically trying to take the blood from him, Li Ye suddenly showed a smile on his face.

Everyone didn't understand why Li Ye could still laugh at this time. Even if the four great arrogances fell into this position, they could only force a **** path with an invincible posture, and even severely damage the body of the devil boy! Force him to give up.

"Are you scared?"

Some people can't help but wonder, you know, as time goes by, even the Emperor Wu can't ignore the flow of his own blood!

Of course, with the current strength of the magic boy, it is very difficult to shake the blood in the Wuhuang body. But under Emperor Wu, almost can't resist!

Even the four great arrogances! Will not work!

"Brother Haoran, if it were you, how sure is it that you can break the trick of Devil Boy?"

Gu Yueyu looked directly at Wu Wen Haoran, as the four great arrogances, his strength is recognized!

Haizi and the others also looked over, after all, they had no bottom in their hearts.

"Blood fog**! It's just a side door, it's not easy to break him? If the devil boy falls into my hands, he will definitely make him understand what is evil!"

Wu Wen Haoran hadn't spoken yet, but Haizi snorted coldly on the other side!

As the son of the Sea Emperor, although he is not a pure human, he has always advertised himself as a respectable man! For the Blood Demon Sect, naturally it is extremely spurned! And in the entire Lower Nine Regions, the Sea-Monster clan happens to be one of the inheritances that are not afraid of the Blood Demon Sect!

After all, if the Blood Demon Sect is against the sky, will it still dare to go to the Canghai Territory to find the Sea-Monster clan trouble?

"Naturally, Haizi is not afraid, but Li Ye, this little beast, shouldn't last long. I want to see how he will be arrogant by then!"

The old hatred and the new hatred made Gu Yue's expression a little sordid.

As for the others, they squinted and waited for the result.

When the sky turned completely bright red, everyone's eyes were shocked!

"Blood fog**, the magic boy has actually cultivated to this level, it seems that his **** tongue has reached the level of **** tongue in the rumors!"

Bloody tongue! Many people took a deep breath!

"Impossible? The Demon Boy is only more than two hundred years old now. The Bloody Tongue Transformation is the highest level of the Blood Demon Sect. For countless years, there are only two people who have successfully cultivated! One of them is the blood demon, the ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect. Emperor! The other person is the descendant of the Blood Demon Emperor and the great-grandson of the Blood Demon Emperor!"

"Blood tongue turns into the sky! Isn't that even Emperor Wu falls into it and will be drained of blood?"

After all, the exclamation sounded one after another. After all, the most daunting part of the Blood Demon Sect was the weird technique of devouring the blood of others, and among them, once cultivated to a very high level, it was known as the invincible existence of Emperor Lian Wu , Can't escape!

Even Wu Wen Haoran frowned slightly, although he was confident that he could kill the Devil Boy, but seeing Devil Boy's current strength, he also slightly hesitated! Of course, he is naturally not afraid of the Blood Demon Sect, and some of his hole cards are enough to make him look down on the entire Lower Nine Realms!

His world is destined to be in the Upper Three Realms!

"Hahaha! Li Ye! Your terrifying bloodline will eventually become the thing in this boy's pocket!"

That was the arrogant laughter of the Devil Boy. It can even be said that he is confident that even if he is now facing Wu Wen Haoran and other peerless talents, he has a three or four points chance of winning, let alone facing an ordinary genius in the Star Sea Territory?

Only soon, he felt something was wrong.

"What's the matter? Why can't I absorb any trace of this kid's blood?"

Gradually, the magic boy realized that something was wrong, because under the blood fog, even the Emperor Wu could not always maintain his blood and blood! It's just that the more powerful a person is, the more he can slow down the draining of his blood, and at the same time, with absolute invincibility, he can forcibly break the blood mist!

But now, there is no movement in the blood mist, but no matter what the magic boy does, he can't feel the fresh blood flowing into his body!

"This boy doesn't believe me, how long can you hold on!"


The blood mist turned into a sea of ​​blood! Even everyone saw that the entire ninth world was almost overwhelmed!

Wu Wen Haoran and the others moved away one by one, at least for the time being, they didn't want to be affected by this blood mist.

Only the black-robed old man could not get close to that piece of blood mist at all, hundreds of meters in front of him, like an absolute field, blocking the approach of that piece of blood mist.

"This is the trump card you are proud of?"

Suddenly, a voice came into the ears of the Demon Boy, the sound was very soft, but it shocked the Demon Boy whole body!

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