Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2435: Blood Demon Sect

When everyone saw it, they showed a strange look. ([〔>

Especially Gu Yueyu and Haizi, they all showed a sneer when they saw that the magic boy would choose Li Ye as his opponent.

They know the terrible magic boy!

"The devil boy actually found that kid!"

"It seems that the kid is going to suffer, even if he doesn't die, he will have to hurt his muscles and bones!"

From the last era to the present, the magic boy is indeed a difficult character! Even if there are four great arrogances overwhelming everyone, they are peerless, but they are somewhat afraid of the magic boy!

The black robe old man didn't intervene, and he didn't even seem to care about it all.

However, on the platform, Heavenly Phoenix Saint and Temujin both changed their colors! During this period of time, they also knew some of the geniuses in the Lower Nine Regions that were not easy to provoke.

Among them, the magic boy is one of them!

"No! This person heard that even the four great arrogances are jealous, and they don't want to be enemies directly!"

"Young Master will definitely blow him up!"

Unlike other people's concerns, Li Ye had a natural look.

A horrible and cold breath enveloped him, and at the same time, he could feel it, like a tarsal maggot, which could penetrate his body, as if to invade his body!

"What a yin and evil breath!"

Although Yunteng Da6 usually spurned some evil ways, some sects themselves took this path. The origin of the magic boy is one of the powerful ancient inheritances of both good and evil.

"It looks like the magic boy wants to **** up the blood of this kid to strengthen himself!"

On the Jiuzhong Peak, some geniuses who have already lost the opportunity to go to the upper three realms are watching everything born in the ninth world. Even if they can’t go up, they can see the collision between these top monsters. It is also an insight for them! Once they had an epiphany, even if they could not go to the upper three realms, it would greatly promote their future martial arts.

"Magic boy, I heard that in the past 100 years, dozens of people have been brutally attacked by him, and any one of them is a powerful man with a reputation, or a genius with powerful talent and evil!"

"Yes, almost all of those people were drained by the magic boy, and all the essence and blood were swallowed by the magic boy! It also made the magic boy stronger and stronger! Even I heard that Wang Kui, one of the four great arrogances, I once wanted to make an appointment with the Demon Boy, but then it stopped. I don't know if it is not sure of victory or for other reasons.

In the eyes of everyone, the horror of the Devil Boy is not much lower than the four great arrogances! Even above Tianyangzi and other evildoers.

At this time, the magic boy was not in a hurry to take action, as if he was looking at his prey. In his eyes, the repeated coldness turned into a terrible gust of weather, enough to make an ordinary powerful king unable to raise any resistance. Thoughts.

Even the people who watched this battle from a distance seemed to feel that the powerful evil power that even people and souls would be swallowed spread throughout their bodies.

"Your luck is not good."

The magic boy sneered.

"Why do you say that?" Li Ye smiled slightly. Although he had heard the terrible rumors of Devil Boy, he was calmer than ordinary people thought.

Seeing Li Ye unmoved, the magic boy's pupils closed slightly, but soon he began to laugh strangely, "It's very simple, because you will realize that sometimes, death is actually a happy thing."

As he said, sticking out his tongue, licking his lips, and taking a closer look, the bright color like blood, exuding a strange light!

"Blood tongue!"

Someone exclaimed!

"That's the blood tongue? The magic tongue rumored to be able to drink all the blood?"

"Blood Demon Tongue! Refining your own tongue as a container for devouring the blood of others! That is to say, the inhuman and ghostly monsters of the Blood Demon Sect can only imagine it!"

"Hush! Don't die! The Blood Demon Sect is the top sect in the Lower Nine Realms, and even the fifth-grade sect does not dare to provoke it. It is rumored that after a fifth-grade sect once provokes the whole sect, except for the Emperor Wu After escaping, all became the fertilizer of the blood demon sect powerhouse, and they were drained of blood!"

Talking about the Blood Demon Sect, many people suddenly showed an angry and scared look.

"That kid is going to be over! Being stared at by the blood demon sect, few people can escape! What's more, it is a demon boy! He is a genius in the blood demon sect that is known as a rare encounter in a thousand years, and he has cultivated the blood demon tongue to the limit. The rumors even if Emperor Wu falls into his hands, it will be hard to escape!"

"Blood Demon Tongue, the brighter the color, the more powerful! Looking at the color of the Blood Demon Tongue in the mouth of the Demon Boy, at least it is close to the realm of Dzogchen. There are only a handful of people in the entire Blood Demon Sect who have cultivated to this point!"

Some geniuses who knew about the Blood Demon Sect shook their heads one after another. If they were spotted by the Demon Boy, their only idea was to turn around and run! Return to the sect to seek refuge.

Even if the Blood Demon Sect was against the sky, a fifth-rank sect was destroyed, but there are still some ancient inheritances in the Lower Nine Regions that can restrict it.

However, here, the sect behind it is strong, and it has no effect!

This is an ancient holy land outside the lower nine realms! The necessary place to go to the Upper Three Realms.

"Boy, do you feel like you are dead, or let me **** your blood and die?"

Don't look at the devil boy's victory, but he didn't rush to do it!

Before Li Ye had a confrontation with Haizi, he had seen it in his eyes. Unless he was a really mindless idiot, he knew that someone who could make the Son of the Sea King suffer was definitely not so easy to deal with.

"This kid is powerful and powerful, but facing my **** tongue, it won't have any effect! With his blood and essence, once it can be used for me, it will be enough for me to challenge the four great arrogances! Step into the martial emperor! realm!"

The reason why he chose Li Ye, the magic boy is not simply to kill!

There were only a few people left in the Ninth Heaven and Earth. Li Ye was the one he felt best to deal with. The key was that he thought he could restrain Li Ye's powerful body!

The sound has not disappeared, but the magic boy has disappeared in the sight of everyone.

"Let's do it!"

Sure enough, everyone saw the void instantly turned into a bright red blood red, as if it had been dyed red by blood! At the same time, even those who look at all of this from a distance feel that their own blood seems to be out of control, wanting to escape from the body!

"No! Go back!"

With a roar, many people stepped back! At the same time, I was even more horrified!

"Blood Demon Sect! Nourish the blood with blood! Incarnate as a Gorefiend! As expected! If you are an ordinary strong, you will be like fertilizer in front of the Blood Demon Sect! In a short time, you will be sucked up and die!"

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