Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2431: dominate

Who is the old man in black robe?

No matter what identity he is, he is aiming at his invincible terrifying strength, and killing the top geniuses of the Nine Realms with every gesture is like a cat, a cat, and a dog, enough to shock everyone!

The point is that even the Lingzi Yuhai didn't let the black robe old man show his admiration just now, let alone accept a disciple. {(

Wang Kui showed hesitation, while Xiao Qing's eyes were thoughtful.

Seeing the two people hesitate, the black-robed old man did not urge, but he still said, "You two don't need to continue fighting, you can enter the door directly. If you don't worship the old man as a teacher, the old man does not insist."

It is hard to find the strong in the world, but it is also hard to find the descendants of geniuses.

Obviously, the black robe old man is cherishing his talent!

It's just that Wang Kui and Xiao Qing both have a history of teaching. Even if Yunteng Da6 worships the stronger as a teacher, it is not counted as deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestor.

"Senior! Forgive the younger generation for the hardship!"

Wang Kui shook his head, but the old man in the black robe was not surprised, and stopped talking, looking at Xiao Qing.

"Senior, juniors already have teachers."

The two refused one after another, which was unexpected and unexpected. The old man in black robe nodded and waved his hand, and the two of them appeared in front of the portal of the platform in an instant.

This time, they didn't fight each other, and Wang Kui stepped into disappearance. But Xiao Qing turned his head and glanced at Li Ye from a distance, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything and stepped in.

When the two disappeared into the portal, everyone recovered.

"Senior! Why can they enter at the same time!"

Just now you have to kill an opponent to qualify! But at the same time let them both! Even Li Ye had an anger in his eyes! You know, if this were not the case, how would Yun Qiantian's character choose to blew himself up?

"What the old man means is the rules!"

In a short sentence, everyone closed their mouths instantly.

At the same time, I realized that here, it is the black-robed old man who rules everything, not them.

"Hey, senior, why don't you accept me as a disciple and let me go to the Upper Three Realms?"

At this moment, a frivolous laughter caused the rest of the people to frown, turning their heads to look, but it was Zuo Yujie who had always been unable to see through even Li Ye. There is not much awe on his face, on the contrary there is a strange smile on his face.

The black-robed old man's eyes condensed, and for an instant everyone seemed to feel the terrible roar of the sky, like a whole world suppressed!

Wu Wen Haoran and the others were struggling, showing a look of horror, but Zuo Yujie's expression remained the same, still smiling.

"The one from that door?" No one could hear the black robe old man, and he immediately waved his hand and moved Zuo Yujie to the platform portal.

"Haha! Thank you senior, then!"

With a chuckle, Zuo Yujie stepped directly into the door. From beginning to end, everyone did not even react to what happened!

Even Li Ye, who had known him for a long time, was stunned.

Almost yelled, is this okay?

"Senior, what are you?!"

The others just feel unwilling! You said Xiao Qing and Wang Kui might be because of their superior strength, they can understand! Even the old man in black robe loves talent! But what was that kid just now?

The old man in the black robe didn't say a word, but the powerful deterrent force was still there. Even if they were dissatisfied, they could only admit their fate! Who will let the strong decide everything in this world? Here, the black-robed old man means master!

"Amitabha, the monks don't like to fight and kill, I don't know if seniors can let it go."

With the sound of the Buddha's horn, the illusion stepped out of the sky, surrounded by golden Buddha light on his body, as if the Buddha came to the world, full of holiness and compassion, as if he was an eminent monk.

Seeing that it was him, everyone's eyes condensed.

This time, the old man in the black robe remained silent for a long time. Upon closer inspection, the old man in the black robe had his eyes firmly fixed on the illusion, and there was an unprecedented flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Amitabha, I don't know what seniors want?"

The phantom expression remained unchanged, with a faint smile like the smile of the Buddha loving the world.

"Son of Dadao, pure body! Unbelievable!"

Suddenly, the black-robed old man exclaimed. Although his tone was still very flat, he undoubtedly had a better understanding of the origin of Kong Huan than before. Because of this, he frowned slightly.

Empty phantom smiled without speaking, looking unpredictable.

"The road to the future is at your feet. One thought becomes a Buddha and one thought becomes a devil, all in the heart."

"Thank you for the warning from the senior, the junior will keep it in mind."

"Go ahead."

When the black-robed old man waved his hand, Konghuan appeared in front of the portal of the huge platform. From beginning to end, the conversation between them was completely confusing.

But everyone with a discerning eye can see that compared to Xiao Qing, Wang Kui, the old man in the black robe pays far more attention to empty fantasy!

"What is the origin of this person!"

A terrifying edge flashed in Wu Wen Haoran's eyes! Because gradually, some of his existing things have begun to get out of his control!

All of a sudden, five people stepped into the door, which also made the rest of the people's hearts hot!

"This senior, it seems that there are no absolute rules. Anyone can enter the upper three realms as long as he wants!"

Several exceptions have made Li Ye interested in this old man in black robe!

"Hee hee, senior, I wonder if I can let the slaves pass?"

Suddenly, Fairy Qianye stepped out, like a fairy wandering through the mortal world, but like a witch in the abyss, with strong temptation in her charm.

But as soon as she appeared, her face suddenly changed!


The horrible suppression fell from the sky, and Fairy Qianye suddenly took up the smile of the country and the city, the original black show turned into silver in an instant!

"Snow Girl Bloodline."

Seeing Fairy Qianye suddenly turned into three thousand silver threads, everyone exclaimed slightly!

A saying that only exists in the rumors suddenly appeared in their minds!

The force of suppression just now was the handwriting of the old man in the black robe, and he didn't see him at this time, his eyes turned into a terrible suppression of Ju Yue, and he immediately suppressed Fairy Qianye!

"Senior is merciful!"

Wu Wen Haoran shouted, and quickly shot! But then his expression changed, because he felt a supremely powerful force pushing him out.

Everyone saw that the Fairy Qianye who had provoked countless talents of the Nine Realms to rush to worship under the pomegranate skirt, was now pale, with a trace of bright red hanging from the corner of his mouth, and the original silver wire was restored to a black show again.

"Thank you seniors for being merciful."

Fairy Qianye didn't dare to be angry at this time, and even thanked him with affection. At that moment, she even felt the arrival of death!

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