Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2432: Surprise

With a flash of body shape, Fairy Qianye has already reached the platform, without the charm that charmed the common people just now, and stepped into the portal with a pilgrimage-like posture.

Successive people successfully entered the portal, making the rest of the people look eager.

"This senior seems to do whatever he wants! No rules at all!"

Now everyone can see that what the old man in black robes said at first was to be willful. If he wants to enter the portal on the platform, he can nod his head!

But then, there were a few geniuses who wanted to pass directly, but the black-robed old man flicked his sleeves and spurted blood and flew back.

"I'm coming!"

With a violent shout, Temujin directly incarnates into the body of a giant spirit, just like an ancient giant stepping out, and the earth trembles at that moment.

"One of the ancient bloodlines of the Giant Spirit Race bloodline."

However, the old man in the black robe just flicked and threw Temujin onto the platform. Everyone was stunned. This clearly allowed him to pass.

Before anyone else could react, the old man in black robe waved the scroll once again, and everyone saw that Saint Heavenly Phoenix was also standing on the platform.

At this time, the people who stayed suddenly refused to accept it!

"Senior! Why can they go straight up!"

A genius who refuses to accept it! Among them, Haizi's eyes flashed crazily with a terrifying edge! You know, he is hailed as one of the closest to the four great arrogances, even if he suffered a loss in Li Ye's hands before, he never made him feel that he was defeated!

At this moment, he stepped straight out! The tone is even more questioning!

"The blood of the ancients, falling in the Lower Nine Regions is completely dusty, and their world is more than that."

In a short sentence, everyone closed their mouths instantly.

"Senior, the younger generation doesn't understand this! That Temujin is of ancient blood, but why is that woman OK?"

The others also nodded one after another. Although they did not dare to resist the old man in black robe, they were not reconciled to treat it so unfairly!

"Stupid! Can't tell even the ancient bloodlines! Extremely stupid!"


Under doubt, the old man in the black robe was slightly angry! With a smooth wave, he immediately saw that Haizi didn't even have a trace of resistance, and he spurted blood and flew out. In an instant, the trident of the **** of Shanghai flew out of his body, the **** soldier is alive, this is to protect the lord!

"Poseidon Trident?" The black robe old man frowned slightly, but the next more terrifying power even suppressed the Poseidon Trident!

At this moment, Haizi closed his mouth directly. He knew that in front of the black robe old man, he couldn't afford any storm at all.

The rest of the people exclaimed.

"Ancient bloodline? It's an ancient bloodline again?!"

A line of eyes revealed horror! After all, they all knew that Tiemu really had the blood of the ancients, and they didn't expect Heavenly Phoenix Saint to be too! The key is that both of them are from Xinghai Region! Coupled with the previously unknown Kong Huan and Zuo Yujie, who have always been regarded as the weakest Star Sea Region by them, have so many enchanted generations born?

On the platform, Tie Muzhen and Heavenly Phoenix Saint did not step into the door, but instead looked at Li Ye through numerous obstacles.

Tianyangzi smiled slightly. From the results of Tie Muzhen and the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, he could see the attitude of the old man in the black robe. Although the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was also of ancient blood, he was surprised, but at this time he was indeed the most contented. one person.

Sure enough, the old man in the black robe didn't say much to him. He waved his hand and sent him to the platform.

"Two Taoists, why don't they go together?"

Tianyangzi is proud, even in his heart, the four great arrogances are his goals to surpass. Because of the advantage of own blood! In the future, he can almost accomplish something in the upper three realms.

There are not a few people who can make him eye-catching! But now, he took the initiative to send out invitations to Temujin and Heavenly Phoenix.

"These two people are of ancient blood. If you have a good relationship with them, it will be of great use!"

Tianyangzi's plan is very good, Temujin was stunned, he thought he could conquer it with a little effort! Since then, there is one more powerful thug! As for the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, the same bloodline of ancient times is his ideal companion!

Unfortunately, his idea was perfect, but he miscalculated an exception.

"I'm only with the young master!"

Temujin Silk is unceremonious and flatly refuses! As for Saint Tianfeng, she didn't even bother him! A pair of beautiful eyes stared at a figure from a distance.

This made Tianyangzi's face suddenly gloomy! However, he controlled it well, drawing a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, and said, "If this is the case, then take a step ahead. When the two daoists reach the upper three realms, you can think about it again!"

Without waiting for a response, he turned around and stepped into the door.

Wu Wen Haoran's eyes sank. As one of the four great arrogances known as the first, he now carries a trace of anger in his heart!

But he hides it well, always on the surface like spring breeze.

"Senior, can juniors worship seniors as teachers?"

Compared with other people, Wu Wenhao is scheming, the power of the old man in black robe is obvious! Even the smarter can see that the origin of the black robe old man is definitely not simple! Although they are all peaks in the Lower Nine Regions, they are the pride of heaven. But when it comes to the Upper Three Realms, everything will come from the beginning! Wang Kui and Xiao Qing's refusal was simply ignorance in his opinion!

"Huh! Two idiots, this person is so powerful, and his status is not low in the first three definitions. If I can worship him as a springboard, I can give me time to practice. After the wings are full, the world is so big, it is nothing but responsibility I am vertical."

I have to say that the rest are naturally inferior to Wu Wenhaoran on scheming! And the best thing in the spiritual realm Tianmen is to control the situation!

He has a confident look. With his talent and strength, he can definitely be favored by the old man in black robe! After all, Wang Kui and Xiao Qing can arouse the love and talent of the old man in black robe, and he cannot possibly fail to do it!

But for a long time, there was no movement.

The old man in the black robe didn't change his expression, he didn't even glance at him.



Not to mention Wu Wenhaoran himself, even other people can't understand it! And this was Wu Wenhaoran's initiative. Compared with the old man in the black robe who took the initiative to take Xiao Qing and Wang Kui, Wu Wenhaoran was willing to defect, but why was he indifferent?

"Senior, junior..."

"You are not qualified to be an old man's disciple."


Everyone took a breath!

The old man in black robe gave such an evaluation! It's amazing!

And Wu Wen Haoran himself was flushed with redness, and was as proud as him, no matter how good his self-control and cultivation were, he couldn't control it at this moment!

"Senior's words, juniors don't understand!"

"You don't need to understand."

No need to understand! It is almost equal to severing all hope of Wu Wen Haoran! The point is, no one understands why there is such a big gap! Even Xiao Qing and Wang Kui could qualify, why didn't Wu Wenhaoran?

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