Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2430: Invincible evildoer

When everyone saw it, their faces changed slightly. <〔<(?

"Oh? The talent is good, the Taoist heart is solid, and he is a good seed."

The old man in black robe nodded his head in an unprecedented manner. Although his voice was very cold, it was undoubtedly an upset compared to the attitude he had just treated Yuhai Lingzi!

The rest of the people's complexion changed slightly. Although they didn't know the identity of the old man in the black robe, but being able to guard in the Nine Extremes Palace, all fools knew that there was definitely something to come!

"Boy, the identity of this old man is definitely not simple!"

The reminder of Emperor Tianjian made Li Ye very strange, but he nodded silently.

"Xiao Qing! You have to think clearly!"

It is Xiao Qing who can make the old man in black robe nod and praise! But the opponent he chose, let everyone unexpected!

There was a trace of anger on Wang Kui's face! He did not expect that Xiao Qing would take the initiative to challenge him! After all, as one of Tianjiao, he has always only had the power to choose his opponent, but no one has dared to challenge him!

"Hahaha! Wang Kui! Don't say you are afraid! Lao Tzu is different from those who persuade you, pick a weaker to show your strength! Since you want to fight, find a strong one!"

These words made many people feel embarrassed.

After all, the first reaction of almost everyone just now was to look for a confident opponent. Like Yuhai Lingzi choosing Yun Qiantian, he just wants the best possible chance of winning!

Only Xiao Qing, at this time, is going upstream and directly challenging Wang Kui who is stronger than him!

"You are looking for death! Don't think you are that person's disciple, I dare not kill you!"

"Hahaha! Don't chirp over there, fight or not?"

Compared with Wang Kui, Xiao Qing is so proud! Even the fighting spirit on his body took advantage of the trend, and even climbed to an extremely terrifying level!

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

As a Tianjiao, Wang Kui naturally has his own pride! Being challenged by the name and surname, if he refuses to fight, it will not only damage his name, but also leave a shadow on his Dao heart! In the future, it is likely to attract the devil at some important moment!

Wang Kui, one of the four great arrogances, Xiao Qing, the unparalleled madman and enchanting!

This confrontation is undoubtedly more eye-catching than Yuhai Lingzi and Yun Qiantian just now!

Even the old man in the black robe narrowed his eyes!

"Who will win?"

Someone asked.

"It's hard to tell, but Wang Kui has a better chance of winning! After all, being a Tianjiao is not touted."

"Not necessarily, Xiao Qing has never failed since his debut! How many geniuses did not put him in the eyes at the beginning, but was defeated by him in the end!"

Someone who knew Xiao Qing's origins suddenly shook his head.

"Hmph, even so, it is impossible to defeat Wang Kui! It can only be said that the opponents he encountered before are too weak! But this time is different. Wang Kuinai is one of the tianjiao, and there are few in the entire lower nine regions. The one who can defeat him appears!"

Everyone had different opinions, but it was obvious that more people believed that Wang Kui had won.

This battle is almost more terrifying than the one just now!

When the two sides shot, it was stars, sun and moon, especially Wang Kui, who easily grabbed a mountain range and turned it into a terrifying weapon!

"These two people are terrible!"

"Wang Kui's strength is beyond doubt. Although the Wang family missed such a peerless genius back then, it has to be said that the Wang family's blood is indeed powerful!"

"Not only that, after all, it is the fusion of that person's blood! It is reasonable to have this degree!"

The fight between the two turned the mountains and rivers into ruins, the earth collapsed, and the lake flooded! Fortunately, the entire Ninth Heaven and Earth seemed to have been laid by them from the very beginning, no matter how they were smashed, they would not be able to break the void and defeat it.

"Hahaha! Happy! Happy!"

Deafening laughter burst out in the void, and Xiao Qing was surrounded by divine light! Raising his hand turned into a sun and the moon, hitting an invincible blow!

"Taofa Will!"


There was a faint gasping sound from everyone!

At that moment, the sun and the moon that Xiao Qing had transformed into was clearly Dao Fa will! Because only Daofa will can evolve the sun, moon and stars!

"What kind of Dao Fa will is this?"

I only saw Xiao Qing turning into a mountain and river! It was like lifting up a piece of heaven and earth, and suppressing it towards Wang Kui!

Faced with such a terrible and invincible blow, his face changed drastically as powerful as Wang Kui!

The same sun, moon and stars appeared behind him!

"It's Daofa Will Again!"

In fact, it was not surprising that Wang Kui understood that Dao Fa will, on the contrary, Xiao Qing's strength was far beyond their imagination.

"This is a collision of Daofa will! These two people are too enchanting!"

"I don't know which is strong and weak!"

Li Ye was also watching nervously. When he saw the collision of the two people's will at the same time, he knew that his previous guess was not wrong!

The weakness of the Xinghai region does not mean that the next nine regions are so weak! The geniuses of other heavens also have invincible and terrifying characters!

"These two people, each of them, have the power to kill the pseudo-emperor who swallows the emperor pill but does not even understand the will of Dao Fa!"

Before becoming an emperor, behead the emperor first! How earth-shattering was once in the Xinghai region. But in Li Ye's view, the so-called martial emperor strength of the Star Sea Territory is not a real martial emperor at all!

"Boy, I told you a long time ago, what you met before was just a bunch of trash! The real Martial Emperor is far beyond your imagination! Of course, your so-called Master and Brother have good potential, if they were born in the Upper Three Realms. , Perhaps even higher achievements, especially your brother, if he was born in some ancient sects of the Upper Three Realms, he might even hit the realm of the Great Emperor!"

If Heaven Sword Great Emperor can give such an evaluation, it is obvious that Jian Chen and Ye Wuming's talents are not weak.

Everyone dared not presumptuously assert, which one of the two can win!

In fact, this terrible collision between evildoers and genius is far beyond their imagination!

have equal shares!

No one took any advantage!

"Too strong! Xiao Qing has always been hiding himself!"

I don't know who exclaimed.

Among them, Tianyangzi, Gu Yueyu and others have the most ugly faces! Because they are also said to be able to challenge the existence of the four great arrogances, and they are also proud of it! But now, seeing Xiao Qing and Wang Kui's battle makes their faces extremely solemn!

"Regardless of the outcome, how do you choose?"

Both of them were frowning at the moment. Although they each have some hole cards that are useless to show, they will not be exposed if they are less than a last resort!

The old man in the black robe also spoke suddenly.

"You two, are you willing to follow the old man as a teacher?"

Apprentice? Everyone showed incredible expressions.

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