Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2429: Yun Qiantian blew himself up (15 more!)

The hero ends, although Yun Qiantian is not a hero! But when he saw his whole person being grabbed by Yuhai Lingzi's neck and lifted in the air, like a dead dog, the whole scene became a little quiet. ????????. ?ranen`

Especially the people coming from Xinghai Region.

The people caught are not themselves, but they seem to feel the contempt of other heavens towards the Star Sea!


Yuhai Lingzi did not immediately kill Yun Qiantian, he was still slightly afraid of Li Ye, always on guard!

Just now, his confidence was lost all at once, and he was afraid that Li Ye would intervene again.

But this time, Li Ye didn't make a move!

"Why not save him?"

Although Tianfeng Saintess didn't like Yun Qiantian's domineering and conceited, she still couldn't help showing her compassion at this time.

"This is his own choice! Even if he died in battle, he would die in the hands of someone stronger than himself in a proud posture!"

Li Ye did not explain, but Xiao Qing said in a deep voice!

This is the case in the world of martial arts! The weak eat the strong! Only the stronger can set foot on a higher peak! The weak will always only have to be stepped under their feet!

Sure enough, there was no need for Yuhai Lingzi to do anything, Yun Qiantian suddenly shouted and swiped it!

Everyone thought he was going to fight for the last time, but they didn't expect the ray of light to point straight to Li Ye's direction!

"Li Ye!"

That one roared with unwillingness, regret, and even relief!


No one thought that Yun Qiantian blew himself up!

"No! Go back!"

Everyone was shocked! Almost at the same time opened the distance, flashing away!

However, the nearest Yuhai Lingzi was shocked, and found that he was madly caught by Yun Qiantian. Although he broke free in an instant, he said that it was too late and that time, Yun Qiantian's soul detonated directly! With his level of cultivation and self-explosion of the soul, the power generated by Wu Huang dare not touch it easily!

Everyone appeared in a far place one by one, and it could be seen that in an instant, all the mountains and rivers of the earth disappeared, leaving only a piece of nothingness.

Li Ye also trembled fiercely, a half-emperor strong blew himself up, comparable to a small nuclear bomb in the world he was in in his previous life! There is nothing worse than it is! It is conceivable that in this world, what a terrible disaster can be brought about by standing among those peak existences and their gestures.

"The Dragon Tooth Gun..."

At the final moment, Yun Qiantian directly threw the Dragon Tooth Spear in his hand! It fell into Li Ye's hands.

No one understands what Yun Qiantian thought at the last moment in his life, but Longya Gun! Mid-level imperial weapon! Even the enchanting Tianjiao of the big heavens who look down on the Star Sea Territory, when they saw it, they showed a horrible edge!

The middle-grade imperial weapon is definitely not comparable to the lower-grade imperial weapon! And it is also a middle-grade imperial weapon with extremely powerful attacking ability! Refined from Jiaolong Fang! Compared with the ordinary middle-grade imperial weapon, it is even better.

"He will actually hand you the Dragon Tooth Spear passed down by the Yun Family at the end."

The Saintess of Tianfeng and others naturally knew the entanglement between Li Ye and Yun Qiantian, so their expressions became so strange.

However, no one cares about this now. Everyone's eyes are swept through that piece of nothingness and turned into terrible spiritual thoughts!

Soon, their expressions changed.

"The body of topaz! It really deserves its reputation!"

I don't know who exclaimed, and when I took a closer look, Yuhai Lingzi was still alive after the blew that was almost the end of Yun Qiantian.

But at this time, it was covered with blood, and even the body of the topaz, which was known as indestructible, was full of cracks and even broken in many places!

Seeing this scene, Li Ye's heart moved slightly, "This topaz body is not a truly invincible defense, but to break it requires absolute power beyond the topaz body's endurance!"

Comparing the two, it was difficult for Li Ye to judge whether the Topaz Body was stronger or his God of War Art was stronger.

"Smelly boy, you know what a fart! That topaz body is just a kind of inferior physique, far incomparable with the God of Fighting Art you practiced. Although this emperor doesn't know where you got it, The physique of the God of Fighting Art in your body is absolutely beyond imagination! This emperor has not seen a powerful physique comparable to it for countless years!"

In fact, Li Ye himself could see that although Yuhai Lingzi was invincible as a topaz body, ordinary people were amazed by his incapable defense, but he missed a little!

"The body of topaz, once activated, it will become a living target! And it is impossible to use the magic weapon!"

On the side, a voice came out, it was Zuo Yujie.

Among the people, he can be regarded as the most low-key one, even so low-key that people can't help but forget it.

"Regardless of whether there are weaknesses, at least, unless the lower nine realms are strong like the middle emperor, it will be difficult to defeat his topaz body."

Xiao Qing shook his head. Even if he felt the topaz body was extremely harsh, he couldn't help but sighed.

At this point, Zuo Yujie spread his hands and did not deny it.

"Hahaha! I want to die with me! I'm looking for death!"

Yuhai Lingzi, who came alive from the self-destruction, completely let go of everything at this time, and laughed up to the sky. Although he spewed a few mouthfuls of blood immediately, he seemed quite excited!

At this moment, the old man in black robe who didn't know when he disappeared just now appeared again.


Seeing the black robe old man, Yuhai Lingzi's eyes were full of expectation! As for the others, they frowned slightly.

"Yes, being able to kill one person shows that you are qualified to enter the upper three realms."

However, the exclamation and appreciation that Yuhai Lingzi expected did not appear on the face of the old man in the black robe, and even looked from beginning to end, his expression did not change.

"Senior, I..."

The old man in the black robe nodded slightly, then waved his hand, and the next moment Yuhai Lingzi disappeared from the crowd! Waiting to appear is already in front of the portal!

Everyone's pupils shrank slightly! Although the old man in black robes easily killed those stubborn geniuses to see how powerful he was, at this time, the exposure of this hand made many people feel a sense of fear!

Leaving aside Yuhai Lingzi, although he was seriously injured now, he stepped into the door and disappeared without hesitation!

Regarding Yuhai Lingzi, the old man in black robe didn't take a second look from start to finish, his gaze turned towards the rest of the people.

"Who else wants to go in?"

The voice was cold without any emotion, but intentionally or unconsciously, his eyes would stay a little longer on the Four Great Tianjiao and other people.

"I come!"

With a low drink, a figure broke out with a terrifying edge!


My hands are shaking, 15 more! Since memory, it seems that there have never been so many outbreaks!

But don’t worry, today is not over yet! There is more at the back!

Lord, is there! ?

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